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myjourney into hell today

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  • myjourney into hell today

    well today was a rollercoaster ride for me. it was crazy bad and ok through-out the day. let start off in the beginning.

    1.i dont have a car and have to take public trans. well, i missed my bus to get to work early, so i was 20 mins late, but no one notice.(whenever i call, the mangers barley seem to care that you actually callin to say that you late)

    2. after a couple of hrs it got busy, people all over the place. when there are alot of people they ask questions. which leads me to point 3 and 4

    3. i work in apparel in a sports and outdoors store. i been there 2 goin on 3 months now. i figured out where stuff is by now. so when people ask me questions and describe something. my first response is me or womens. lets see how it used
    m- me
    BR- broken record of a customer

    br- escuse me, where can i get a shirt that has a collar
    m-(you could have said polo)mens or womens?
    br- i need it in red like the shirt your wearing?
    m- yes we have that, mens or womens
    br- do you have shirts like that?
    m-....yes, do you want a mens sized polo or a womens sized polo?
    br- o womens.

    4. like i said i work at a sports and outdoors store, so i was somewhat stupified by the following question.
    m- me still losing fatih in humanity
    C- customer that doesnt know where to look for stuff

    C- do yall sell Ipods here?
    M- no.. but we do have some other brands

    note- to her credit, we do sell some mp3 players, they are alright but not if your looking for a real mp3 player.
    note - to her discredit, we have a wal-mart next door and a best buy across the street

    5. people that always seem to find the clothes that dont have prices tags on them, then the cashier calls and might give you a description thats good most of the time or like today call for a pair of wranglers prices and just described them as wranglers and mens. we sell 8 different styles of wranglers. we have hard demiem soft,light, dark, cowboy cut, boot cut, regualr, relexed, etc. then the people decided they didnt want it anymore b/c they had to wait i guess. that happened to me like 4 times. i start lookin then i get canceled for it. owell.

    at least im not working on black friday.