***Language Warning...I'm fired up!***
SC just calls from central America. Advises me that the Delta counter agent can't find his reservation.
I look it up, find the ticket number and begin to recite it to SC to give to the agent. Next thing I knew, I hear SC say something to the counter agent in Spanish, then the phone being jostled around. *Then* I'm on the phone with the counter agent, who (though clearly doing his best) didn't speak the best English in the world.
Ugh...I HATE HATE HATE it when customers pass me off like that and don't even tell me. I hate it WORSE then the customer speaks the language of the counter staff, but decides to be a narcissistic JACKASS and subject both the counter agent AND the travel agent to the hell of trying to figure each other out.
It gets better!
After giving the agent the ticket number (twice) and the confirmation number (thrice), he finally found the reservation and apologized.
I hear him get cut off abruptly and the phone jostled around some more. Then SC is back on the phone:
SC - "Yeah, so what happened?"
Me - "Oh, am I back on with Mr. Asshole?" (in sickly sweet tone)
SC - "Yeah!! so what happened?"
Me - "I'm really not sure. It took a few moments, but he finally found the record and seems to be processing your boarding pass now. He apologized to me, but im not entirely sure what the problem was."
***More back-and-forth between SC and the agent, in Spanish***
SC - "This is RIDICULOUS!" *click*
Me -
Seriously - WTF is the big deal? It took you, what, an extra THREE minutes of your life to get on the fucking plane because of a small miscommunication? THREE MINUTES, I might add, that probably would have been cut in HALF if you had just told him the ticket number yourself!
I fully documented the reservation, stating everything above, with the exception of the cuss words I used to describe him.
This particular company has a good relationship with our agency. I hope he gets in trouble.
SC just calls from central America. Advises me that the Delta counter agent can't find his reservation.
I look it up, find the ticket number and begin to recite it to SC to give to the agent. Next thing I knew, I hear SC say something to the counter agent in Spanish, then the phone being jostled around. *Then* I'm on the phone with the counter agent, who (though clearly doing his best) didn't speak the best English in the world.
Ugh...I HATE HATE HATE it when customers pass me off like that and don't even tell me. I hate it WORSE then the customer speaks the language of the counter staff, but decides to be a narcissistic JACKASS and subject both the counter agent AND the travel agent to the hell of trying to figure each other out.
It gets better!
After giving the agent the ticket number (twice) and the confirmation number (thrice), he finally found the reservation and apologized.
I hear him get cut off abruptly and the phone jostled around some more. Then SC is back on the phone:
SC - "Yeah, so what happened?"
Me - "Oh, am I back on with Mr. Asshole?" (in sickly sweet tone)
SC - "Yeah!! so what happened?"
Me - "I'm really not sure. It took a few moments, but he finally found the record and seems to be processing your boarding pass now. He apologized to me, but im not entirely sure what the problem was."
***More back-and-forth between SC and the agent, in Spanish***
SC - "This is RIDICULOUS!" *click*
Me -

Seriously - WTF is the big deal? It took you, what, an extra THREE minutes of your life to get on the fucking plane because of a small miscommunication? THREE MINUTES, I might add, that probably would have been cut in HALF if you had just told him the ticket number yourself!

I fully documented the reservation, stating everything above, with the exception of the cuss words I used to describe him.
This particular company has a good relationship with our agency. I hope he gets in trouble.