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Sniff My Milk

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  • Sniff My Milk

    Background: I work at a C-Store that is part of a chain that is also associated with our own dairy. We sell our own dairy's milk in our store. The Dairy and the stores are seperate entities in everything except the IT Department, meaning, I don't work for the Dairy, I work for Corporate.

    Me: Lovely, beautiful, hungry most likely
    SC: Crazy Old Man
    AC: Awesome Coworker

    I'm standing there at my regular register, minding my own business when SC walks into the store, comes up to my register, and sets down a half full half gallon of skim milk. He then proceeds to open the cap.

    SC: SMELL THAT!!! *points to the milk*
    Me: Um...oh...okay. (I was actually horrified at the prospect of sniffing lumpy milk but when I did sniff it, I was confused even more, it wasn't perfect, I'd put it in cereal but I wouldn't drink it straight.)

    I'm about to say something about giving him a new gallon when AC speaks up.

    AC: How long have you had that half gallon, Sir?
    SC: A WEEK!
    Me: The sell by date is today.
    AC: Well, let me see about you getting a new gallon.

    He gets a new gallon, never apologizes to me for making me sniff bad milk at all. A week later he comes in and tells my manager that his refrigerator is dying. Nevermind telling the poor girl you just made sniff your goddamn milk that. Don't acknowledge the fact that you disrespected her and forced her out of her duty to customers to sniff your milk that had nothing to do with her.


  • #2
    Hey, count your blessings. He didn't make you pull his finger or sniff his butt.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth Gaki View Post

      SC: SMELL THAT!!! *points to the milk*
      Me: Um...oh...okay. (I was actually horrified at the prospect of sniffing lumpy milk but when I did sniff it, I was confused even more, it wasn't perfect, I'd put it in cereal but I wouldn't drink it straight.)

      Never, never, smell anything a customer brings up to you. I did that once when a customer said "I think those pork chops are bad". I about spewed on the service desk. Never smelled anything that came up to the desk.
      Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


      • #4
        Quoth daleduke17 View Post
        Never, never, smell anything a customer brings up to you.
        "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          I feel your pain for working at a c-store. I work at one as well. I have to agree, never, EVER smell ANYTHING a customer asks you to smell like that. A simple "I'll take your word for it" probably would've sufficed. Then again, these are SC's we're talking about, so...
          "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


          • #6
            You don't get paid enough to risk it. I'd advise against smelling a substance a customer has brought in. It's crazy enough, but what if it's anthrax?


            • #7
              Sometimes, for some reason -- I don't exactly know the chemistry behind it -- milk that's perfectly good will smell like it might be bad. Maybe it's the coating of milk that has sloshed-up against the upper surfaces, and has dried there. Who knows?

              Anyway. I used to work at a Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Center, and we had a refrigerator in the communications room. I would sometimes pick-up a donut and a pint of milk on the way to work. And, if I didn't drink the whole thing, I'd leave it in the fridge for the next day.

              And then we got someone new there. My new 'co-irker' would pour my milk down the sink, with a note saying: "Don't leave bad milk in the fridge, or I will throw it away." I was a littled pi$$ed. I insisted that it was still good, but the other guy insisted he was right.

              One day, I came in just as he was about to throw-away my milk of the day before. I grabbed it away from him and, at his insistance, smelled it: I have to admit it did smell a little like it was spoiled. I looked at the date on it, and it was still good for another couple of days. I tasted it -- and it was perfectly good!

              He still insisted that I drank bad milk just to spite him. But after then, he left my milk alone.
              Who hears all your prayers? Why, the NSA, of course!


              • #8
                Quoth Gaki View Post
                AC: How long have you had that half gallon, Sir?
                SC: A WEEK!
                Me: The sell by date is today.
                AC: Well, let me see about you getting a new gallon.
                Why the hell would he get a new gallon?

                He'd had it for a week. For all you know, it has been sitting on his counter the whole time. No way does he deserve any freebies for being a douche.
                Quoth Juwl View Post
                "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the responses! I will never be sniffing anything a customer brings up again, it was just that it shocked me so much that I just did it. I mean, usually when someone shocks me I tend to just act without a witty retort. And as for him getting a new half gallon, it's "policy." Dumbass policy if you ask me.


                  • #10
                    Ok, who brings milk back to the store after a week. I drink milk like crazy, usually a gallon every other day. Also, I work on a farm, they supply the majority of our state's milk so that gallon every other day doesn't include what I drink when helping out around the farm. (yum, milk straight from the cow. And we don't use any kinda chemicals, including pesticides and whatnot, so it's not toxic before being processed) A gallon would not last a week in my house, so I'm not positive how long it takes to go bad once open. I do know that sell by date? An unopened gallon of milk will start to go bad the day before that. Yeah, I'm gonna buy some milk, let it sit around my house in who knows what kind of environment, then bring it back and complain about the milk going bad on the expiration date. That's just a guy looking to complain about something and save a few bucks.


                    • #11
                      I buy milk from OP's store routinely. And it's un-spoilable. Not once, but twice I've brought it home, forgotten to put it in the fridge, and left it out overnight. I'm still alive.
                      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                      • #12
                        whiney git

                        He shouldn't have gotten a thing, due to the high level of proteins in milk, unpasturised, you have around three days refrigerated.
                        Pasturised, I wouldnt go past 5 unless I was really stuck......its just not a good idea.....


                        • #13
                          Back in my bus-driving days, I had a passenger who told her friends on the bus that she was returning milk to the store. She bought some milk just before she went into the hospital and when she got home three weeks later that milk was sour! She was going to get her money back!

                          No idea what happened when she got there. She was mildly retarded, and not usually a SC.
                          Women can do anything men can.
                          But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


                          • #14
                            Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
                            I do know that sell by date? An unopened gallon of milk will start to go bad the day before that. Yeah, I'm gonna buy some milk, let it sit around my house in who knows what kind of environment, then bring it back and complain about the milk going bad on the expiration date.
                            Are you referring to an expiration date or a sell-by date? I don't know that I've actually seen an expiration date on anything other than medications.

                            I bought a half gallon of milk nearly 2 weeks ago. The sell by date went by last week sometime. I opened it and used it in my pancake batter yesterday. It was just fine.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              A sell by is really really different, you can open a milk jug probably a week after the sell-by and have it be good but you shouldn't open it the day you get it, wait until the sell-by and bring it back, because that's pretty much the date it's gonna go if you open it the day you get it. Some milks last longer, some milks don't. It's all in when you open it and what temp your fridge is at.

                              NEVER keep your unopened milks in the door, keep them at the TOP of the fridge. If you drink milk quickly then you can keep your opened milks in the door.

                              Did you know that if you leave an unopened gallon of milk in a dark place like a cabinet for a night it will be completely unaffected? No more than a night though!

