If you say that you go to a steakhouse for the coffee...then you need your head checked.
I talked about this in this thread on general work chat but these folks deserved to be pulled out as sucky customers.
Our coffee machine is broken. It brews coffee - pressing the button to brew one pot will get you enough water for three! So, if you want a river of coffee...just press the button. This went on for a week before we decided to 86 coffee. Just tell people we didn't have it.
Then these asshats come in. They're regulars who come into this steakhouse for lunch often. They order coffee...regular and decaf. The server told them that he was sorry, but we were having issue with our coffee maker, it wasn't working properly. Rather than merely order something different - they got upset. They clamied that the COFFEE was the reason they came to the STEAKHOUSE. Our cheap ass, bottom of the barrell, restaurant packaged coffee. Lack of this bean of golden goodness
would mean that they would leave if they could not have it! It was absurd that we didnt have it.
HEY! We have it - but it's not working! But, the server, aiming to please - made them the coffee...and the rivers ensued.
C'mon - who goes to a steakhouse - not a fine dining steakhouse - mind you - a chain steakhouse for the freakin' coffee???!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?
I talked about this in this thread on general work chat but these folks deserved to be pulled out as sucky customers.
Our coffee machine is broken. It brews coffee - pressing the button to brew one pot will get you enough water for three! So, if you want a river of coffee...just press the button. This went on for a week before we decided to 86 coffee. Just tell people we didn't have it.
Then these asshats come in. They're regulars who come into this steakhouse for lunch often. They order coffee...regular and decaf. The server told them that he was sorry, but we were having issue with our coffee maker, it wasn't working properly. Rather than merely order something different - they got upset. They clamied that the COFFEE was the reason they came to the STEAKHOUSE. Our cheap ass, bottom of the barrell, restaurant packaged coffee. Lack of this bean of golden goodness

HEY! We have it - but it's not working! But, the server, aiming to please - made them the coffee...and the rivers ensued.
C'mon - who goes to a steakhouse - not a fine dining steakhouse - mind you - a chain steakhouse for the freakin' coffee???!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?