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Code A-hole

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  • Code A-hole

    Our store has Code Adam, the program that you follow when someone is missing their kid. My store calls it even when the situation is reversed and we have a kid and no parent.

    I found this little boy wandering around with no dad in sight. I alerted my managers who instructed me to stick with him. I waited a minute with the boy, we looked around for his dad and then I had him follow me to the service desk so I could make an announcement for his dad.

    I get the dad's name from the boy and call for him over the intercom just saying to report to the front (i obviously don't want to alert every sicko in the store that there is an unattended boy).

    Five more minutes go by.

    Finally this Father Of The Year strolls around the corner screaming the kid's name. He seemed angry at the kid but I just chalked it up to worry for his child. and called out to him "I have him sir". Then I reunited them and went on my merry way.

    A while later I saw the father cashing out at the register with the previously lost boy and two other little boys.

    The guy was being a HUGE jerk to the cashier yelling at her about prices and complaining about something or other.

    And get this, when he's done he RUNS out of the store and just leaves one of the other little boys standing there!!!!!!!!!

    We have windows throughout the front of the store, he was seriously across the parking lot almost to his car and his other son was still just standing in front of the register with us.

    I WANTED TO CASTRATE THAT MAN. He should not have kids. I know they wander off but it took him forever to come looking for the first kid and then he just LEFT without the other!!!!!!

    BONUS: Two days later a woman left her two sons in the store and got all the way home without them before she realized.

  • #2
    We had a young girl screaming in electronics a few weeks ago. It was horrible. The managers were following her around because she was so young that she probably couldn't understand the managers wanted to help her. The dad was freaking out and was trying to find her though.


    • #3
      Quoth jjllbb View Post
      BONUS: Two days later a woman left her two sons in the store and got all the way home without them before she realized.
      I can't even imagine HOW you could possibly forget that you have a child with you, let alone 2. My husband would kill me if I ever left our son alone at a store, and I'd do the same to him. WTF is wrong with these people??


      • #4
        Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
        I can't even imagine HOW you could possibly forget that you have a child with you, let alone 2. My husband would kill me if I ever left our son alone at a store, and I'd do the same to him. WTF is wrong with these people??
        A friend of mine regretfully forgot his own baby son was in the backseat of his vehicle and left him there...he later died from heat exposure. The police invesigated, but no charges were laid.
        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


        • #5
          Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
          I can't even imagine HOW you could possibly forget that you have a child with you, let alone 2. My husband would kill me if I ever left our son alone at a store, and I'd do the same to him. WTF is wrong with these people??
          Wasn't that the basic plot of not one but at least 3 movies?


          • #6
            On a busy afternoon I noticed a car parked in front of our store with the hazard lights on. I thought nothing of it and about 15 minutes later a customer walks in and said the car parked in front of the store has 2 small kids inside. A baby in a car seat and a 2 year old. And the windows were rolled up

            I called 911 and somebody paged for the person that left their car in front of the store. As I was on the phone with the cops a lady comes up and asks me to put some kitchen towels on hold for her. It was the lady that left her kids in the car. Some customers were yelling at her for what she did but she just ignored them all and got in her gold Jaguar and drove off.

            When I told 911 that she got in her car and left they asked for the license plate. Hopefully she got pulled over.


            • #7
              Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
              A friend of mine regretfully forgot his own baby son was in the backseat of his vehicle and left him there...he later died from heat exposure. The police invesigated, but no charges were laid.
              My ex told me about a news report that went like that. Basically, the father was taking the kid to daycare when he normally didn't, but forgot sometime on the drive to work, and ended up leaving the kid in the car when he went in to work.

              I feel sorry for that whole family.

              But on the other hand, I worry about the complete and utter lack of awareness so many people seem to have of their immediate surroundings.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                A few years ago, there was a woman in Michigan who left her 3-year-old and 10-month-old in the car, in the sun, with the windows rolled up while she went into the mall to shop and get her hair and nails done.

                Kids were out there on a hot summer day for 4 hours.

                The 3-year-old suffered massive heat stroke, and the infant died. Criminal charges were pressed against her.

                Then she sued Ford <or whoever, i forget the make> for not having a warning label on the dashboard that says "Bitch, don't bake your damned kids."
                Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                • #9
                  Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
                  A few years ago, there was a woman in Michigan who left her 3-year-old and 10-month-old in the car, in the sun, with the windows rolled up while she went into the mall to shop and get her hair and nails done.

                  Kids were out there on a hot summer day for 4 hours.

                  The 3-year-old suffered massive heat stroke, and the infant died. Criminal charges were pressed against her.

                  Then she sued Ford <or whoever, i forget the make> for not having a warning label on the dashboard that says "Bitch, don't bake your damned kids."
                  I remember that one... it was in Southfield, which is just outside Detroit (I live about 20 miles north of Detroit, and work downtown. Please, no city bashing )

                  She deserved more than she got. I've worked loss prevention at a store (big yellow price tag on their sign) and had to call the cops for kids and dogs left in cars. Even though Michigan has decent weather in the summer, it can DAMN HOT in a car with the windows up, even if they're cracked open.


                  • #10
                    Quoth jjllbb View Post
                    I WANTED TO CASTRATE THAT MAN. He should not have kids. I know they wander off but it took him forever to come looking for the first kid and then he just LEFT without the other!!!!!!
                    These are the people who accidentally forget and leave there kids in locked cars when it is 80 degrees outside. You should have called DFS.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Howler View Post
                      I remember that one... it was in Southfield, which is just outside Detroit (I live about 20 miles north of Detroit, and work downtown. Please, no city bashing )

                      She deserved more than she got. I've worked loss prevention at a store (big yellow price tag on their sign) and had to call the cops for kids and dogs left in cars. Even though Michigan has decent weather in the summer, it can DAMN HOT in a car with the windows up, even if they're cracked open.
                      Decent weather...Ha! Hot and muggy is not decent.

                      And no, I'm not going to bash Detroit. I love the city and am growing to appreciate it more as I wander around. Yes, there are crappy parts but there are really nice parts too.

                      And how the hell can someone sue Ford? Are they supposed to put a motion sensor in the car that can detect when someone is in there so that it will automatically roll down the windows or something?

                      The more stuff they put in a car to cover for things that people forget about, the more detached people will get.


                      • #12
                        Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                        And how the hell can someone sue Ford?
                        The same way they sue anyone else who is looking for a payout and a way to shift personal responsibility off of themselves..

                        They aim for deep pockets, and hope for a jackpot. Check out the list of defendants being forced to make payouts in the fire that happened at The Station in Rhode Island. It amazes me that anyone is willing to operate a business there, to be honest. It was tragic and completely preventable, but most of the people being made to pay for it had absolutely nothing to do with and could not have even anticipated it happening.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                          And how the hell can someone sue Ford? Are they supposed to put a motion sensor in the car that can detect when someone is in there so that it will automatically roll down the windows or something?
                          In Cheeselandialand, we came very close to implementing something called "joint and several liability." Or something like that. The thrust of it is that a party found even 1% responsible in a lawsuit can be held responsible for 100% of the damages. It was part of the state budget as written up by the Governor, but taken out in the state legislature when people complained.

                          So in the example you referred to, if she sued Ford because her kids died from being locked up in a hot car, and the jury found Ford 1% responsible, she could still collect millions upon millions of dollars from Ford.

                          And it doesn't cost anything to file a suit and most lawyers charge no fee unless you win, so why not take a shot at it?
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                          • #14
                            How the hell can someone forget their kids? I'm one of the most scatterbrained people I know, and I've never forgotten my kid.
                            Sometimes life is altered.
                            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                            Uneasy with confrontation.
                            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                            • #15
                              We had two lost sisters aged roughly 5 and 8. Numerous pagings of the mother's name had no effect. She could have been careless enough to go to other shops in the smallish shopping centre, so she was paged on the centre's system. 20 minutes later, we progressed to numbers. The mother's mobile number rang several times but no answer, it was cut off a few times. The home phone would not answer either, except it did on the 6th or 7th time by an extremely irate kid who couldn't give a shit that his two children had been abandoned in a store. No, he didn't know where his wife was nor was he able to contact her. No he would not collect his children. Let them walk! They lived fairly close, 25 minute walk for an adult, it's 3 stops away by tram but they're children UGHHHH what crap parents.

