At my store, right by the front door, is a rather large area with diagonal white lines which universally denotes a fire zone, meaning no parking in that area. About every week or so we have some people try to park there. And of course, I have to tell them that they have to move their cars. These people split into two groups, one who listens, and one who argues. I will focus on the arguers. The reasons I have been given are mostly "But I am handicapped and the handicapped spots are taken," "there are no other spots available" and "I am only waiting for someone who is shopping inside." All those reasons may be valid but are NOT an excuse. Bottom line is that you cannot park there, and I believe there is a law about that. I could be a jerk and have you towed, but I am giving you an opportunity to move it. Don't argue with me and frickin move your car, it is not that hard.
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I am tired of dealing with this
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I'd go out with a cell phone to my ear, and tell em the cops are on the way, move now, and then loudly recite the car make, model and license plate into the phone. They won't know that you didn't really call, and if they don't move, I'd start describing them, their clothing, and then ask for their name.
If that doesn't make them move, I don't know.I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt
Quoth Ill_Used_Heroine View PostI'd go out with a cell phone to my ear, and tell em the cops are on the way, move now, and then loudly recite the car make, model and license plate into the phone. They won't know that you didn't really call, and if they don't move, I'd start describing them, their clothing, and then ask for their name.
If that doesn't make them move, I don't know."Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021
I'd do the same thing, except I would actually call it in.
They know damned well they can't park there. Give em a ticket instead of a warning.
[edit] In fact, a ticket *IS* a warning, and it's a lot cheaper than having your car rammed by a firetruck, or your windows smashed out so they can run the hose through.Last edited by infinitemonkies; 07-20-2009, 09:09 AM.Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.
"A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain
Quoth scroob View Post"I am only waiting for someone who is shopping inside."Women can do anything men can.
But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.
Quoth Sparky View PostWhat's the problem with this? I mean if someone is running inside quickly, and if the driver is waiting in the car? I do realize the fire zone is no place to leave a car, but if you're IN the car, I figure if a firetruck shows up you can get out of the way pretty fast.Last edited by ano; 07-20-2009, 03:04 PM.Standing on the moon With nothing else to do A lovely view of heaven But I'd rather be with you
My father used to moan constantly that people would park in the service access at the business he used to own. When I was a kid, I watched him use his own way of getting rid of them.
Dad - "Hey! You can't park there!"
SC - "I'm only going to be a few minutes."
Dad - "You have two minutes."
SC - "Thanks!"
Dad, reaching for the phone "No problem. It takes at least three minutes for the tow truck to get here."
I once got on to a customer who parked their car in the very front of the store, in the middle of the cross walk and blocking traffic. She was really trashy and insisted on arguing with me. I was soo fortunate to have a group of kids hanging out on our patio furnature, and when they heard me arguing with me one of them yelled to her "move your fucking car, idiot". The other laughed and heckled her until she moved it and left.
Quoth draco664 View PostMy father used to moan constantly that people would park in the service access at the business he used to own. When I was a kid, I watched him use his own way of getting rid of them.
Dad - "Hey! You can't park there!"
SC - "I'm only going to be a few minutes."
Dad - "You have two minutes."
SC - "Thanks!"
Dad, reaching for the phone "No problem. It takes at least three minutes for the tow truck to get here."
We have large concrete blocks in front of our fire lane, with "NO PARKING, FIRE LANE" signs embedded in them. People stop in the middle of the street, get out, drag the blocks out of the way, get back in, and park in the fire lane...» Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «
Quoth Sparky View PostWhat's the problem with this? I mean if someone is running inside quickly, and if the driver is waiting in the car? I do realize the fire zone is no place to leave a car, but if you're IN the car, I figure if a firetruck shows up you can get out of the way pretty fast.
What especially annoys me are people that do this when the lot is nearly empty and the spots closest to the store are available. I really wish police and fire departments would start cracking down on this."We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural
RIP Plaidman.
I get at least 20 people every day coming to the walk-up window at my pharmacy while leaving their car in the fire lane. I should write a note to traffic cops saying if they need to bulk up the number of tickets they write fast, hang out by us!
Quoth Dave1982 View PostI really wish police and fire departments would start cracking down on this.Quoth Ellain View PostI get at least 20 people every day coming to the walk-up window at my pharmacy while leaving their car in the fire lane. I should write a note to traffic cops saying if they need to bulk up the number of tickets they write fast, hang out by us!
And unless you are directed by the store to wait there for your large/heavy/unwieldy item to be brought out, or someone is actually getting in/out of the car, stopping there is EW material of the most literal sort.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
Quoth bubblelittlepally View PostI once got on to a customer who parked their car in the very front of the store, in the middle of the cross walk and blocking traffic. She was really trashy and insisted on arguing with me. I was soo fortunate to have a group of kids hanging out on our patio furnature, and when they heard me arguing with me one of them yelled to her "move your fucking car, idiot". The other laughed and heckled her until she moved it and left.Tamezin