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Army Supplies, Mrs. Picky and Where I Almost Murder an SC

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  • Army Supplies, Mrs. Picky and Where I Almost Murder an SC

    okay, so after working two day-long shifts monday and tuesday, I really wasn't looking forward to my closing shift on Wednesday. Add onto the fact that I was slated for CS ALL DAY. So, without further ado...

    Supply Sergeants

    This actually happened on Tuesday. I was scheduled until 3pm, but I agreed to stay an extra half hour until the replacement came in. No biggie. Round comes 3:22 and I see three men, rolling up carts overflowing 2 ft above the rim. >.>

    They had split the purchase into two, with the larger going to CS (Sorry V!) and the other went to me. They seemed to have a plan too, since the one in my lane had all kids clothes and the other purchase was men and women. Still...with 139 items rung up, only about 10 of which were over $6.99, the grand total at my register was $733.75.

    I eventually left @ 4pm, btw.

    Mrs. Picky

    I had a line, so of course I'm ringing things out asap. I shuck the hangers and away I go. Of course, for Mrs. Picky, she just has to make sure "Everything rings up right." Oh wait? Something's ringing up @ $8.99? Gotta check that! And away she goes, digging through the bag for her item. And of course, I keep ringing things up during this, so when she turns back to the screen, zomg! three more items are up and she has to check those, too! She finally left and AC (Awesome Customer) approached.

    AC: Oh, my God...
    me: Yeah... hi, how're you.
    AC: Fine, thanks. Don't worry, I'm not as picky as she is.

    Bring it B*****

    Okay, the part you've all been waiting for. Let it be known, it was only about 3pm Wed. when this happened, and I had come in @ it wasn't even that I was tired. Guy comes up with about...five pairs of designer shoes all marked down. He points out one that has no tag, but has a clearance sticker on it.

    SC: Guy who should thank the gods I wasn't armed.
    O: My useless FES that coulda resolved this whole thing if she'd informed me
    J: My MOD

    SC: It's $16.99.
    me: [flips it over, see's that it's regularly priced $21.99] Sir, did someone tell you that, because without the tag, I can only sell it for it's regular price.
    SC: What's that mean? I was told it's $16.99
    me: Well sir, without the tag, I have no way of knowing that, and it's marked price is $21.99.
    SC: You just said it had no tag, so how are you finding this number.
    me: [flips over shoe and shows the '22' written in pen on the bottom] See this? We round to the nearest whole dollar, meaning that this is $21.99. Now, without any proof, I can only sell this one for this price.
    SC: You're just making it up!
    me: No, sir, I'm not, see? [picks up other shoes and points to the original prices on the bottom] This is a '20' meaning it was originally $19.99 [i point this out on all the shoes]
    SC: But these others are all the same [referring to other shoes] so they are same price!
    me: Sir, these are Converse All Stars, the others are-
    SC: They are the same, they are good brands, see? So give them for same price!
    me: [very annoyed at this point...he was being very condescending] Sir, they are not the same. These are Converse All Stars, those other are Fila, these are [random designer]. They. Are. Not. The. Same.

    At this point, O overhears our debate and comes over.

    O: Oh, yeah, he came over and I price-checked's $16.99
    (note: she had been in the CS island this whole time and didn't say a bloody word! Guh!)
    me: [bloody Hell, woman!] Oh, okay. Just lemme know sooner, kay?
    O: [to me] I woulda, but he just walked off after I told him....
    me: [great...] All right sir. It seems they are $16.99 and I'll go ahead and ring them up.
    SC: No, but you were just about to charge me some made up number!
    me: It wasn't made up, that was the original price and now that I've been informed it's different, I'll give you this price.
    SC: [says something that I can't remember anymore...I just remember red]
    me: No, that's it. I am not serving you. Get outta my line, now! [I void out the transaction and point]
    SC: No, I will be served!
    me: Well this is my register, and I will not serve you here. Go to someone else, cuz I will not serve you! Leave my register, now!
    SC: I am not leaving!
    me: Leave or I call the cops!
    SC: I am not leaving! I want to speak to your manager, you cannot yell at me!
    me: [let me just say, I was speaking firmly, not yelling. I was not even using my Command Voice, even though I wanted to]. J! Deal with this guy!
    J: [had been showing jewelry, goes over and sees my face] Okay, go take a walk, I'll handle it.

    I walk into the break room and fume, wanting to punch a hole in something...preferably that guy's face. I look on the security monitor in back and they're ringing him up! Way to stick up for me! >.<

    It may seem bad, but I was just praying that he'd reach over the counter. I was begging God with all my might that the bastard would reach over...

    Fuu...I guess it's good nothing happened. Thanks for letting me vent.

  • #2
    Dude, all he had to say was: *point* "that person over their told me this price". That would have solved so many problems.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      Quoth Hobbs View Post
      ...Add onto the fact that I was slated for CS SC duty ALL DAY.
      Edited for Truth, and for my amusement
      Last edited by EricKei; 07-04-2009, 02:09 AM. Reason: i r dum
      "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
      "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
      "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
      "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
      "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
      "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
      Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
      "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me

