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Sometimes I wish I could be honest...(language)

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  • Sometimes I wish I could be honest...(language)

    I work in a state that has this price law thing.. where everything has to be priced... and god help you if there is a difference between the sticker and what it scans. I also work for a retailer that is detested by many in this state even though those that hate us still shop... here..

    I also am an overnight cashier and at my store we price freight as well... I love my company but management is a whole other story.

    So enough with the back story... on to the entertainment...

    We sell it, we do not make it

    So it is almost time for lunch... yay 1 hour of quiet time... when in storms this kid maybe 18ish and who I am assuming is his mother.

    M= me
    DF= Man-child
    DFM= the mother?
    MG=Manager *MG is my fav as she kicks as while being sooooo sweet*

    M- Welcome to *store* how can I help you?

    DF- Yeah I want to exchange this piece of shit that I bought here. *slaps down a wireless ear piece for the xbpx 360 with a big red clearance tag*

    M- Im sorry that you had problems with it. I see that it was on clearance so I am going to have to ask my manager if I can do a refund or an exchange. *clearance items we do not normally take back*

    DF- I called here and they said they would do it! You sold me a piece of shit and I want it fixed. I talked to a guy in electronics and he said that you would.

    M- Let me call back to electronics and talk to the associate back there. We might not have anymore as it was on clearance which normally means we are not carrying it anymore.

    * I call back to electronics and the gentleman that works there over nights says yeah 2nd shift said a guy was bringing in a controller... I tell him it is a wireless ear piece that was clearance and am informed we don't have anymore... oh joy*

    M- I am sorry for the wait sir.. but I am sorry there was some misscommunication as our over night associete was told that you were bring in a controller and we do not have any more of these wireless headsets.

    MG- Sir is there a problem?

    DF- Yeah I want to exchange this broken crap you sold me and when I called I was told over the phone that you would. Now this bitch tells me that you dont have any and the dumbass that I talked to heard me wrong.

    MG- Sir there is no call for that language. Let me see if another store might have one.

    DFM- He spends thousands in here on your electronics and you sell him crap that doesnt work and when he wants you to make it right you fuck that up.

    MG- it looks like X and Y store have them still

    DF- *goes off like a bomb* I have spent over 6000 to almost 10000 on shit here and you sell shit that doesn't work. Why do you dumb fucks sell shit that is broken now you tell me that you fucking wont honor what the guy told me.

    MG- *cuts him off* Sir! we want to help you... we can refund your money and you can go to X or Y and buy another one. But you blowing up isn't going to help you.

    DF &DFM- Well then why the fuck do you sell shit that doesn't work.

    M- Sir we do not make items for the Xbox. that is Microsoft. We sell items that Microsoft makes and have no control over their QA of their goods. I am sorry that you got an item that is faulty. But in all honest yelling at me isnt going to make Microsoft build better products.

    DF- *blinks* I have spent thousands here and you dont know how frustrating it is to buy crap that doesn't work!

    M-*starts to do the return* Yes sir I do know... I own all three gaming systems... But that is why I said that if you want to complain about a Microsoft item not functioning then you want to call their CS number. We only sell the items we do not make them. They come sealed so there is no way we can test them... unless you want to pay full price for a used item. *hands him his money*

    DF- You should still not sell shit that fucking doesnt work. Thanks for nothing bitch.

    DFM- with all the money he spends here you should be more accommodating.

    I turn to a customer that has been waiting.

    M- I am sorry for the wait sir... how can I help you.

    NC- No need to apologize for a dumb fucking kid that needs his ass kick for being a dickwad.*he said this loud enough that I am sure that they heard him as they stomped out*

    I went on to help him... I liked him he gets a cookie... but after all that hell i went to lunch.. only 20min late...

    I will be posting more about this week a little later.. after reliving that SC while typing I need a drink...

  • #2
    Quoth Kimmik View Post
    DF- *goes off like a bomb* I have spent over 6000 to almost 10000 on shit here and you sell shit that doesn't work.
    The amount of money this guy spends is over 9000!
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      Quoth Kimmik View Post
      DF- *goes off like a bomb* I have spent over 6000¢ to almost 10000¢ on shit here

      Actually, wait.

      Quoth Kimmik View Post
      DF- *goes off like a bomb* I have spent over 6000ZWL to almost 10000ZWL on shit here
      Last edited by Crab; 06-21-2009, 10:07 AM.


      • #4
        Thanks for nothing. For nothing. Funny, I thought they were getting a refund, which is usually not done on clearance items. This guy just wanted to vent his frustrations in an ass-hat way and direct it towards someone who can't fight back. Coward. Grrr.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth Kimmik View Post
          DF &DFM- Well then why the fuck do you sell shit that doesn't work.
          Why the hell do you think it's on CLEARANCE, you asshole?
          I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


          • #6
            Quoth Mr Hero View Post
            The amount of money this guy spends is over 9000!
            Vegeta, what does the Scouter say about his Ego Level?

            What a maroon. It was really nice of you to do the return on a clearance item, at all. I know stores where he would've been out of luck from the get-go.

            Also, this 18-year-old has thousands of dollars he can afford to spend on video games? Or is that his mommy's money? I somehow can't picture him, y'know, earning that cash himself- certainly not in retail!


            • #7
              The FIRST time me called you a bitch....that transaction shouldve been OVER (for you anyway). Its BS that you had to be there for the rest of it.

              And his momma shoulda washed his mouth out with soap. Dumb biatch.


              • #8
                Quoth 4love View Post
                Vegeta, what does the Scouter say about his Ego Level?
                Vegeta is looking down at his scouter which lies on the ground in small pieces.....
                Bark like a chicken!


                • #9
                  Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                  This guy just wanted to vent his frustrations in an ass-hat way and direct it towards someone who can't fight back. Coward. Grrr.
                  And we all have Mrs Helicopter to thank for that. His mother needs a remedial course in child-rearing, and the man-child could use a remedial course in behaving like he's older than 12.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Yet again a reminder of why I love tending bar and why I don't work in retail. At the bar, I could shut this little shit down very quickly without getting in trouble.

                    Actually, come to think of it, if he was only 18, I could simply tell him he couldn't be at the bar. Of course, his mother would undoubtedly tell me that we are losing thousands of dollars by not letting him drink at the bar....ignoring the fact that that would be highly illegal.

                    Of course, those of you in retail DO get a guaranteed wage. Unlike some of my "better" customers. Like the guys who gave me a $1.85 tip on a $58.15 tab. Or the family yesterday that gave me five bucks on their $87 bill Yeah, I look forward to their return.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      So let me see if I have this straight...

                      * he purchased a non refundable clearance item
                      * said item was claimed to be faulty (what was the fault with it BTW?)
                      * he abused the staff at the store
                      * he bought his mummy along to back him up in the abuse
                      * he actually GOT his refund despite it being against your policy
                      * continued to abuse staff

                      And he is still walking the earth, Why????

                      I agree with Amina516, the minute he started abusing me, I would have turfed his ass out the store.
                      "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                      "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                      "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                      -Jasper Fforde

