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the Crib Monster!!! (Fufu's 1st thread, and it s a doozy, that means long)

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  • the Crib Monster!!! (Fufu's 1st thread, and it s a doozy, that means long)

    I finally have a story worthy of posting!!

    Was chatting with an old work friend last night and had a flashback of a horrible SC with the worst timing possible. This was back in the department store days, on the exact day I went from associate to manager.

    Me: Fufu 487, the only, on her very first day of manager duty
    SC: my crib monster!! early 30's guy, soon-to-be dad (poor child btw)
    SCw: crib monsters wife...not too much an SC, but did add much suckiness to the issue

    Here goes:

    Background: 2 wks prior I was working in the baby furniture department (my true love) on a very busy Saturday. In comes SC, he walks up to my counter, past the line of alrealy impatient cust's, and demands to be helped with the cribs. Now in this department, I have to multi-task cash and floor, so his request isnt unreasonable as it was my job to do so, but...line of people, only me here.. take a breather there cowboy. So once I do start to serve him, he doesnt seem to GRASP the concept of a floor model, so he wants a discount. I explain that there are new boxes in the back, undamaged, unused, ready to go. After serving him for about, oh, 40 mins an hour. He finally picked the crib I knew he was going to pick anyway. But wait, theres more of course. He wanted to make sure EVERYTHING was in the box. This box is in the warehouse section of the store, nowhere near my dept, up on a shelf some 20 feet up. Yea sure, im right on that. MY whole 5'3 would be more than happy to just grab to 20ft up, 50lb box, no prob! Grrrrr..So box gets opened (NOT a repackable box btw) everythings there, good to go. Get back up to my now very bust dept. He wants a discount on his opened box. Of course you do you %$^&^%#$# <-- insert your words of choice here. Give him discount cuz im just not playing this game anymore and send him on his way. Should be the end of this right? OH hell no

    2 weeks later:

    Yours truley is on her first day of official manager duty and ready to take on the world!! YEA!!

    In comes this call....

    Store Operator: Yea Kim I have the baby furniture department on the phone, the have an irrate cust that recieved the wrong item. He lives in (town a good driving distance from my store) and is demanding a manager....sorry...

    Me: Yes mam, put'm thru


    Me: Good afternoon, Fufu speaking. How may I help you??

    SC: Ya, I ordered a crib a few weeks back and it just got delivered and it's NOT the one I ordered.

    Me: Okay sir, Id be happy to look into that, I just need some info to pull up your trans

    *info exchanged, receipt pulled up* oh yes, I remember you, unfortunately. Luckily for myself, he does not know it is me as he's on the phone. And I did indeed order the correct Crib (of course I did, I rocked that dept!!)

    Me: It says here sir that you ordered the *suchnsuch* crib, is that correct?

    SC: no!! thats not what I ordered!! I ordered *only in the catalog and not available instore* crib.

    Me: Oh that's odd. That crib is not available in store. Did you re-order over the catalog?

    SC: NO!! I ordered instore, the girl that was serving me was barely paying attention!! so she order the wrong one.

    Umm actually, you and ur preggo wife were the ones not paying attention as I had to repeat myself several times over the course of your indecisive purchase

    Me: Maybe it was a mistake in warehouse sir.. can you verify with me the name of the crib on the box

    SC: ya it's the *crib that he ordered in the first place*, which is not the one that was on display instore

    Me: That's odd because the crib your saying should have come in is not displayed in-store. And the crib you recieved is one of our best models

    SC: No, the crib I ordered was on display in store, it's not the one I recieved. I want this one picked up, I want the new one delivered that I was SUPPOSED to receive and the girl was SUPPOSED to order for me. And I want a discount for the damaged box I recieved, this is totally unacceptable.

    Me: Well sir, it says here you WERE given the discount for the damaged box, I have your receipt in front of me. Also, the crib your requesting is NOT on display in store because it is not AVAILABLE to order in store. heres my kicker Do you know the name of the person that ordered the crib for you?

    SC: no i dont remember her name. She was *gives a brief discription of someone that doesn't look at all like me, but good try bud*

    Me: well sir, I can guarentee that the crib you are requesting we send out is not the one on display that you believe you ordered.

    SC: its not? OMG, it sunk in? really?

    SC2: Whats going on here? yes, apparently he passed the phone off

    So I explained the whole situation to her, shes confused, passes it back to him. Now this back and forth goes on forever. I explain something, he doesnt like what he hears, and passes the phone to his wife. I ask him to please stop, it does not. So phone goes back and forth and back and forth. Until, Fufu has had enough.

    Me: Okay sir, apparently my asking you not to pass the phone back and forth has not been successful. I am refusing, at this point, to further this conversation. I will be passing your call onto another manager who may be able to resolve this conflict more effectively, as we are getting nowhere here. I WILL be explaining to the other manager that I was myself serving you with the crib initially, which it was. And that the crib you ordered from me personally, was indeed the one you recieved. That we have already discounted you for your damaged box, that you insisted we open in the first place. I will also be informing her that, as Im overseeing that department at this time, there will be no further credits applied to your account. If you wish to have the crib picked up, we will arrange that with the charge that applies, as I see no reason to waive such fee. Have a nice day sir.

    Apparently he ranted about me for a good half hour. The phone passing never stopped. I took my CW to coffee afterwards just to say thanks. She was such a peach I have more mamanger stories that came back as I was writing this. Trust me, this is NOT the best.

    Sorry for the long story, but this guy is still under my skin a lil.
    Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

    ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~

  • #2

    I salute your patience.

    Hate the 'damage the box', now I want a discount for the box scenario, but it's understandable that you let it slide to be rid of them. A perfect ending that you took the call later too!

    Welcome aboard!


    • #3
      I understand why you did it, but seriously, if you insist on opening the box, you don't get to then demand a discount because the box is open!!
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
        I understand why you did it, but seriously, if you insist on opening the box, you don't get to then demand a discount because the box is open!!
        Totally agree. Theres more than a few times Ive given a cust what they want, just to get them out of my hair at that moment so I can deal with more important issues. But still, not proud for giving the disocunt
        Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

        ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~


        • #5
          Quoth Fufu487 View Post
          Totally agree. Theres more than a few times Ive given a cust what they want, just to get them out of my hair at that moment so I can deal with more important issues. But still, not proud for giving the disocunt
          Oh, I've definitely done that in my day.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            What's the point in a discount for an opened box anyway? Unless the item is intended as a gift, there's no reason whatsoever to have a pristine box. You know all the bits are there. There's absolutely no detriment to the product. It doesn't make any sense.


            • #7
              wow, you have far more patience than i (well, actually, after the big green apron, everyone pretty much does); i'd have passed him off to the next higher person with an explanation of what happened. if the next person caves, so be it; they're stupid and allowing the unacceptable to escalate.

              demanding to open a box is stupid; demanding a discount because of the opened box (on their 'request') is asinine. the answer to the discount is no, you wanted it opened, it's yours as is, take it or leave it.

              this reminds me too much of the movie 'idiocracy;' we're closer than we think.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                It annoys me to no end when somebody demands I open up a box to make sure something isn't damaged or has all the pieces, but then again the customers are plunking down several hundreds of dollars for their merchandise.

                Asking for a discount after the box has been opened is just a special kind of cheap, stupid and entitled though.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth Fufu487 View Post
                  Totally agree. Theres more than a few times Ive given a cust what they want, just to get them out of my hair at that moment so I can deal with more important issues. But still, not proud for giving the disocunt
                  Some days you have to choose your battles.

                  I hate giving a**holes anything, but there are times when it is much easier in the long run to let them think they have beaten me. Cause at the end of the day, I never (hopefully) have to deal with them again.
                  "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                  "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                  "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                  -Jasper Fforde


                  • #10
                    I once had an issue of mistaken identity as well but I can't say it was as bad as this, the lady was sweet about it but she called me a "little girl" and honestly, I might be small for my age but I'm not a "little girl," I mean that's what you call a 12 year old...I'm 18.


                    • #11
                      I won't lie. I am one of those people who ASKS (nicely) to see the contents of the box at certain places *cough*Ikea*cough* because they're notorious for having small missing parts. Of course, My drive to those certain stores is a long one, so I don't want to have to come back. However, I ask nicely and have never once asked for an "open box" discount. The people who do that are just slimy, weaselly scammers.
                      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                      ...Beware the voice without a face...


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gaki View Post
                        I once had an issue of mistaken identity as well but I can't say it was as bad as this, the lady was sweet about it but she called me a "little girl" and honestly, I might be small for my age but I'm not a "little girl," I mean that's what you call a 12 year old...I'm 18.
                        I would get alot of the 'younger' comments aswell, even tho in my 20's I look like I should be 16 or so, high school age. LOL its flattering most the time. But not when SC's assume your too young to be a manager. They can bite me for all I care.
                        Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

                        ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~

