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Very, uh, IMPATIENT Woman...

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  • Very, uh, IMPATIENT Woman...

    At the waterfront bar, we had a doozy the other day. I have to state that this did not happen directly to me, but to a coworker, but it was so hilarious, I have to tell it anyway. It is the height of SCedness and asshattery, and any other cool made up words you can think of that would describe this behavior.

    The setting: A waterfront open air bar on the docks, with live music and a no frills, fun, beer-drinking attitude. EVERYTHING is served on paper plates or in plastic cups. It was early afternoon, the bar was rocking, and the band was jamming.

    The cast of characters:
    SC: An older woman that thought she was more important than, well, everyone.
    BLONDIE: My coworker who had to deal with this lady. Blondie has worked at this bar for about five years or so. Blondie is in her late 20's, and that day had a bit of a throat ailment, so her voice was hard to hear.
    OSTON: Another coworker, relatively new to the bar. Boston is from New England, and has the accent and attitude to match. Does not have a problem being heard. Boston is in her 40's or so.

    (SC approaches Blondie)
    SC: I want a table.
    BLONDIE: No problem. Just sit anywhere. (This bar has no hostess. First come, first serve.)
    SC: I don't see any available tables.
    BLONDIE: There are plenty of tables there (over to the side of the stage by the women's restroom) and back there (away from the stage by the dock, and in the back room).
    SC: I don't want to sit way over there, and I certainly don't want to sit by the bathroom!
    BLONDIE: Okay.....?
    SC: I want to sit there! (indicates a table where people are already sitting)
    BLONDIE: *blink blink* Um, there are people already sitting there.
    SC: You don't understand. I am willing to pay good money for that table.
    BLONDIE: But there are people already sitting there!
    SC: Young lady, I want a good table, and I WILL pay good money for it!
    BLONDIE: (voice starting to squeak) Ma'am, this is my first day, I am just training. I don't know what to tell you.
    (At this point Boston approaches the situation with her no-nonsense attitude to bail Blondie out.)
    BOSTON: (to SC) May I help you?
    SC: I want that table.
    BOSTON: Ma'am, there are people already sitting there. You can sit at any table that is empty, but we are NOT going to move people from a table just because you want to sit there!
    SC: But I want that table, and I am willing to pay good money!
    BOSTON: Then either you are going to have to wait for that table or you are going to have to offer that good money to those nice people who are already sitting there.

    The SC waited.

    The amusing things, at least to me, are:
    --the woman apparently thought she was in some very high class joint, which this bar makes no pretensions of being.
    --even a high class joint would not move people already seated to accomodate a demanding hag like this.
    --Though she kept going on about being willing to spend good money, she never once actually offered any money to Blondie or Boston to meet her unreasonable desires. All she offered them was attitude and a sense of entitlement.

    Wrong freakin' bar, lady!

    EDITED TO ADD: At the very same bar last night, saw a friend of mine wearing a t-shirt with a message all of us here at would appreciate: "Why can't ignorance be painful?" He said he had an extra t-shirt just like that one and would give it to me. Yay!
    Last edited by KuzcoLlama; 11-20-2006, 04:35 PM.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Good money? That phrase is one of my biggest pet peeves!
    Is there such a thing as 'bad' money?

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


    • #3
      The sports bar I worked at in Cleveland had cheap wing night. You can order as many chicken wings as you could eat WHILE AT THE RESTAURANT (no take out) and they were cheap. Anyway, we had, oh, 12 different wing flavors. Wings, on regular evenings, are served in baskets or larger plates because they come in so many per order. On wing night, there was a minimum of 5 wings per flavor to order.

      This being the case, we had to use all our plastic plates for the kitchen serving all these small orders of wings. Therefore, we used paper plates on the floor for appetizers. This was a peanut shells on the floor sports bar frequented by college kids and sports fans.

      This entitlement whore in my section one evening scoffed at being handed paper plates for their appetizers and said...

      "I don't eat off PAPER plates. NO ONE in my family eats off paper plates!"

      Well, she didn't get her way - the kitchen needed the other plates and said "No way!"

      No tip. What else would I have expected.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Quoth Jester View Post
        BOSTON: Then either you are going to have to wait for that table or you are going to have to offer that good money to those nice people who are already sitting there.
        She shoulda bribed 'em. If it had been me, and she really offered "good" money (not counterfeit I presume?) I would have gladly moved. Buy my drinks for the night!

        But I think we all know that this wasn't about the table. She just wanted to push around some service people to make herself feel big and important. Kindly offering to compensate some other patrons for their inconvenience of moving wouldn't offer her the same ego boost.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post

          "I don't eat off PAPER plates. NO ONE in my family eats off paper plates!"
          How about a leaf? A strip of bark? The Magna Carta?


          • #6
            Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
            "I don't eat off PAPER plates. NO ONE in my family eats off paper plates!"
            At which point you just drop the wings onto the table--hopefully without wiping it down first!

            And I see this is post #666 for me!
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              'Good money? That phrase is one of my biggest pet peeves!
              Is there such a thing as 'bad' money?'

              Sure there is.... just don't let the Secret Service catch you with any
              Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

