Crazy cat Lady
It was litterally five minutes to closing when a lady, and I use that term loosely, came up to input and knocked on the counter loudly like an asshat. Seriously, I was less than three feet away. AwesomePharm and I exchange a look, because sometimes, you just know how something is going to go.

Crazy cat-lady: SC
AwesomePharm: is awesome of course!
I go up to the window.
Me: How can I help you?
SC: I need to refill some prescriptions. I put them in a few days ago and the lady at the register says they are no THERE!
Me: What's your name ma'am?
SC: It's for my kitty-cat, *she litterally said that*. His name is Sprinkles. *the cat's real name*
Me: Ma'am, the last time you called in these scripts was three weeks ago and by NYS law, we have to return all scripts to stock after ten days or we can be charged with fraud. *I find giving the entire explanation upfront can save you usually from a full on customer explosion* I can put them in to be refilled, and they will be ready first thing tomarrow.
Me: *sighs* Ma'am, it is now 9pm and we are closed. The scripts will be ready for you tomarrow.
SC: *cue customer explosion with the whole slapping the counter thing and everything* MY CAT IS 17 YEARS OLD AND DIABETIC!! IF I DO NOT GET HIM HIS MEDICINES TONIGT HE'LL DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ... ... ... *mentally thinking, then why didn't you get them three weeks ago?* I am sorry ma'am, but we are closed.
AwesomePharm: Reirei, just fill them so she will shut the hell up.
Me: Okay ma'am, give me five minutes... *closes the window and we watch as she paces back and forth in front of the pharmacy occasionally staring in at us as I fill and AwesomePharm finalizes the cat's $200 worth of diabetic prescriptions. The clerk rings her out and is about to close the register widow when Crazy cat lady pops her head under it*
SC: Now I need you to do my prescriptions.
Me, AwesomePharm, and Clerk:

AwesomePharm: Well you can call them into the automated system. Goodnight ma'am. *closes the window*
Why is it people think that we are their property? We are entittled to leave when we are scheduled to just like them.
Grandma of the phone of horror
Me: Thank you for calling Blank Pharmacy, this is Reirei, how may I help you??
SC: *In a very loud little old lady voice that only little old lady's have* I am looking for a massager!
Me: Okay ma'am, *begins to go into all the different ones we have and the price ranges and the like until she interupts me*
SC: That's not what I ment!! I want a PERSONAL massager for LADY'S!
Me: *is utterly horrified and so can not stop self from saying* Huh what?
Me: * in a horrified timid little girl voice* No ma'am, we do not.
SC: Well where can I get one??
Me: ... ... ... A sex shop? *hangs up in a hurry*
Co-Worker: Is what I think just happened, just happen?
