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“Non-student” auditing the writing center & Visitor Parking is reserved

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  • “Non-student” auditing the writing center & Visitor Parking is reserved

    Sucky female customer (SFM) drives up to the booth window. I open it to assist her.

    Me: “Hi, how may I help you?”
    SFM: “I’m here to audit the writing center, & I was told I could park here”
    *She was on her phone when she drove up*
    Me: “I’m so sorry, but the garage is reserved, & I can’t let anyone park”
    SFM: *Now has an attitude & she tells the person she was speaking to that she was told she cannot park”
    “Well…I was told I could park in the garage”
    Me: “I’m sorry, but the only available spot is already reserved for another guest, & so I cannot let anyone park.”
    SFM: *continues to have an attitude*
    “Well...they said I have a reserved spot. They said they reserved a spot for me.”
    Me: “I’m sorry, but they have to call x7218” *the parking office*
    SFM: “Can you call that number?”

    I get the information from her, & I call the parking office. “Nancy” (not her real name) answers the phone. I give her the information, & she tells me the writing center did not reserve a spot for anyone. I tell the sucky female customer with an attitude the bad news. I also tell her according to my manager, the lot is reserved, & I cannot let anyone park.

    SFM: “I want to speak to your manager

    So I call the parking office…again. “Nancy” answers the phone. I tell her the customer wants to speak to my manager.

    The sucky female customer tells “Nancy” the following…

    • She is not a student *this is important to remember*
    • She is going to the writing center
    • She is an auditor
    • She was told by the writing center she could park here
    • She parks here all the time

    “Nancy” looked up the information, & told her there is not a reservation for anyone going to the writing center. The sucky female customer with an attitude argued with her when she was told there was not a reserved spot for anyone going to the writing center & that she has to find other parking. She told “Nancy” “I will charge the writing office for my parking.” “Nancy” ends the conversation. The sucky female customer with an attitude asks me to raise the gate so she can exit. So I do that. “Nancy” told me to get her license plate number as she is exiting. I repeat it to her twice. She calls me back & tells me the customer is a student.
    Last edited by snugglegirl05; 06-25-2009, 11:07 PM.

  • #2
    oh my god! All that lying just for a parking space?!!! Seriously??? Sometimes I had a 20 minute walk across campus in pouring rain, sub-zero temperatures, or swealtering heat to get where I was going. I never tried to bully the parking attendants in the garages! What a selfish self-important lying snob!

