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Why is this so hard? *whine*

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  • Why is this so hard? *whine*

    Okay, whenever you run your card though the atm as a credit card or don't put your pin in, as a security precauction it sends you up to the cage to retrieve your money.

    Me: Hello

    SC: I ran my card. Where the hell is my money?!

    I was like crap, one of those...

    Me: Well, I just need the card you used and your ID.

    SC: WHAT?

    Me: Um... The credit card you ran and your identification.

    SC starts fumbling around and tries to hand me his whole wallet with his ID. I refuse to handle their wallet and we're not really allowed to bring things like that through the cage.

    Me: I need your ID out, please.

    SC: WHY?

    Me: so I can scan it through.

    Really, you can. There are strips on some of the backs of ID's and it automatically enters the info in for you and makes it a lot easier and faster.

    SC starts taking out his ID and in all seriousness asks me in a hateful tone: WHy is this sooo hard!?

    ME: ... (In my head, last I checked it wasn't that hard to pull out those two things and let me do all the work!)

    Now, it prints a paper that looks like a check--so we have paperwork as to why we paid out what we did. And it also gives the customer another receipt.

    I get the paper and brace myself. I have to ask for him to sign, initial and dun dun dun, thumb print!

    After I get the signature and initial...

    Me: okay, now I just need a thumb print.

    SC: No.

    Me: Well, then I won't pay you.

    I was loosing it by then, he was bitching the whole time and glaring at me like it was the hardest thing in the world!

    SC: Fine. Void the goddamn thing out!

    Me: fine.

    I took off to the back and told the supervisor that I would not be dealing with him and that he's all hers. I hid in the back and watched.

    I later heard that he threw a fit when she voided it saying: But how do I know you really did it??

    He demanded that she write our phone number on it, her name and position. He was a complete idiot. Had he just put his thumb print, I could have paid him his hundred. But NOOOO he had to be a pansy assed, whiney bitch and now he gets to wait from three days to a week to see that hundred again.

  • #2
    I get a kick out of people freaking out over fingerprints.
    I have fingerprints on file with several states and at least one federally for various purposes(nothing bad,I'm a good boy). I had to do this to cash a check a couple times too.
    I can't even imagine how to use a fingerprint for fraud purposes.


    • #3
      A fingerprint is the least of their worries for what kind of information we have on them!!! lol Dude surveilance can see up your nose, gimmie the damn print! But lucky for them we are all good people and don't use info for bad reasons.

      But I don't understand why they're so scared of it! And when they do use the fingerprint ink pad, they either gag me by licking their finger first (wtf man!) or they freak out and beg for something to wipe their finger off with while you can just rub your fingers together and it disappears.


      • #4
        personally I think that the fingerprints are a little too far.

        I understand that they are secure, but I'd rather have my finger scanned by a fingerprint scanner than dip my finger in ink. I mean I know the ink goes away but if i'm wearing one of my expensive white work shirts I wouldn't want to risk getting any ink on it.

        still, SC made so much fuss about it being too hard that they would have spent less time there if they hadn't complained.
        "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

        CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
        Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


        • #5
          Quoth Darkforge View Post
          I mean I know the ink goes away but if i'm wearing one of my expensive white work shirts I wouldn't want to risk getting any ink on it.
          The ink used for fingerprinting is water based and washes out with normal detergent in a normal wash cycle. I've got it on my shirts enough times to find that one out!
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            The requirements are from an outside company. Its because it prints out like a check which for some reason requires fingerprints. It is odd but our company has to follow their rules. And the "ink" doesn't even stay on your hands, you just have to rub your fingers together and it disappears. And we do provide those handy wipes when asked. Or some cashiers just leave them in the window but I think it looks tacky.

            The fingerprints are no big deal really, if we forget to get one from the customers sometimes we'll just stick our own on them. lol Nobody really even cares about it--its just something put there for a reason unknown to us cashiers but it probably is pointless.


            • #7
              Quoth Anakah View Post
              The fingerprints are no big deal really, if we forget to get one from the customers sometimes we'll just stick our own on them. lol Nobody really even cares about it--its just something put there for a reason unknown to us cashiers but it probably is pointless.
              It's a security measure, much the same as keeping your car in a garage, and it leads to less-expensive insurance premiums for the company running things.

              I totally would never put my own on a check I wasn't actually cashing. If that check happened to be part of a scam, getting dragged into all that would totally not be worth it.

              But this doofus could have avoided that whole charade if he'd just used his stupid ATM card like an ATM card.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

