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Customers who throw things at you ....

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  • Customers who throw things at you ....

    I was working on the service desk today, it was crazy busy, I was lined up about 7-8 deep in my line and all 5 lines of the phones going nuts. Most of my customers were really sweet and had no problem with the wait as they could see I was working my butt off. Then I had the crazy phone lady.
    She was about mid-6o's and had no patience. She wanted to return a phone which she had since late September early / October, which would make it way past our 30 day return policy. When I told her that there was nothing i could do, that in fact she would have call the manufacture, she flipped out and started yelling at me, nothing new, yelling customers doesn't bother me anymore. But instead of asking for a manager and talking about the situation like and adult she decided to throw a fit and THROW the phone at me, telling me to take it and shove it and that she wanted all her cards cancelled, (note that she never even gave me her name to cancel them, or even give me the chance to tell her that she would have to cancel the cards herself as I am not authorized to cancel them before she stormed off). The customers I had right after her were really sweet though and almost made up for her suckyness.
    However when I was telling some of my co-workers about "this crazy lady I had who flicked a phone at me and demanded I cancel her cards" she was standing RIGHT behind me (I never saw her until after I was done telling them). From the look on her face she knew I was talking about her, I ran up to the staff room and hid out there for a while.

  • #2
    Quoth Cole View Post
    ...she was standing RIGHT behind me (I never saw her until after I was done telling them). From the look on her face she knew I was talking about her, I ran up to the staff room and hid out there for a while.
    Oh gods! I would have gone and hid out for a while too! would have been funny if you had said when you saw her and you realized she knew you were talking about her...

    "Yes, YOU!"


    • #3
      This once happened to my manager, but fortunately it was only some crazy throwing one of our loyalty cards at him. No harm done.


      • #4
        Quoth Clintmax View Post would have been funny if you had said when you saw her and you realized she knew you were talking about her...

        "Yes, YOU!"

        I would've done that.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          There was this one time last month when I had just clocked in and I was ready to work that drive-thru with a smile and all. This guy had ordered a Big fish sandwich with LOTS of tartar sauce and no lettuce. I didn't take the order or make his food so when I hand it to him at the window he asks

          "Is my sandwich made right?"

          Me: "It should be sir." -fake smile-

          SC: "Mind if I check just to make sure?"

          Me: "Go ahead." Hurry the hell up...

          So he opens his sandwich and mutters an obsenity and then tosses the sandwich at me. I watch it slide on the window thing and look up.


          Me: You f***ng asshole -calmly- "You didn't need to throw it at me. I had nothing to do with your sandwich being made wrong and you don't need to cuss at me either. I'm trying to help you out here."

          I was professional about it for a change. Go me.


          • #6
            Had a guy throw a pen at me because the computer refused to take his check and that was after I offered to try to run it through one more time.


            • #7
              I've never had anyone throw anything at me but I can tell you if I did I'd have probably gotten fired and arrested within the same 30 minutes.


              • #8
                Lol...I have a short temper so stuff like that doesn't go well with me. To be improper for a minute, I don't play that s***.


                • #9
                  Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                  I would've done that.
                  Me too. Wench deserves at least that.


                  • #10
                    Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                    I would've done that.
                    And thirded.

                    There should be a sign that says "If you throw something at the staff, they can throw YOU!"
                    I AM the evil bastard!
                    A+ Certified IT Technician


                    • #11
                      I used to work at a pet store. I had a manager there who refused to sell a puppy to a customer (I think it was a problem with the landlord approval). The customer got really angry and threw the PUPPY at my manager!!! Just lucky for the puppy that my manager could catch. And it was lucky for the customer that my coworkers didn't catch HER.


                      • #12
                        throwing a puppy *real cool...NOT!! what a skank (customer)

                        i witnessed one time an impatient sc throw money at a checker friend of mine while in the middle of his transaction...when the checker counted his change back she merely tossed it back to him in the same manner he tossed it at her...well it didnt go over to well and the next thing on his "to do" list was talk to a manager.

                        why is it that asshat customers can throw crap at you and if you do the same its like you insulted thier family or something?
                        NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                        • #13
                          The only thing I can think of that has been thrown at me are club cards. People get mad that I have inconvienienced them by asking for it, and once they find it in their purse or wallet, the toss it at me. Whenever someone has done this to me, I toss it back. I figure, if they think its ok to be treated that way, then ok, I'm game. I have never had anyone call me on it or throw a fit. I think they get the hint that they were the one being rude.

                          Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                          • #14
                            I have to be honest if someone throws something at me it's ging right back at them and I DARE them to complain!


                            • #15
                              I hated when people threw things at me. I even had to get stitches once, but it got me out of a black friday shift! When I worked at walmart many eons ago.. and I went by Isios on the customers suck forums.. I worked first shift on black friday in our Photo department. We had 6, I think, of the digital cameras that were 99.99. I had a line of 20 at 5 AM, sale didn't start until 6. Soo, I knew it was going to be a long day at 6. I basically told the line to count to 6 from the top and that was who was gettinga camera. People were angry but understood I had no control over our stock. So 6:05 AM another person is at the register ringing up the cameras. The manager is doing crowd control in electronics. I am developing picturs in our 1 hour lab. Guy comes to the side counter and asks for the digital cameras. I get up and tell him, I am sorry sir but we only recieved 6 of them and we had a line at 5 AM so they were gone before we started the sale pretty much. He chucked his car keys at me hitting me pretty hard. I was dazed and felt the wet trickle down the side of me head. I just stood there looking at him, about this time my manager comes around the corner and starts screaming at me asking what happened. The guy is still standing there horrified at what he just did. Long story short I ended up with about 5 or 6 stitches, nothing to write home about. I didn't press charges, just wasn't worth the time and effort to me. I did get to go home for the rest of the day and recieved a week of work. Its been a long time so I think I am recalling all of that right.

