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Where's the Town AA meeting?

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  • Where's the Town AA meeting?

    Where's the Town AA Meeting?

    Six large burly guys pass my table where I'm reading cards. Well, actually at the moment I was reading Sins of the Night in between tarot customers.

    One guy looks at me and asks, "Hey, where's the town AA meeting supposed to be at?"

    I look up, confused and a little bit annoyed. What is it about me that makes people think I know where AA would be? Even if I was an Alcoholic I know that the only reason you would go to AA in this city would be to find out where you could score more for less.

    "Uh..., I don't know."

    "I thought you were the information booth?" The guy said, then reads my sign that says "The Tarot Club." "Oh, you're a tarot reader."

    "Then tell me where the Town AA meeting is, " another Behemoth says, laughing his ass off.

    All right, I'll break this down for you. There are a number of places in the Burlington area where one may go for an AA meeting. The Town AA meeting you are thinking of may very well be a keg party at one of the fraternities. I'd encourage you to go, drink then drive, but I wouldn't want to inflict you on the innocent college goers who are only trying to have a good time before they realize just how badly the world sucks.

    This is just like Skynet...

    I really do get sick of people who walk up to my tabel while I'm giving someone else a reading and interrupt it with their drug induced bullshit. It's rude, it's annoying, and it makes me want my own store so badly so I can hire a bouncer to deal with these wandering refugess from the Drum Circle of Hell while I actually tend to the clients that want my help.

    I had my very first "city official" sit down at my table. Actually she was a parking enforcement officer, but still, she was curious and she took a seat for a reading.

    This Cheech and Chong reject leans in and tells her, "This is really deep. It goes deep into your life. It's kinda like Skynet only much deeper."

    He walks off and I apologize to my client as always. I've been called a con, an asshole, and many other things both complimentary and insulting. But I've never been compared to a fictional movie computer system before.

  • #2
    Fictional movie supercomputer, thank you.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      what is needed is a fly-swatter or idiot repellent - for when they come by...


      • #4
        Except there WAS a real, govt. controlled "Skynet"...the UK called its' military satellite system by that name, in the 60's & 70's. </pedant>

