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Ps3 + Wii

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  • Ps3 + Wii

    Ok so i was very supries sunday at the customer reactions. I went in expecting people to be diving down our throats that we didnt have PS3's......not demanding to get a Wii.

    one such conversation held between my fellow associate and a customer on the phone

    J: co-worker
    SC: u know who

    J: hi home electronics J speaking.
    SC: Hi I have my Wii pre-order can i come and pick it up today?
    J: no sorry this is the PS3 launch day. The Wii is on sunday.
    SC: well cant i just come and pick it up now? im sure you recieved it.
    J: we have but we cant sell them until sunday
    SC: why cant i just get it? you have it and i have it pre-ordered.
    J: because that would be illigal ma'am......

    In the midst of all the Wii crazies and the fewe PS3 crazies I had an amusing one today.

    Customer: I have the pre-order. Is there anything special going on for Wii launch day?
    Me: nope just come on in and we will give you your Wii.
    Customer: what happens if there are lines of people waiting outside for one?
    Me: I guess you can walk in laughing because you have yours pre-ordered and they arent getting one.

    she had a good laugh at that ^^
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    The target near me, I'm heading there in a bit and staying overnight to get a wii. I think I have a good chance as there are no lines there(checked earlier) and they didn't do preorders. They're getting 120 of them. I hope I don't end up as a victim in one of these news stories. I'm doing it for my boyfriend for christmas and he made me promise him I wouldn't be going today. Oops... Luck is what I need.


    • #3
      I have a question pertaining to this topic...I asked it on another board and no one answered hopefully you might know the answer

      I have no interest myself in buying a PS3 but I was curious so I was looking over the prices people are getting for the PS3 on Ebay and IMO it's ridiculous

      They are getting from $1500-2000 and more for a system that will sell for $600 when they come out

      So I have a question...What's to stop stores that sell these systems to create fake deposit slips(you need to have a pic of your deposit slip to sell a PS3 or Wii on prove you will have one to sell) and sell most of their stock on Ebay themselves?

      It must bug the heck out of these stores being forced to sell these systems for $600 and make whatever profit they make when they could very easily sell them online and probably make more than $1500 in pure profit on each one

      I can't believe some of these stores don't pull a few aside and do just that...the temptation must be incredible but if they do are they violating any laws?


      • #4
        So I have a question...What's to stop stores that sell these systems to create fake deposit slips(you need to have a pic of your deposit slip to sell a PS3 or Wii on prove you will have one to sell) and sell most of their stock on Ebay themselves?
        Other than the fear of being found out and risking a backlash from customers and the manufacturer, probably nothing.

        In fact, I'm pretty sure some dishonest managers somewhere are doing exactly what you described.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          yah im pretty sure people have though of it and im sure they can do it but....

          If they are found out can you imagine the outrage and such? Of course how would it be fair if stores figured out how to make decent money :P o noes!!
          Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


          • #6
            Anyhow, I have heard the EB games was cancelling the pre-orders on those people who bought a PS# pre-sale and then listed it on ebay. Ebay's policy required a seller to post a picture of their pre-sale receipt in the auction.

            As far as I'm concerned, EB games has no right to tell anybody what they can and cannot do with their PS3 after they buy it, and no right to cancel anybody's order if they think the unit will be sold on ebay. Because that's the way every retailer works: they buy merchandise from a supplier, they mark it up, and they sell it in their stores.

            So why is it okay for them to make a profit on the PS3 but nobody else can?
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              In fact, I'm pretty sure some dishonest managers somewhere are doing exactly what you described.
              Not PS3 related, but dishonest manager related. When I worked at RadioShack, we got in some very small RC cars called Zip Zaps. The first year, they were extremely hot toys. We, as a company, sold so many of them, there was a shortage, and then the dock workers went on strike (2002 I believe), so we had shipments just sitting out there in the Pacific Ocean, just waiting to get to the stores.

              Many store managers and associates ended up buying as many as they could, and sold them on ebay for a very nice profit. The record in my store, if I can remember, was a $20 RC car selling for $300.

              But hey, it's not illegal for an employee to buy something and then put it up for sale.
              Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

              "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


              • #8
                Quoth Knightmare View Post

                But hey, it's not illegal for an employee to buy something and then put it up for sale.
                It's certainly not illegal, but if you signed a non-compete/confidentiality agreement as a condition of working, that may breach your employee contract and get you fired. Or, as is more likely in retail, if you're an at-will employee, buying something at the store and re-selling it online may violate an employee handbook (the de facto employment contract) or it may piss off management enough that they'll fire you anyway.

                A friend of mine at an antique store where we worked was fired for selling musical instruments on Ebay (the store sold musical instruments). The bosses viewed this as violating the employee contract.


                • #9
                  Quoth steviededalus View Post
                  It's certainly not illegal, but if you signed a non-compete/confidentiality agreement as a condition of working, that may breach your employee contract and get you fired. Or, as is more likely in retail, if you're an at-will employee, buying something at the store and re-selling it online may violate an employee handbook (the de facto employment contract) or it may piss off management enough that they'll fire you anyway.

                  A friend of mine at an antique store where we worked was fired for selling musical instruments on Ebay (the store sold musical instruments). The bosses viewed this as violating the employee contract.

                  I think so long as you don't steal the item in question I see no problem with reselling it for a profit on ebay.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                    Anyhow, I have heard the EB games was cancelling the pre-orders on those people who bought a PS# pre-sale and then listed it on ebay. Ebay's policy required a seller to post a picture of their pre-sale receipt in the auction.

                    As far as I'm concerned, EB games has no right to tell anybody what they can and cannot do with their PS3 after they buy it, and no right to cancel anybody's order if they think the unit will be sold on ebay. Because that's the way every retailer works: they buy merchandise from a supplier, they mark it up, and they sell it in their stores.
                    Sure they do, EB has this disclaimer "No dealers" for pre-orders. As soon as you turn around and re-sell it, that makes you a dealer and EB can cancel your pre-order.

                    Once you have the unit in your hands, that a different story.
                    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                    • #11
                      The store itself wouldn't be able to keep the system off the shelf and sell it on ebay, their contract with nintendo and sony most likely has a minimum and a maximum price that the system can be sold at (thats why you don't see target selling them for a grand on opening day, the manufactures won't let them).

                      The manager/employee of the store is a different story. There may be contracts detailing what can and can't be done (both by manufacture and employer).

                      Also, don't think for a minute that all of these ebay listings closing for crazy high amounts are actually going to get paid. Look at the ratings of the buyers, you will see alot of 0's 1's and other low numbers. I've got a feeling that alot of people who waited for days to get one to sale are going to get stuck with a system that they can only sell for a small amount over what they paid for it. Holy shit I just went to ebay and searched on PS3 and some of the prices that the buy it nows are at are crazy.
                      My Karma ran over your dogma.


                      • #12
                        While I'd never pay those exorbitant prices at Ebay...I can see some people with more dollars than sense who don't want to stand outside the store in the rain and cold on opening day being willing to fork out insane amounts of cash for a system

                        I've even heard that the prices(at Ebay) if anything will be going much higher by Christmas...some even suggesting it will sell for around $4 to 5000


                        I was just looking up the prices on finished auctions and last week the system peaked at around $2000 to $2500 but now sellers are lucky if they can get $1000

                        I did see a completely crazy auction where the seller had the system and all 11 games and supposedly sold it for $20000 but the buyer had ZERO feedback...good luck collecting the money

                        There are a few sellers trying to rip people off by selling things like a nifty EMAIL ADDRESS like and by putting up a zillion pics of the system they were hoping the buyers wouldn't notice they weren't bidding on the system itself...the buyers aren't being fooled though

                        BTW The Wii systems are only going for up to triple the cost in the store...with the most selling for $500 or so


                        • #13
                          I heard EB was firing employees who were selling the systems (pre-orders) on eBay before the release date . . .

                          A co-worker of mine was able to pre-order a Wii and was able to pick up on Sunday. Lucky for me, he brought it in today and the crew was able to go back and play with it (when the store is empty, of course). It's pretty fun, very innovative. I almost want a Wii over a PS3.
                          This area is left blank for a reason.


                          • #14
                            most folks I know have gotten their ps3s and wiis with no problem down this way.
                            I love my customers to death, the problem is they aren't dying quick enough.

