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Don't You See the Customer I'm Currently Serving?

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  • Don't You See the Customer I'm Currently Serving?

    Today, I was ringing a customer up at the service desk when another customer came up wanting to know where something was that she couldn't find. I directed her toward the bagger since I was with a customer and couldn't go look myself.

    The customer came back less than a minute later wanting to know if I could look up the item in the computer and I told her we didn't have that type of system, which is true. The customer decided to leave and I finished with the customer I was ringing up.
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  • #2
    I had a similar situation. I was checking out a customer and I was listening to her question when someone walks up behind me and started asking me a bunch of questions too, cutting of my customer mid sentence.

    My automatic reaction was to turn towards the woman who interrupted and so I tried to answer her question to send her away but she continued asking question after question until finally the customer I'd already been in the middle of helping said "excuse me, I was talking here!!" and gave the other woman and myself death glares.

    I know i should have ignored the interrupter. But i have this automatic reaction to turn and answer when someone is talking to me. sigh.


    • #3
      I say "Just a minute" and continue serving, then deal with the interrupter. Most of the time they're happy to wait their turn.


      • #4
        "Don't You See the Customer I'm Currently Serving?"

        OTHER CUSTOMERS! How dare you even suggest the merest possibility that there is anybody here other than my own august self!

        "Other Customers!" How droll...anyways, can you simonize my pants while I'm still wearing them? I'm SURE I have a coupon for that somewheres...

        Any bets that's what's running through their two-stroke weed-whacker brains?
        I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

        -- Steven Wright


        • #5
          Today, a customer (not mine) wanted me to get her the salad that was on sale. I tried to get it but I was currently with a customer and I was in the middle of her order. My customer wanted to know why the other customer couldn't get her salad like a normal person and I let her that I didn't know. The other customer ended up having to go get the salad herself.
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