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No, Ma'am, you're the only one who read it that way!

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  • No, Ma'am, you're the only one who read it that way!

    Ok. First off, I work as a cashier in a grocery store. This past week, we were having a promotion. Five twelve packs of coke for $10, assuming you bought 5 packs and $25 worth of other stuff.

    For this story, the cast of characters is as follows:

    Me: Well, me
    SC: Sucky Customer
    My Brain: My thoughts not spoken during this transaction

    So, this lady comes through my line with about 10 cases of Coke and definitely less than $25 worth of other stuff. I immediately decided to be helpful.

    Me: Ma'am, I just wanted to inform you that those cokes will ring up at $2.99.

    SC: No, they won't.

    Me: Actually, you have to buy $25 worth of stuff for it to $2.

    SC: There's a sign back there, and it says I don't.

    Me: Well, there is something inside the ad. Let's look at it. (I grab a copy of the ad)

    SC: That's the same sign by the sodas.

    Me: Ah, yes, so you have to make a $25 purchase.

    SC: Yes, and that includes the sodas.

    My brain: Are you related to the SC who was convinced that buy 2, get 1 free meant you only had to buy two total?

    Me (foolishly trying to reason with her): Actually, it doesn't. The $25 of stuff you have to buy is separate from other stuff.

    My Brain: After all, if a jewelry store has a "cheap necklace with purchase of diamond engagement ring", then the ring and the necklace are different. Same thing if a grocery store has a "cheap coke with a $25 purchase order.")

    SC: Well, I read it that way.

    Me: Well, I suppose it can be read that way.

    My Brain: But you're the only one who did.

    Me: However, I can't give it to you at the $2 price. The computer won't let me.

    My Brain: And, more to the point, I won't do it.

    SC: Well, I guess I'll go get some other stuff. <SC leaves and comes back with more stuff. I scan it>

    Me: Which of the sodas do you want?

    SC: All of them!

    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am. The limit for the $2 each price is 5.

    The SC chose the sodas she wanted, paid, and left. And I, of course, was left with 5 cases of Coke on the back of my register.

  • #2
    But I thought the customer was ALWAYS right?!!!!!! And the sad thing is, it's just soda. You can live without it.
    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


    • #3
      I feel your pain. We went through similar at the Kitty (can be found here) during our Thanksgiving ad (which actually ends on Tuesday night) with our frozen turkeys (er, Birdzillas.)

      Too bad we couldn't line up the SC's like bowling pins and use the frozen turkeys they wanted us to put back like bowling balls and see how many of them we could knock down.

      The newest event in the Redneck Olympics: Turkey Bowling
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Quoth Giggle Goose View Post
        But I thought the customer was ALWAYS right?!!!!!!
        "The customer always THINKS they're right."
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          On Friday, Mejiers was running a sale on a Plasma tvs for $99.... but the catch was that it had a $200 mail in rebate, so you actually had to pay $299 at the store, mail in the rebate for the $200, etc etc. When I saw that in the paper, I pointed it out to my husband and said "That is going to cause major problems for the cashiers" Sure enough, I managed to get in line behind one of the idjits who couldn't (wouldn't) read the ad. Hilarity ensues:

          Cashier: Ok, Ma'am your total comes to $385.00 (customer had groceries and other items.
          Woman: WHAT?!?!? How is it that much??

          Cashier turns screen towards customer and points out charges.
          Woman starts laughing : Oh, see you charged me wrong for the tv, it's supposed to be $99, not $299.
          Cashier: Uh, no ma'am the tv is $299 and you have to mail in your rebate for the $200.
          Woman scrambles for ad, finds it and shoves it in cashier's face: Look, right here it says $99.00!!

          Cashier calmly removes ad from her face and points to the asterisk next to the $99.00 and then points to the small print stating the mail in rebate info.

          Woman: It's the Friday after Thanksgiving! You can't honestly expect me to read, can you?!?!

          Needless to say, after much grousing and bitching the woman left the tv with the cashier. <sigh> So glad I don't work retail anymore!
          Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.


          • #6
            Quoth shenzee View Post
            Woman: It's the Friday after Thanksgiving! You can't honestly expect me to read, can you?!?!
            [Snappy Comeback][i]*Sigh* "No Ma'am, I suppose not."

            "Nor, should I expect you to actually use your brain on the Friday after Thanksgiving, or any other day of the year for that matter!"[/Snappy Comeback]


