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wrong dates, no brains

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  • wrong dates, no brains

    This one happened awhile ago, prolly the first year I worked in this hotel. I have been here over 7 years. It was a doosey & I just remembered it.

    We were completely booked. Yes, this means I am not "holding a room". None, zero, zilch rooms left for the day. A couple gentlemen come in...

    SC: Hi, we have a reservation. It's under (lastname).
    Me: Okay... (oh shit! We are booked & this guy claims to have a reservation!)
    SC: Yeah we have our reservation for the 18th (tonight was the 17th), which is today, and are here to checkin.
    Me: Your reservation is for tomorrow? (I look it up, yes it is) I see it, but we are booked up completely tonight or else we could change the reservation.
    SC: WHAT!?!?! OUR RESERVATION IS FOR THE 18TH, IT'S 308AM and today is now the 18th! OUR ROOM IS FOR TODAY!
    Me: Techincally you would have had to have had your reservation starting for the 17th...(interrupts)
    SC: I can't believe you don't have our room! We made the reservation & we are here! We demand our room!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!

    (At this point I keep trying to explain to them that yes, techincally, today is the 18th, but in order to have a room for 308am they would have had to made the reservation for the night of the 17th. It was a never-ending venture. They were pissed, and yet so so so so very stupid.

    Little did I know this was only the beginning of stupidity I would see.
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

  • #2
    Wow, talk about dumb. Any, normal, idiot knows that check in times at hotels is usually after noon.
    "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


    • #3
      Most hotels I've gone to you can't even check in until the afternoon. Sometimes you can't get in until 3pm. So I would have expect to get in at 3am.
      Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

      Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
      Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


      • #4
        I think the guy totally knew he couldn't check in at 3:08am on his reservation date. He was being an a$$. When ever I have ever made an hotel reservation, I have always been informed of the check in and check out times.

        I will be willing to bet anything, that when he booked he really wanted the 17th but was told they were full, he rolls in at 3am hoping against hope that there was a cancellation or an early checkout, or that he would be able to find another room else where for the first night of his stay.

        I have taken that gamble once before and lost. When I was trying to make my reservations was there was an enormous Lutheren Youth convention happening in San Antonio, that we didn't find out about until we got there. (when I say enormous, that isn't an exaggeration 5000 kids and their handlers )

        Every hotel from 60 miles north of San Antonio to very near the border was booked solid. We spent the first night of our stay in our car.


        • #5
          That is really stupid... even though, yeah, it WAS the 18th... that would mean that when you stay in a hotel, you would have to pay for two days if you wanted to sleep there overnight. I'm sure everyone would looove that idea (well the hotels would anyway).
          "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


          • #6
            technically they were there on the NIGHT of the 17th, being that the sun hadn't risen on the 18th yet, so since the day hasn't STARTED...

            helpful thing to point out...


            • #7
              Quoth WhiteRose View Post
              technically they were there on the NIGHT of the 17th, being that the sun hadn't risen on the 18th yet, so since the day hasn't STARTED...

              helpful thing to point out...
              I remember mentioning specifically that. These guys weren't having it. THEY were in the right, and I was wrong. Little did they know...they were stupid!
              When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

