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one of those days (epic + language)

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  • one of those days (epic + language)

    wow, i haven't posted here in ages but this one SC makes me want to rant.

    warning - Epic + language(edited)

    I work in retentions for an energy broker and one of our departments is a call centre that calls people and asks if they wish to use our brokership. (Yeah i know cold calling is not fun).
    As my desk is next to reception I occasionally take incoming calls and redirect them and sometimes they are from people wanting to be taken off our database so that they stop recieving calls.
    This is a relatively standard procedure, we take your name, business name (we only deal with businesses), the address (including postcode - or zip as the americans would call it) and your phone number and require you to say that you are in fact responsible for the phone number and property in question. All of these things are a matter of public record anyway but unless we get these things then we can't take you out of our database. Normally this isn't an issue and the matter is dealt with fast.

    But I wouldn't be posting here if this was a normal issue would I?

    *phone rings*
    Me: Good morning, companyname, how can i help you?
    *sound of phone being slammed down*

    -now normally I would take the number they called me on and after giving them time to calm down ring them back and explain how to get removed from our database but the caller ID said "witheld number". nothing I can do about that, so I just hoped that i'd either hear no more about it or get a less angry phonecall later on.

    20 mins later:
    *phone rings*
    Me: Good morning, companyname, how can i help you?
    Me: You've reached reception, my name is Darkforge, can I take your name please sir?
    SC: NO YOU F£$%ING CAN'T (he likes using that word a lot!) JUST STOP F£$%ING CALLING ME YOU C*NT! (ooh, now he knows 2 swear words).
    Me: Sir, there is no need for that language, now you are calling from a witheld number so can you please give me the number your are recieving calls on sir?
    SC: I'm not giving you my f£$%ing number! now stop calling me you f£$%ing c*nt (he calmed down a little bit).
    Me: In order to know which number not to call we need to know your number sir
    SC: You already f£$%ing called it you f£$%ing c*nt
    Me: Our sales team do contact quite a few numbers every day and the only way of finding out which number you want us to stop calling is to tell me the number you recieved the sales calls on sir.
    SC: So you admit you're f£$%ing cold calling b%$£ards. thats f£$%ing illegal! (no it isn't, its perfectly legal in the UK, and as a business owner the phone number of your business is a matter of public record)
    Me: Sir, I understand that you have been recieving calls and if you wish to be removed from our database i'd be happy to help you (ok, i'm not happy to help, but i'll do it and then i'll be happy to get off the phone andback to my real job).
    SC: you've been f£$%ing harrassing me, you've already f£$%ing called my f£$%ing pub twice and I want it to f£$%ing stop you c*nt! (its a pub, that narrows it down-not!)
    background voice: hey name, calm down. (His name is name! woot!)
    SC I'm not gonna f£$%ing calm down now f£$%ing stop calling me!
    *slams phone down*

    ok, so now I have a name and a pub, and that he was called twice, not much but I have this feeling that this won't be the last i'll hear so I diligently go over to the call centre and ask around for anyone who remembers calling a pub twice and if they talked to angry name and I find out the sum total of nothing which is unsurprising as the call centre staff make several hundred phone calls a day.

    I go back to my desk and save the call recordings (all our calls are recorded by default and when you ring us a little recorded message tells you that "calls may be recorded for training and verification purposes" before we pick up) as well as make copious notes with times on.

    Just as i'm about to start working again:
    SC: obscenities
    Me: can i has your details?
    SC: no, more obscenities
    *slams phone down*

    -rinse and repeat 2 more full times over the day-

    -then it gets interesting:

    Me: Good morning, companyname, how can i help you?
    SC's wife (SCW): Hi, i believe my husband phoned here earlier on a bit of a rant and i'd just like to apologise (awesome!). he gets riled up when someone tries to sell him things over the phone, so if you could please stop calling it'd be appreciated.
    Me: Of course we can, now you're currently ringing from a withheld number so i can't tell the number you are calling from. Could you please give me the number that you recieved the sales calls from?
    SCW: umm, i don't know, I don't work in the pub, i can find out though.
    Me: ok, well i'll be happy to remove you from our system but i will need the following information: the phone number of the business, the address including postcode, your name and for you to tell us that you are responsible for the phone number and address in question. if i can get those things then I'll get that sorted for you as soon as possible (yeah asap so i can get back to my real work)
    SCW: umm, i'm not responsible for it, but i can try to get the info from my husband.
    Me: thats fine, if you can give me the name of the pub i can ask the sales people to stop calling, but until i have all of the information then I cannot remove you from the system.
    SCW: ok, thanks for your help, i'll get on that as soon as possible.

    Awesome I think, I might be able to get this sorted soon!

    Me: Good morning, companyname, how can i help you?
    SC: WHAT the f£$% do you think you're f£$%ing doing talking to my f£$%ing wife!
    Me: I'm just in the process of removing you from our database sir, so that you won't recieve any calls from us again sir.
    SC: Well why the f£$% did yo call my f£$%ing wife?
    Me: She called me, sir
    SC: No she f£$%ing didn't, I know what my f£$%ing wife does!
    *slams phone down*


    so 5 mins later:
    Me: Good morning, companyname, how can i help you?
    SCW: Hello, is that Darkforge?
    Me: yes, it is, how are you doing?
    SCW: I've got the info, but my husband's on the warpath soi can't stay long, here is the mobile number for the pub manager, 0123456789, his name is name and he knows whats going on, ring him and he'll sort it for you.
    Me: Thankyou!

    I dial the cool managers (CM) number:
    Me: Hello, this is Darkforge from companyname, I've just spoken to the owners wife about removing you from our database so you can stop recieving calls from us.
    CM: oh, yeah, the boss overreacted to that a little (a little!).
    Me: well all i need are details given over this call recorded line and i can remove you from the database.
    CM: ok, here are details and as the manager of pubname i'd like you to remove us from your database.
    Me: thats all done, thank you very much for your time sir
    CM: no problem,
    SC in background: Who the f£$% is calling you on your mobile, are those f£$%ers calling your mobile now, who the f£$% gave them that number?!?!
    Me: I hope he calms down soon, have a good day sir.
    CM to me: No worries mate.
    CM to SC: its just my mate bob, i'll get back to work now.
    CM to me: thanks, mate, have a good day yourself.

    awesome! i update the database and check the call logs, one of our salespeople had phoned pubname 8 times during the day. I go to salesperson to make sure he doesn't ring again as while the number won't be in our database he may have written it down or something.

    So i talk to salesperson and find out that he'd called SC and given him our pitch and that SC had been really interested, we'd made a couple of calls back with various rates and prices, he'd said he wanted to go ahead with it and even asked Salesperson to ring him back later to give us his banl details

    I tell salesperson to make one last call (at the time the SC asked for a call back) and if SC wanted to buy our service go for the sale, but if not then say "this call is just to confirm that we have removed you from our database and you will no longer recieve calls from us"

    -salesperson did the deal and got SC to sign up with us! SC didn't even mention not wanting to be called back even when directly asked about it!

    Why do I get all the suck?

    Ahh well, at least i got round to my work eventually...
    "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

    CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
    Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?

  • #2

    After ALL of that, all of the yelling, the screaming, the verbal abuse, he was in fact interested and buys the service?

    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      The wierdest thing is, it was one of our junior salespeople, only started last week and to be honest, isn't the best at getting sales yet. Plus the salesperson didn't once get any hint that the SC was anything other than polite

      (and yes i checked the call recording, SC sounds different when he's not shouting, but it was definetely him)
      "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

      CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
      Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


      • #4
        I just..don't..understand...WHYYYYYYY??

        I don't even know what to say. He deserves to have his number prank called for that. Just have HIM pick up the phone to someone screaming obscenities.


        • #5
          well some of the phones at our end do display as withheld numbers, and i can disconnect the call recording software...

          but no, things like this are all part of the job (well, not actually my part of the job, my part is normally dealing with more awkward situations - but at least they are the kind of situations I'm used to dealing with) so I've filed the paperwork and am desperately hoping it doesn't come back to my desk in a weeks time with an issue like a failed credit check
          "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

          CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
          Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?

