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Hitting my head against a brick wall...(long, as always)

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  • Hitting my head against a brick wall...(long, as always)

    I'm told it feels good when you stop, but that doesn't help when the stupidity never ends and there's always another reason to

    A general round up. I go weeks without posting, and these are very very much the minority of the people I deal with. Most are nice. Most have common sense. Most are very satisfying to help, and then there are...

    Just a small celebration....

    My least favourite customer is being deported.

    And it couldn't happen to a nicer woman

    She has cemented her position as worst customer ever by getting hold of the home number of an ex-worker here to call her for advice. (Ex-worker just told her to come in properly, but we have made it quite clear to the manager that if she tracks us down we'll raise hell. And we did get to give her a warning about it).

    How did she get into this mess ?

    Well - it's not that easy. Mostly the government is pretty slow to keep track of people and it's easy to be illegally in the country. Hard to live decently, but not hard to stay.

    This woman has a job, she's actually getting benefits.

    Due to hugely complex immigration reasons (which would take too long to explain and would be rather to identifying for comfidentiality purposes) with the same paperwork all along she appears to have gone from being here legally to being here illegally.

    No one would ever have noticed. It would take the equivalent of dancing past the home office buildings holding a big sign saying "I'm illegal".

    Or.... applying for a British Passport when you aren't a citizen, and shouldn't even be in the country.

    We don't like this woman, but we'd still do whatever we can to help. It's our job. She's not being deported anywhere horrible, but she's got sweet children at school and if nothing else we feel for them.

    But this woman is so jaw droppingly idiotic even those slight good intentions are wasted.

    She got the notice of deportation in January. 6 months notice. She came in one week before it's carried out. She has actually been here a couple of times since January and not mentioned anything

    My coworker found an immigration solicitor to see her the day before, but they won't be able to help in that time scale (even if something could have been done). Our manager always supports us when we're trying to actually deal with her - but also rolls his eyes and acts as if we're being unreasonable when we complain about her. When asked if she could be booked to see the immigration adviser we know he said "Hell no. I'm not letting the woman near him".

    You might as well just say it.

    Customer has had his electric supply stopped because of possible tampering with the meter. Customer says he has not been charged with this offence (we wouldn't help with that - just the electric supply) but the police did seize other things. The lights that he was running to grow "things".

    I really can't imagine what those things might be

    Baffling and pointless

    Customer "I want to renew my family"

    turned out she wanted to bring them to the UK. So I asked what her immigration status was....

    "I don'tknow. I didn't bring the papers"


    "I should have brought the papers".

    Why yes. Yes you should. I have no idea whether you can bring your family. I'm pretty sure renewing them isn't a good idea though...

    Baffling and sinister

    Customer was nice. Customer's neighbour needs some botany classes I think.

    Customer's neighbour has taken against customers cherry tree. Neighbour has 2 cherry trees of his own, but the customers tree may have looked at him funny, or something. Apparently he's always disliked it.

    So he is accusing the customer of being responsible for the small cherry tree shoots that come up on his lawn.

    Now these may come from the customers tree. Or from the 2 trees next to the lawn. Or from cherry pips from just about anywhere via a helpful animal with a taste for cherries, and no respect for lawns.

    The neighbour however claims that the customer's tree is putting roots down under hislawn and these are coming up as small cherry trees.

    My advice - that there appears to be some confusion with mushrooms

    The customer is getting an arborealist (which I discovered I couldn't say) to confirm this is not the case.

    Victoria J

  • #2
    I'm pretty sure renewing them isn't a good idea though...
    If they're 30 they have to go to Carrousel for Renewal though or the Sandmen will come for them!


    • #3
      Quoth Victoria J View Post
      I have no idea whether you can bring your family. I'm pretty sure renewing them isn't a good idea though...
      Are you quite sure about that? Oh wait, you said re-new not return ... damn.


      • #4

        It doesn't stop.

        Telling the truth

        Landlord trying to force my customer out of her home without following the correct court procedure sent her a letter with the threat :

        "I would like the property to be vacant by XXX, if this doesn't happen I will have to seek illegal advice"

        I think he may already have had some. He certainly hasn't had legal advice. Or even sane advice.

        Thank you

        Thank you so much to the counsellor who told his patient to come in to see us, and gave her our details.

        Perhaps next time, between you and her psychiatrist and her key worker and who ever else, you could help her work out what help she needs before sending her to us for it.

        She came in vibrating with energy and will to make some changes - but had no idea what so ever what she wanted.

        I think there were 2 options. Telling her I couldn't help her because she didn't know what she wanted. Trying to catch at things she said and provide vague advice while explaining the choices she'll need to make for us to actually be able to help her. (And I'm talking major choices like whether she wants to work or is too ill, whether she wants to live with family, independentaly or move half way down the country...)

        The first would have been more sensible. But you could just tell it would have crushed her, and I'm not generally mean. And really not mean to people with depression (which I have also suffered from, though less severely).

        So I half advised her on many many things. Her case write up took me more than 1400 words, and I'm now petitioning my manager to pay me by the word.

        Victoria J


        • #5
          Quoth Victoria J View Post
          So I half advised her on many many things. Her case write up took me more than 1400 words, and I'm now petitioning my manager to pay me by the word.

          Victoria J
          I'm thinking minimum wage.


          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            Quoth crazylegs View Post
            I'm thinking minimum wage.


            Maybe not quite that much, but my Spanish professor friend does translating on the side, and some years clears more on his side job than his regular job. And yes, it does charge per word. He does mostly work for lawyers and instruction manual translations. His rates do change for the difficulty...of the customer.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Quoth Victoria J View Post
              Landlord trying to force my customer out of her home without following the correct court procedure sent her a letter with the threat :

              "I would like the property to be vacant by XXX, if this doesn't happen I will have to seek illegal advice"
              Hey, that must be the same crew that keeps leaving me threatening letters about evicting me. Hell, they sent a notice saying they'd served a 3-day Pay or Quit, when they totally hadn't, and even if they had, they had no grounds for it, so it would have been worthless anyway.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                If they're 30 they have to go to Carrousel for Renewal though or the Sandmen will come for them!
                Run, Logan, Run!
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #9
                  Some trees do send up "sucker plants" that do what was described in "Baffling and Sinister". The main tree I know of that does that though is the Cottonwood tree.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Flygon_Trainer View Post
                    Some trees do send up "sucker plants" that do what was described in "Baffling and Sinister". The main tree I know of that does that though is the Cottonwood tree.
                    True enough - and I did say to the customer that I wasn't able to rule it out. But I don't think cherry trees do that, and I'm pretty sure they do grow saplings from cherries - which 3 trees were dropping on the lawn. But my first thought was definitely fungi (which are amazing with "fairy" rings, and those huge areas where all the mushrooms are really one living thing).

                    Actually I looked it up afterwards and apparently most cherry trees used to grow fruit are artificially grafted...

                    Hopefully the arborealist will sort it out.

                    Victoria J.


                    • #11
                      Dunno if the guy who was growing "things" was one of PowerCorp's customers but just in case:

                      Our revenue protection and court warrant departments say "ha ha"

                      Idiot -_-

                      We get a few like this, usually we're the ones who've spotted the problem during reads or cos of problems with readings. Did he honestly think we woudln't notice that either his meter was not advancing, or was running up thousands of pounds in very short periods of time?

                      Apparently not with the number we see.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Golden Phoenix View Post
                        We get a few like this, usually we're the ones who've spotted the problem during reads or cos of problems with readings. Did he honestly think we woudln't notice that either his meter was not advancing, or was running up thousands of pounds in very short periods of time?

                        Apparently not with the number we see.
                        I'm not sure either applies here. I don't think he did steal electricity - he's being asked to pay for the meter but not for misued energy. I suspect he wanted to steal energy but couldn't figure out how.

                        I think he's a step before the people you see. Very small time. Started to see his electric bills rise, tried to bypass the meter, failed and got caught with a couple of grow lamps and, er, things.

                        Still smarter than the person one of my colleagues saw years back who'd been growing on a balcony overlooking the police station.

                        Victoria J


                        • #13
                          Quoth Victoria J View Post
                          I'm not sure either applies here. I don't think he did steal electricity - he's being asked to pay for the meter but not for misued energy. I suspect he wanted to steal energy but couldn't figure out how.
                          He should have tried to claim the electricity company was living off immoral earnings by him paying them with money he got from selling the produce.

                          Aye, that would never float, but I remember a case a while ago where a brothel madam was up in court for tax evasion, and the taxman wasn't really willing to accept that her job was illegal and therefore not taxable. When it came to court, her lawyers brought out the immoral earnings line and the judge told the taxman to take a hike.

                          Must admit, that's edited heavily by years of rolling around in the memory banks, but the essence is there...



                          • #14
                            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                            When it came to court, her lawyers brought out the immoral earnings line and the judge told the taxman to take a hike.
                            That wouldn't work, here. Even if you profit from illegal means, you still owe taxes on the earnings. There's code and everything for it.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                              That wouldn't work, here. Even if you profit from illegal means, you still owe taxes on the earnings. There's code and everything for it.

                              I think that was what Al Capone was finally caught for wasn't it...?
                              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

