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My first day back and already I have a multitude of SCs

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  • My first day back and already I have a multitude of SCs

    I was called in this morning cause my manager is really sick. Just got back from the beach yesterday. Here're the SCs I ran into today.

    Coupon Lady

    Yes we take competitor capons, but only on items the competitor carries. Otherwise there is no competition. Get it? This woman didn't. She kept insisting the coupon's owner sold fabric. They didn't, but even if they did she was trying to use it on OUR store's brand. Then she tried to use it on items that were on sale. No go. Then on an item specifically excluded by the coupon. I had to highlight the line that said so. In the end I actually called the store and had the woman speak with them. She left without using the coupon. Boo hoo, she had already used 3 others. We're not supposed to do that, but she bitched so much that my manager finally gave in.

    Clueless Lady #1

    SC butts in line: Where can I find this? (shoves a shirt in my face)
    Me: I'm sorry, can you wait for me to finish with these customers
    SC: Where is this? (I ignore her until finished)
    Me: How can I help you? (After some confusing back and forth I figured out she was looking for 3d fabric paint to fix up the spots where the paint dots had fallen off) You'll find it in the last isle
    (SC wanders off, comes back, butts in line. I can't find it.)
    Me: You'll find it in the last row. Go to the jewelry isle, then go one isle to the right. Take five steps and you'll see it on your left on the bottom. (Lady wanders off, comes back. Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm the only one up front and I can't leave the register alone. Finally someone else shows up. I take her back and find out she was in the frame isle?
    SC: This is paint
    Me: Yes, it hardens to turn into those dots.
    SC: How?
    Me: Well, it's 3d paint. Let it sit for 24 hours. It'll work. Or you could squirt dots onto wax paper and then glue them to the shirt if you're too afraid to apply the paint directly to the cloth. (SC grabs a glue, breaks the seal, and squirts it on the shelf. I'm so confundled:yes, that confused and confounded stuck together, that was how shocked I was:: that I didn't react in time to keep her from squirting it on my shirt. I wipe it off and now have red paint all over my hands)
    SC: It's not hard.
    Me: Ma'am, it has to dry overnight. It's paint.
    SC: Can you get me these colors
    Me: I will not shop for you
    SC: Please (Blocks my escape, I finally grab her colors and get out of there.)
    The woman comes to the register and tries to push in front of the line. She actually slammed her stuff down on top of the customer I was helping.
    Me: Please get to the end of the line (She steps back, though still hangs out at the front of the line, and keeps doing that. The she goes to the register behind me and just stands there, right in front of the "this register closed" sign. No, I'm not going to magically split in two and help you. I just stood there and ignored her, even when my line was empty.)
    SC: (slams her hand on the counter) hey...hey..hey,hey...hey,hey...Hey...HEY! (She finally stomps around to my side, tosses her stuff down, and pouts the whole time. Glad she's gone.)

    Clueless Lady #2

    She comes in with a little toddler ballerina dress. One of the straps is broken. The very bottom part, where it meets the dress, has snapped. Easy fix, get some ribbon and replace it. It won't look the same, but it's only a half inch piece that connects the strap to the dress, not the actual strap. No one will notice. She asks for her options, I give them to her.
    SC: But I want the same material.
    Me: Well, this is actually made from the dress material, which we do not carry
    SC: How do you know?
    Me: This is a knit, but we don't carry this pattern and I've never seen this color. Your best bet is ribbon.
    SC: Can you get it for me
    Me: They're right over there (You can see the ribbon from where we're standing)
    SC: No, get it for me
    Me: I will not shop for you
    SC: I don't know what I need
    Me: I suggest a purple ribbon. All the purple is in the 3rd panel. It's all grouped together. Look for something that matches the dress.
    SC: I don't know what I need
    Me: It's up to preference. (WTF, how hard is it to grab a purple ribbon?)
    SC comes back with her ribbon: I just want a foot of this
    Me: It's by the spool
    SC: I don't want the whole thing
    Me: It's by the spool
    SC: That's too much
    Me: I suggest making a matching bracelet or necklace. Or you could tie it in her hair.
    SC: I don't want to spend this much (It $2 you cheep ass)
    Me: I suggest buying a new dress (and I walk away. The woman complained, but was given a lecture by my manager about how my job was to point her in the right direction, not to shop for her. I gave her perfectly good suggestions and was right about the ribbon being by the spool and there was nothing that could be done about that. My manager then apologized to me for having to put up with that

    Learn your numbers please

    If you ask me for two thirds yard, I'm going to give you 2/3 a yard, not 2 and a third. I repeated "Two thirds?" She didn't reply even though I know she heard me and just wandered away. The woman actually had the audacity to call me an idiot.
    SC: Is this two thirds yard?
    Me: Yes, that's two thirds A yard
    SC: This is too short (I open it and line it up with the 2/3 mark)
    Me: 2/3 a yard
    SC: No no no no nonononono, 2/3 yard!
    Me:...2/3 a yard...
    Me:...two AND and third?
    SC: Yeah, 2/3 yard
    Me: Two yards, AND a third more
    SC: Yes! Idiot
    Me: Well ma'am, 2/3 is a legitimate measurement. Two thirds means two thirds, not two and a third. Please don't call me an idiot when you're the one who doesn't know how to count.
    SC: I want your manager!
    MOD: Miss, please don't call my girls idiots. At least they know their numbers.

    That's not free

    Lady walks by with her hands full of merchandise: Thank you
    SC: Really? Ok.
    Come on...really? She wasn't bitter about it. She happily paid for her stuff and left...I can't really explain this one.

    The jewelry cases are multiplying

    Lady checks out
    Me: $5.60
    SC: Wait, I got that yesterday and it was cheaper
    Me: (I check the past prices) Nope, I'm showing the sale was the same yesterday
    SC: It was 75% off
    Me: They never go that high on the sale
    SC: The sign's still up (I turn around. Yes, our damages are 75% off. She must have bought a damaged one. Not every case is broken)
    Me: Well, this one isn't damaged
    SC: I want the same price I got yesterday
    Me: Well, that item was damaged, this isn't.
    SC: It was damaged right here (points to the spot where the OTHER case was damaged)
    Me: Well...this isn't that one...this one isn't damaged. Just because the other was damaged here doesn't mean this one is... (she leaves, comes back with another one.)
    SC: This one's damaged. I want it 75% off. (I look, it is indeed broken. Her plan won't work though, the damages are marked as such and the bar codes are highlighted. I call up my manager who tell the woman "you break it you buy it AT REGULAR PRICE."

    Yeah. I know I've shared some crazy stories, but I've never had this many crazies in one day. And I was only there 3 hours.

  • #2
    Wow. Just...Wow.

    On paint lady...I have nuthin.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post

      Clueless Lady #1
      (SC grabs a glue, breaks the seal, and squirts it on the shelf. I'm so confundled:yes, that confused and confounded stuck together, that was how shocked I was:: that I didn't react in time to keep her from squirting it on my shirt. I wipe it off and now have red paint all over my hands)
      SC: It's not hard.
      Me: Ma'am, it has to dry overnight. It's paint.
      I can't stand people who don't believe you and either hurt themselves or others in the process. In this case her squirting paint on you because she didn't believe it could be equated to you telling her careful there's a hole in the floor and her hurting herself stepping in said hole because she didn't believe you.) only it was you with paint on. hop the paint came of easily


      • #4
        Okay, that's... wow. Not just the Crazy, but the sheer stupidity! And all in one day? Damn...
        You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


        • #5
          All right I dont understand why people need the cashier to shop for them. Shopping seems pretty much a no-brainer to me: Go in, get what you need, pay for it and leave. If they dont have it, go somewhere else. And they expect the cashier to do it, especially when other people are standing in line and expect them to just stand there and watch the cashier shop for them. Uh, no. I have better things to do with my time.


          • #6
            Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
            That's not free

            Lady walks by with her hands full of merchandise: Thank you
            Me: MA'AM! YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT!
            SC: Really? Ok.
            Come on...really? She wasn't bitter about it. She happily paid for her stuff and left...I can't really explain this one.
            Only rational explanation I can think of : The Lady was fixed on going to look at something else near the exit - and when she was told she had to pay for her goods it didn't occur to her that you didn't know her plans and thought she wanted to leave. She assumed paying before you went to look at whatever was some weird shop policy and went along with it.

            Otherwise plenty of irrational explanations though.

            Paint lady didn't sound clueless as much as foul. Tell me she at least bought the red paint (or was charged with it).

            Victoria J


            • #7
              Quoth Victoria J View Post
              Paint lady didn't sound clueless as much as foul. Tell me she at least bought the red paint (or was charged with it).
              Seconded. What in the world made her think that opening that stuff and then squirting it on you was even remotely appropriate?!

              And then she goes pushing her way into the lines and generally being a jackass...
              "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
              "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
              "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
              "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
              "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
              "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
              Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
              "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


              • #8
                Quoth Victoria J View Post
                Only rational explanation I can think of : The Lady was fixed on going to look at something else near the exit - and when she was told she had to pay for her goods it didn't occur to her that you didn't know her plans and thought she wanted to leave. She assumed paying before you went to look at whatever was some weird shop policy and went along with it.

                Otherwise plenty of irrational explanations though.

                Paint lady didn't sound clueless as much as foul. Tell me she at least bought the red paint (or was charged with it).

                Victoria J
                That explanation could work, only problem was there's no merchandise by the doors because otherwise people would walk off with it. We have two sets of doors to get in with a little mudroom between them and she was in that room opening the second set of doors to get outside. There was nothing outside because we had just opened and I hadn't had time to move the scarecrows out yet. She seemed genuinely surprised that she had to pay for the items.

                Let me add in the dialogue we had:

                Me: That'll be xx.xx
                Lady: (swipes card through)
                Me: (I assume that maybe she wasn't fully awake yet and had just forgotten about all the stuff she was holding.) I jokingly say: It's too early. This morning I was so tired that I put on 2 watches by accident.
                Lady: I didn't realize that I had to pay for this stuff. Well, have a nice day. (and off she goes.)


                • #9
                  I will say that your manager is pretty awesome for standing by you and store policy. Bravo!

                  Now can we get the Kidnap & Clone team on that one? We need more of him about.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.


                  • #10
                    Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
                    SC: Yes! Idiot
                    Me: Well ma'am, 2/3 is a legitimate measurement. Two thirds means two thirds, not two and a third. Please don't call me an idiot when you're the one who doesn't know how to count.
                    SC: I want your manager!
                    MOD: Miss, please don't call my girls idiots. At least they know their numbers.
                    Hey, at least you have a manager that seems to back you up! Seems like most would kneel on the ground and apologize over and over and give them free stuff even when you didn't even do anything wrong.

