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Bar Scam

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  • Bar Scam

    Hi, Ive been reading this for years and never really felt the need to add my own, but then I got reminded of Terry [surname withheld to protect the asshat]

    I worked at a local pub for a while for about enough money to fend off starvation and luckily I was forewarned about the local scammer. He only tried me once:

    Cast: Me, T, Local drunks.

    T: pint of carling (hands me a fiver)
    Me: (pours, holds five in left hand resting on till, hands pint then change to T) carling, and your change £x.xx (i forget)
    T: Hey! I gave you a tenner! (Local Drunks nearby go quiet, occasional chuckle)
    Me: (Slowly, Theatrically bring fiver in left hand up to my face, examine it) Are you sure Terry?
    T: Yeah! (Locals see which way this is heading, all turn to look at Terry rather than me, chuckling louder)
    Me: Absolutly sure? 'Cos I gotta say, this tenner of yours looks suspiciously like a fiver to me
    T: You...
    Me: (Interrupting)Look! It even says five right there!
    (Terry walks off, muttering)
    Me: (calling after him) And I coulda sworn this picture is Elizabeth Fry! doesnt she only appear on the five? Terry? Terry!

    Very smug of me, but I reckon he deserved every word

    Not allowed a signature yet, but when Im allowed one it'll be:

    The customer is always right! Which is a shame, as my gun pulls to the left
    The customer is always right! Which is a shame, as my gun pulls to the left

  • #2
    Inspired. A friend who works in a pub got so sick of people trying that scam that she always holds on to the notes. But she's never shamed them so well...
    Saying I'm "turning down a sale" and thinking I give an airborne fornication – GUILTY – Irving Patrick Freleigh


    • #3
      I should be honest, i'd been told about him the day before he came in, I had my response planned.
      The customer is always right! Which is a shame, as my gun pulls to the left


      • #4
        The main defense to that scam, if time allows, is to count up the till and see if it's off. Now in this case you still had the note, even better, but otherwise a count would have shown if the till was balanced or $5 over.

        Oh and I love your soon to be sig.
        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


        • #5
          Holding on to the note is awesome because it's instant pwnage, having the till counted would be great because it wastes their oh-so-valuable time. Except the latter also wastes your honestly-valuable time, and the time of whoever's counting. Oh well.

          Never had anyone try that with me- yet. Then again, I usually announce... $x.xx out of $10, etc.


          • #6
            At the Hobby Store, we'd usually leave any and all paper money a custoemr handed us on the top of the till - in plain sight of the customer - so if they tried that sort of stunt, we'd just point and say "that's what you handed me."
            "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

            RIP Plaidman.


            • #7
              Love the (soon to be) signature!

              Looking forward to more!
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8

                And I've got to agree with everyone... awesome sig-to-be
                "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

