I have a lot of experience of dealing with pax and their trash.
I like pax who say "thank you," or at least acknowledge me when they hand me their trash or used trays. These passenegers then get a smile from me.
What I hate is pax who can't acknowledge me when I clear their tray or used cups away. I think that's just plain rude. I was brought up to acknowledge when people provide a service for me.
To these pax I look right at them and say "you're welcome!" or "Thank YOU," when I collect their rubbish. This often generates a laugh from other pax around them too.
We have many frequent fliers in biz class, the nicer ones always cover their tray with their napkin and say thank you.
Then there are the pax who throw their rubbish on the floor even when we have been down the aisle with the gash cart or wander down every half an hour with a tray to collect used cups etc
Even after a 30 minute flight I am shocked to see how much mess pax make and pity our poor cleaners.
I also have pax try to hand me huge broadsheet newspapers...I ask them to stow them in their seat pocket or leave them on their seat when they leave. The same goes for pax try to hand me huge bags of rubbish which won't fit into the bin. You think that the sensible thing to do would be to tie a knot in the bag and leave under the seat so that the cleaners can easily pick it up. Most people just strew the contents of the bag around the seat and aisle instead.
I think you can tell a lot from a person from how they deal with their rubbish.
I like pax who say "thank you," or at least acknowledge me when they hand me their trash or used trays. These passenegers then get a smile from me.
What I hate is pax who can't acknowledge me when I clear their tray or used cups away. I think that's just plain rude. I was brought up to acknowledge when people provide a service for me.
To these pax I look right at them and say "you're welcome!" or "Thank YOU," when I collect their rubbish. This often generates a laugh from other pax around them too.
We have many frequent fliers in biz class, the nicer ones always cover their tray with their napkin and say thank you.
Then there are the pax who throw their rubbish on the floor even when we have been down the aisle with the gash cart or wander down every half an hour with a tray to collect used cups etc

I also have pax try to hand me huge broadsheet newspapers...I ask them to stow them in their seat pocket or leave them on their seat when they leave. The same goes for pax try to hand me huge bags of rubbish which won't fit into the bin. You think that the sensible thing to do would be to tie a knot in the bag and leave under the seat so that the cleaners can easily pick it up. Most people just strew the contents of the bag around the seat and aisle instead.
I think you can tell a lot from a person from how they deal with their rubbish.