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You can't hang out in our Lobby

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  • You can't hang out in our Lobby

    The other night this guy came to the E.R. for high blood pressure. They brought his blood pressure down, and discharged him. Instead of leaving he walks into the E.R. Staff Lounge (clearly marked) and refused to leave. So the E.R. called me, he left and then went into the E.R. Lobby and demanded a Supervisor.

    It took quite awhile for a Supervisor to show up and by that time the guy was happily sleeping in our Lobby. When the Supervisor showed up he tried to get her to admit him, claiming they brought his blood pressure down too fast. The Supervisor refused, and asked the guy if he was going to leave. He claimed he had no way home and wanted the hospital to pay for a cab ride for him. The Supervisor refused (we don't pay for rides), and he demanded to speak with someone in Patient Relations or Human Resources. The Supervisor told him she was the only one there, and that he had one hour to leave.

    So an hour later he's still in the Lobby, sleeping. I went out woke him up and told him he needed to be leaving. He claimed it hadn't been exactly an hour, I told him according to my watch it had been, and he needed to leave. So he asked what time the buses started running. I told him I didn't know. He claimed he was sick and wasn't going out in the cold to wait. (It's the middle of June in Ohio, not December in Alaska) I told him he'd been in our Lobby for plenty of time at that point, and it was time to leave. (He was there for a total of 2 1/2 to 3 hours including the time it took for the Supervisor to arrive, and him to talk to her)

    He grumbled about it and dragged his feet but eventually left.

  • #2
    Why wasn't security called?


    • #3
      I think boringscreenname IS security.
      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        Yeah, I am Security. I was in favor of kicking him out after he spoke to the Supervisor, but she said to give him an hour since there was no one else in the Lobby.

