Okay, whenever you run your card though the atm as a credit card or don't put your pin in, as a security precauction it sends you up to the cage to retrieve your money.
Me: Hello
SC: I ran my card. Where the hell is my money?!
I was like crap, one of those...
Me: Well, I just need the card you used and your ID.
Me: Um... The credit card you ran and your identification.
SC starts fumbling around and tries to hand me his whole wallet with his ID. I refuse to handle their wallet and we're not really allowed to bring things like that through the cage.
Me: I need your ID out, please.
Me: so I can scan it through.
Really, you can. There are strips on some of the backs of ID's and it automatically enters the info in for you and makes it a lot easier and faster.
SC starts taking out his ID and in all seriousness asks me in a hateful tone: WHy is this sooo hard!?
ME: ...
(In my head, last I checked it wasn't that hard to pull out those two things and let me do all the work!)
Now, it prints a paper that looks like a check--so we have paperwork as to why we paid out what we did. And it also gives the customer another receipt.
I get the paper and brace myself. I have to ask for him to sign, initial and dun dun dun, thumb print!
After I get the signature and initial...
Me: okay, now I just need a thumb print.
SC: No.
Me: Well, then I won't pay you.
I was loosing it by then, he was bitching the whole time and glaring at me like it was the hardest thing in the world!
SC: Fine. Void the goddamn thing out!
Me: fine.
I took off to the back and told the supervisor that I would not be dealing with him and that he's all hers. I hid in the back and watched.
I later heard that he threw a fit when she voided it saying: But how do I know you really did it??
He demanded that she write our phone number on it, her name and position. He was a complete idiot. Had he just put his thumb print, I could have paid him his hundred. But NOOOO he had to be a pansy assed, whiney bitch and now he gets to wait from three days to a week to see that hundred again.
Me: Hello

SC: I ran my card. Where the hell is my money?!
I was like crap, one of those...
Me: Well, I just need the card you used and your ID.
Me: Um... The credit card you ran and your identification.
SC starts fumbling around and tries to hand me his whole wallet with his ID. I refuse to handle their wallet and we're not really allowed to bring things like that through the cage.
Me: I need your ID out, please.
Me: so I can scan it through.
Really, you can. There are strips on some of the backs of ID's and it automatically enters the info in for you and makes it a lot easier and faster.
SC starts taking out his ID and in all seriousness asks me in a hateful tone: WHy is this sooo hard!?
ME: ...

Now, it prints a paper that looks like a check--so we have paperwork as to why we paid out what we did. And it also gives the customer another receipt.
I get the paper and brace myself. I have to ask for him to sign, initial and dun dun dun, thumb print!
After I get the signature and initial...
Me: okay, now I just need a thumb print.
SC: No.
Me: Well, then I won't pay you.
I was loosing it by then, he was bitching the whole time and glaring at me like it was the hardest thing in the world!
SC: Fine. Void the goddamn thing out!
Me: fine.
I took off to the back and told the supervisor that I would not be dealing with him and that he's all hers. I hid in the back and watched.
I later heard that he threw a fit when she voided it saying: But how do I know you really did it??
He demanded that she write our phone number on it, her name and position. He was a complete idiot. Had he just put his thumb print, I could have paid him his hundred. But NOOOO he had to be a pansy assed, whiney bitch and now he gets to wait from three days to a week to see that hundred again.