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The *new* job....

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  • The *new* job....

    So, a new venue to dish out nuggets of computer wisdom & hardware. This one (thank gord) is not a commision job. Straight pay, no stupid uniforms, no trying to force feed extended warranties, pretty down to earth kinda business...
    But , we do consignment sales. For those of you that don't know about consignment, it's one step above a pawn shop. We do custom builds & sell new product, but, if someone wants to sell their old hardware, we'll do it for them...minus our %30 cut
    So, anything on consig comes with a 15 DAY "warranty". That is, the "seller" atests to the item being in a working state, we provide no, zero, nadda, nilch...warranty. We're just moving it along for someone else. Harddrives, vid cards, RAM, 8 port routers *cough*, all that jazz. And the buyer is made QUITE aware if the fact that they have 15 days to bring it back.......
    ....*camera closes in on our hero (me) & a "business man" that recently bought an 8 port router*...that was on consignment...

    Asshat: Yeah...I bought this router here a while back & it's dead now.
    Hero: Oh...that's unfortunate...let's see what's up with that..*asks for cust name to find purchase in system*
    Asshat: Yeah...I need it for my business I'll need a replacement right away...chop-chop.
    Hero: Mhmmm....*finds purchase but being new doesn't know if the SKU is a consig or not*...Hmmmm...*smells trouble* Let me get our parts manager over here to help me out. I'm still new here so I don't quite know whats up here.
    Asshat: Yeah whatever...I need this replaced ASAP!
    Hero: Watch me fly (I did say that) *whatever f**kchop*

    Minutes pass as our fearless parts mgr. takes over my cust. & I ring out his cust. In the distance I hears shreaks of annoyance & a couple of "F sharps" being tossed about...

    Needless to say, the big "business man" had guessed it...Purchased a router that was cheap...But on consign ......So now he expects us to replace an item that we never sold to him, (Well, we sold to him on behalf of someone that said it worked properly)..or warrantied in the first place.
    The usual ranting of "I need a replacement now" & "you sold this to me" & "blah,blah,blah" was all drowned out by the response of "You were told it was on consignment, we offered you a new product, you didn't want it. You were told 15 it's 2 months later...Here are the items we have for sale to replace it...Have a nice day".

    Needless to say...The big spender left in a huff.....The door was to his left

    Cheap-assed moron....Have fun getting a price lower than what we offered ya for a new one.

    Much more to follow.

    PS: What kind of fargin idiot buys stuff that they know is warrantied for 15 days for their business in the first place? LMAO!!!
    Last edited by Mr. Rude; 11-22-2006, 03:53 AM. Reason: Punctuation & spelling
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

    Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.

  • #2
    Well, you said it right here: "Cheap-assed moron".

    A sensible person, when buying for their business, would have spent the extra money and bought something with a warranty, just in case. Besides which, if it's a business purchase, you keep the receipt and claim it back on your tax. Idjitt.
    God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

    I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.


    • #3
      Quoth Zombi View Post
      Well, you said it right here: "Cheap-assed moron".

      A sensible person, when buying for their business, would have spent the extra money and bought something with a warranty, just in case. Besides which, if it's a business purchase, you keep the receipt and claim it back on your tax. Idjitt.
      I wonder how well it would go over when Mr. Businessman ends up losing his shirt and his business goes under b/c of his insane addiction to cutting corners?

      That should warrant a laugh or two. Especially when he'll probably be blaming everyone else and the dog rather than *gasp* himself for making poor decisions.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Next topic, the "buy & try" types...

        We always get the ones that need a bit of hardware, but aren't sure if it'll work with what they have..Not our problem, all you have to do is research a bit & you'll know.

        But, we still get the odd git that hasn't done his/her homework & expects me to research (for free) the hardware...

        Hero: So, did you want to buy this ***?
        SC: Sure...So ummm...If it doesn't work I can bring it back right?
        Her: Sure, we'll nail you for restocking & you get an in store credit
        SC: Credit?
        Hero: Yup. We'd have to resell USED product...Just because someone didn't check beforehand that it would work with their gear. Not our fault now is it?
        SC: But....
        Hero: But?
        SC: I should be able to get my money back.
        Hero: Yeah...Apparently that has STILL been leading to a mess of "buy & try" people. It makes inventory really messy doing that. In store credit has seemed to cure that lately.
        SC: So what do I do then?
        Hero: Google.
        SC: What?
        Hero: G O O G L E the item in question. Ensure that it WILL in fact work before you purchase it.
        SC: But that takes time to read & stuff.
        Hero: And?
        SC: I don't want to do that....


        Hero: Do you want me to research all this for you?
        SC: Yeah!!
        Hero: Pfftt...Not my job. My time for personal research is about $35 an hour...Minimum 2 hour charge. You can find the info yourself in about 15 minutes. By the way, I accept cash only...Up front.
        SC: But....

        *more crickets*

        Hero: Did you actually want to PURCHASE anything today?
        SC: I don't know yet...
        Hero: Ok. When you know what you want to buy...AND KEEP...let me know.
        *moves along to take care of paying customer*...

        PS: On an end note.... I am SOOOO tired of people coming in & saying "I need a wingnut that will connect to an assnut that I haven't looked up"...If you haven't noticed
        Last edited by Mr. Rude; 11-23-2006, 08:24 AM. Reason: Because customers suck
        "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

        Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


        • #5
          Next topic....The lime green polo shirt guy with retro preppy haircut...

          Backtrack to a couple of weeks ago...

          Unbeknownst to me, I had dealt with lgpsgwrhs' mother earlier in the day regarding his system that was in for repair. Apparently it wasn't ready because our tech had been waiting for a call back about replacing his mobo....It had 9 blown caps on it....Should be cut & dry. Alas, mom (who was really nice) didn't know what was up so she'd get lgpsgrph to come by for his tower. I wish her well & she departs.

          Hours later....

          Thankfully, I didn't have the misfortune of dealing with lgpsgrph (who will by referred to as "git" or other suitable descriptive word for the remainder of the post). I did see his WONDERFULLY mature tirade as he left the store with tower in arms yelling to our manager "Go f**k yourself assh**e!!!*. Mangers response? It was classic & delivered in a wonderfully kind voice with a smile... "You have a great weekend too" .
          It turns out, f**kchop had screwed up installing a simple case fan in his tower, brought it to us to fix & our tech noticed that his system was ready to/had already kicked the bucket. Of course the guy that repairs comps all day knows NOTHING about computers. The buttmunch that couldn't even put in a case fan knows WAAYYYY more than our tech does. Needless to say, s**t for brains was rather chagrined at the fact that he had to pay $35 for his tower to be serviced & not really have anything done to it because he thought we were trying to rip him off over his motherboard being bad. He stormed out, probably called his pal to check his system out, then, will have to get a new mobo installed.....Yeah, we have nothing better to do than to fabricate lies about peoples computers. We LOVE to have people get angry & yell at us.....Not.

          End note, we would have waived the service charge to install a newly purchased mobo for him.
          Last edited by Mr. Rude; 11-25-2006, 06:56 PM. Reason: hungover mispelling
          "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

          Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.

