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Three Quick Ones

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  • Three Quick Ones

    These are from last week. Forgot I'd put notes about them in my cell phone...

    I was on the Express register this particular day.

    Receipt Checker
    Lots of people like to go over their receipt to be sure they weren't overcharged or whatever. I understand that, especially if there were any voided items on the receipt. You, sir, however, got me at my best. No errors. No voided items. Never once did you intimate that there was a wrong charge or something on your order.

    And yet you stand there, a mere foot away from my register, and examine every item on your receipt in painstaking detail, and are quite obvious about it, too. The looks you were giving me suggested quite clearly that you thought I had wronged you in some way.

    If this is the case, say so. Don't stand there glaring at me. I've been glared at by experts, and you look as if you're desperate for the toilet. (Which, by the way, was only five feet away.)

    Lazy Milk Demander
    So this woman comes up and puts her things on the belt. I ring her up, and she had a gallon of 2% milk. She says she wants to get a second. So I scan the milk a second time. The order is finished, and she pays for it. Then it happens.

    "So is someone going to get my milk?"

    Blink. So I tell her, essentially, uh, no, ma'am, if you want milk, you have to go back and get it yourself.

    She just looked a bit surprised at this, but EVENTUALLY went back to get it, once it became clear that no one else was going to do it for her.

    I understand it's a bit of a trek, since it's at the other end of the store, but seriously, you're not mobility challenged that badly, or you'd have said so.

    Lotto Scratchers
    Okay, I'll admit, I used to play those little lotto scratchers once upon. Eventually, though, I realized how much money I was spending and how little I was getting back. So I stopped. This is not to say it's not possible to win the big prize. My former CW RK won $10,000 on a lotto scratcher once.

    This guy, however... I just weep for how much he's probably spending on a regular basis on these things.

    He comes up to the Express register, where our lotto machine is located. On this machine, I can print out people's tickets for those Pick 3, Pick 4, Mega Millions, or Win For Life games, and a few other draw games. I can also scan their tickets for both those, and the scratchers, to see if they've won.

    He comes up, gives me a few scratchers. He's won $15 all told. So I process them, give him his money. He leaves.

    He comes back a few minutes later with more scratchers. This time he's won $70 all told. I process them again, give him his money. He leaves.

    This time, however, I watch him go down to the lotto scratcher dispenser, and witness him dropping all of the money he just won into the machine. And he doesn't come back, which tells me he didn't win anything.

    So he dropped $70 into a machine and got $0 back. That's why I don't play lotto scratchers anymore.
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

  • #2
    We have a lotto lady at our store "J" who drops at least $200 a week on scratch tickets thinking she's gonna "win it big" but hardly ever wins past $50.


    • #3
      I can't speak for other states, but California's lottery proudly boasts that it has a 50% payback rate (IE, on average, if you bet $100, you'll get $50 back). That boast is in the middle of literature explaining where the money goes, and how it's so good for the schools...

      It helps put things in perspective to know that there's a statute in Nevada (expressly for Las Vegas, of course, but Reno and Laughlin count, too) that states that the LOWEST any casino game can pay back is 75%. And there are some that do pay back that low... mostly Keno, the Big Six Wheel, and other side-action games.


      • #4
        When I worked in a small store here, there was an old guy who'd do just that. Every Sunday evening he'd come in with £20 and buy scratchcards, scratch them at the counter (regardless of any queue behind him, which on a Sunday was normally only one or two people admittedly) and then buy more cards with the proceeds until his money had totally gone.
        I was always torn between wanting him to win big and just lose it all. You see, if he won big he might be happy about recouping his money and leave, or he might decide to buy (and scratch at the till) our entire stock of scratchcards until all that evil money had gone. It always seemed more of a compulsive thing than an enjoyment thing to me.


        • #5
          Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
          Lazy Milk Demander
          So this woman comes up and puts her things on the belt. I ring her up, and she had a gallon of 2% milk. She says she wants to get a second. So I scan the milk a second time. The order is finished, and she pays for it. Then it happens.

          "So is someone going to get my milk?"

          Blink. So I tell her, essentially, uh, no, ma'am, if you want milk, you have to go back and get it yourself.

          She just looked a bit surprised at this, but EVENTUALLY went back to get it, once it became clear that no one else was going to do it for her.

          I understand it's a bit of a trek, since it's at the other end of the store, but seriously, you're not mobility challenged that badly, or you'd have said so.
          I hate when people go to the checkout then decide they want more or different stuff. I was at the Tesco Home Store (Supermarket without food) and went to a checkout to pay for my one tube of glue with exact change. A lady pretty much barged in front of me to get to the checkout first and straight away asked to swap an item that was flawed. This required the checkout operator getting someone else to go get it. The lady then asked for prices for 2 bags and mulled over which to get. In my opinion that is what the customer service desk is for, to help with price checks etc...
          I ended up going to a different checkout. It was so annoying as if she'd let me go first it would have taken less than a minute of her life.


          • #6
            Quoth Nekojin View Post
            It helps put things in perspective to know that there's a statute in Nevada (expressly for Las Vegas, of course, but Reno and Laughlin count, too) that states that the LOWEST any casino game can pay back is 75%. And there are some that do pay back that low... mostly Keno, the Big Six Wheel, and other side-action games.
            Keep in mind that that figure includes things like jackpots and other major payouts -- *before* factoring the difference which comes into play for annuities.

            If someone wins 100 million, generally speaking, they can choose to get it as a 10 or 20 or 40 year annuity, paid off over time. Those typically cost a state 60% of face value, iirc. The thing is, in this case, the state spends 60 mil of the lottery proceeds, but counts it as 100 mil paid out for the purposes of the above calculation ...

            Casinos do the same thing. I had a friend who was a former casino slot operator. He once told me about their percentages (not Nevada) -- Video poker is typically 60-65% payback, ditto for nickel/penny slots (note that people often spend MORE per pull on these than on quarter slots); quarter slots: usually 95%+; dollar and higher slots often around 98%. This doesn't mean that someone playing Dollar slots for a long time will get back $98 for every $100 put in, it means that the casino eventually pays back "98%" (before annuity calculation) including jackpots.

            Even at those rates, these places manage to make a simply obscene amount of net profit.
            "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
            "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
            "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
            "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
            "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
            "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
            Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
            "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me

