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The Internuts Are Loose Again!

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  • The Internuts Are Loose Again!

    Alot of times when an order goes sideways at our company and becomes masterfully fubared 99.99% of the time it's an internet order. Placed by some utter moron with absolutely no idea how things like the internet work and no doublechecking editing skillz.

    I just got yelled at by some lady that put in the wrong delivery zip code, ignored the pop ups telling her that the zip code did not match the city name she put in. The big problem with this is when she transposed the numbers it routed the delivery to a town 275 miles away. So to make a long story shorter the florist did not do the delivery, they called us to tell us that the zip code was wrong for their area and that the place of delivery was far, far away. We called the sender and let her know due to a mistake on her part in entering the addy on the internet that her order could not be delivered and we were canceling and refunding.

    Guess who called me to yell at me about what she claims is my company's fuck up? The sender, the same moron that entered the wrong info in the first place. She had the nerve to tell me she would never do business again with us because we were so completely incompetent. I pointed out to her that she put the wrong info in and she still says that it our fault.

    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    I hate people like that...I really hate people like that.


    • #3
      Of course madam it must have been our fault, my brain-enahncing helmet and runes were at the cleaners today.

      Idiot customers >_<


      • #4
        I can understand making a mistake, but don't blame me for your stupidity!
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          Oh, yes, Ms SC, it is totally our fault for forcing you to type your own ZIP code incorrectly.

          And then, when the popup popped up to tell you that it didn't match, we again forced you to say it was really ok.


          I can't stand people who won't accept personal responsibility for their own screw ups.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

