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"Try and Try Again" isn't for alcohol purchases

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  • "Try and Try Again" isn't for alcohol purchases

    So earlier today I was on SCO, and it was pretty late in the evening, around 10:30 or so, and it's just me and one standard lane open. These three customers come up to check out on SCO, two girls and a guy. The guy didn't really participate, so we'll just go with basic physical features and call our characters Big Girl and Small Girl (BG and SG).

    SG is first. She's got two bottles of cheap wine. It's not clear they're together at this point, and I'm fairly lenient anyway. So I card her - 1983. We're fine. She gets her things and I move on to BG. BG has a case of Miller Lite and two cans of Labatt. What she doesn't have is an ID, which she informs me she left in their car.

    Me: You can just run out and get it. I'll just close that register for now.
    BG: No, we need to get back.
    SG: What if I got them? You carded me already.

    Ah. They are together, and now we're playing musical IDs. That means I'm not allowed to be nice anymore because now they're taking away my 'it didn't seem like they were together, officer' excuse.

    Me: I still need to see yours. If you buy it and give it to her outside I've effectively sold to her.
    SG: But what if I pay for it with my money?
    Me: It's still the same thing. She could just pay you back outside and I'm still selling to her. Who pays is irrelevant, really.
    BG: Come on, we don't have time. We'll just go.

    And they exit. Here's where we go right past 'dumb kids' and into 'fail at life' territory. SG comes back inside a couple minutes later - easily within 5 minutes. And it's slow enough at this hour that it's not like I'd forget them.

    Any guesses what SG was buying? Anyone?

    How about a case of Miller Lite and two cans of Labatt? And not only did she go back through SCO, she went to the same register.

    Me: You know, I'm still not going to be able to sell to you.
    SG: Why not? I'm of age. You want to see my ID?
    Me: I already have.
    SG: Then you know I'm of age.
    Me: Yeah, but I can't let you buy for them.
    SG: This is just for me.
    Me: You're buying the exact same thing I just refused to sell to your friend.
    SG: It's not the same thing.
    Me: I'm still not going to sell to you.
    SG: But I'm of age.
    Me: That's not the point.
    SG: I'm of age. This is my own money.
    Me: You could still be buying for your friends.
    SG: So why sell to anyone! Anybody could be buying for someone else!
    Me: Yeah, but you have the exact same thing. That's sort of obvious.

    Okay, you get the idea. That went on for about five minutes. Finally, I got an "Ugh, forget it. Just forget it." out of her and she left.

    Idiocy vanquished once more. I just wish I'd seen this coming so I could've refused the wine sale, too.

    And here's one from earlier in the day.

    A woman came through SCO during a major rush, which was compounded by the fact that two cashiers had called in and one of my registers was down. She scanned two items, then remembered to put in her Kroger card. She called me over to ask why she hadn't gotten the sale price on those two things, and I explained to her that the card was in, and it would just discount it at the end. I went on to handle some other issues, and then came back to find that she'd rung up two more things, totaled up (displaying her discount in the process, by the way), and then put everything back in her cart and pressed the help button.

    SC: I want you to take this off and let me start over.
    Me: It'll be fine. It'll take it off at the end like I said.
    SC: I don't trust it to take it off like that. Just let me start over.
    Me: (loading things back on to get the alert to quit beeping at me) I'll show you, all you have to do is press... well, you've already got it up there, see? (and I point to the line where the discount came off)
    SC: I don't understand what you're doing here. Just reset it!
    Me: That would mean I'd have to void off the order, which needs a manager's key.
    SC: So can you do it or not?
    Me: It's going to take a few minutes.
    SC: I'll just use this one, then!

    So she moved to the next SCO station, meaning she was using two at once and further backing everything up. And of course there had been other issues I'd had to ignore just to hold her hand for all this. When I finally made it over to the front desk to get the supervisor's key so I could clear her first one off, I explained the problem to him, and he asked perhaps the most reasonable question anyone could about her:

    "Did you tell her she's a dumb bitch?"

    And to bed with me, because I need to be awake in five hours at most, then pack and be on the road an hour after that.
    » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «

  • #2
    The first story is really sad. Because I had that happen to me a month ago. I was working the express lane and I tell the guy I can't sell him alcohol since his friend didn't have ID and it was the friend originally trying to purchase it. When he asked what would stop him from grabbing more and going through another line, I told him "Nothing. But I know who it's for and therefore I can't sell it to you and I can see you do it". So he of course comes back through my register.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Oh man I hate when people do what that last woman did. I generally use SCO because it's not hard at all and I'm fast. So if you're standing behind me waiting you'd like it better than some dumb people who get in the SCO lines.

      At my grocery store, at least once a week you'll see one of the SCO's with a bunch of items rung in with the customer who rang up the stuff no where in sight. It's probably for the exact same reason as that lady in the first post. So now one of the SCO's is unavailable and needs to be cleared. I always want to find that person and ask them are they stupid. Mainly because of their inconsideration leaving the SCO like that holding others up.


      • #4
        That sort of reminds me of a story. I was working the register and this woman came up. Her total came up. "I don't have enough". So I took some stuff off and the total came up, "I don't believe that total". so I voided everything off and rang up everything again. The total came up the same..."I still don't believe it". Her friend finally said, "Let's go"

