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Two from the steakhouse

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  • Two from the steakhouse

    Well, I haven't had too many SCs at the restaurant. Some of my coworkers have...but I hadn't...until today, and it was two.

    My last day at this place is August, I don't have much more time to deal with this stuff.

    Which is why I explained beforehand!

    We have coupons that come out in the local paper every Saturday - or every other Saturday, whatever. The coupons are a bit misleading. It states there are 16 menu items that you can get for $6.99 and that will include your drink. The coupon includes all of our gourmet burgers and chicken sandwiches. HOWEVER - there are two sandwiches which are already $6.99 and therefore NOT covered by this coupon. I make sure I explain this to my tables when I see this coupon. Most understand, but I wouldn't be relaying this if there was one fuckknob that didn't.

    Table of four, a little girl about 5 or 6 with striking platinum blond hair (not really relavant to the story - it just really caught my eye), mom (I'm assuming) with equally platinum hair but with black roots. Teenage boy and older gentleman. They show me the coupon, I go through the spiel explaining what's covered and the two sandwiches that are not covered as they are already $6.99.

    They order, mom ordered the regular cheeseburger - already $6.99 - therefore, not covered. No free drink comes when you get an item that is not covered.

    They eat, they say they're happy....good. I drop the check.

    I come back, mom is upset.

    SM: Sucky mom
    CT: Cool Teen
    AG: Awesome guy
    CK: Cool kid (the 5 yr old)
    ME: well...

    SM: Why did you charge me for my drink?
    ME: The regular cheeseburger is not covered by the coupon, as I had explained, because it's already $6.99.
    CT: I TOLD YOU! She explained that!
    SM: MY drink should be FREE!!!!
    ME: Ma'am, I explained that the coupon does not cover the regular cheeseburger.
    SM: But the coupon says ANY burger. (And it does, that is why I take the time to explain its not really any burger - just the ones that are over $6.99)
    AG: Honey, it's okay. Don't make a big deal out of it. I'll GIVE you the money for your drink.
    SM: NO! It says the drink is free - IT should BE FREE!!!
    ME: Ma'am, I apologize, but that is why I explained this process to you.
    CK: Mom! Don't argue with her - she told you!
    (Basically, everyone else - EVEN THE 5 YEAR OLD - got the concept of what I explained to this woman at the beginning)
    SM: Well, the coupon is misleading and my drink SHOULD be FREE!!
    ME: I agree. (and then I walked away)

    I told my manager about it and she asked why I did not just ring it up as the deal and I even had to explain to my manager that YOU CAN'T do it - it's not on the computer. Of course, blondie got her 1.29 pop comped off the ticket....but c'mon - the entire table GOT IT - even your kid!

    It must suck to be so miserable

    Table after blondie came in. It was an older couple. They ordered. Everything seemed to go okay. She ordered the Delmonico steak which, in my opinion, is shoe leather. They say it has "extra marbling for flavor" but really - it's the fattiest piece of crap meat EVAH! It looks like the bottom of a shoe. And if someone gets it well may as well go on the bottom of my shoe. She ordered it medium. He ordered our trio with two different potatoes as a side.

    Orders are run by someone else. I go and check a minute later. She starts first...

    ME: How is everything!?
    SW: Well, this is just tough! I mean, I ordered it medium and this is ANYTHING but medium. (She lifted meat to show me - it was a perfect medium)
    ME: Well, I certainly will be happy to take it back for you and get you another steak!
    SW: Yes. Please. (spoken VERY condescendingly)

    I take it back, the cooks throw it on the grill. The manager visits the table once before the re-cook is done. Takes her the new steak, takes it back because it was then too under cooked, then takes it back when they cook it a little longer. So, manager was there THREE times. (that is important) The first time, the manager had actually been sitting at the table talking to the "guests" and I use that term loosely. After the manager had dropped the steak that was to her liking, I popped back over to make sure everything was then okay. I was told, "yes".

    In the kitchen, manager tells me that these people are always like this. They always find something to complain about and they never want anything comp'd - as a matter-of-fact, if she were to discount the bill in any way shape or form, or give them something free, they would be angrier. "so," I asked, "they just like to complain?" The manager agreed, stating, "All the time!"

    They are almost done, I set the check on the table. It was at this time that the man of the couple says, "I never got my other potato!"

    Wait. I checked on you when your food came. My manager was here three times, even sat with you guys once and I checked back after the steak had been brought back out and you are just NOW mentioning this?! Oh, you're special!

    In the end, they ended up tipping me, I really can't complain...but, it must suck to be that unhappy in life!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

  • #2
    I had a Pregers that would come into the store and no matter what any of us were doing, or how we greeted her it was not the Correct way and she would try to complain. She would even lie and tell one of us that the other had done some horrible thing. Too bad for her it was literally me, my two closest friends, and the most awesome boss ever working the store. Most Awesome Boss Ever finally had enough one day and asked her to step out into the mall's hall for a quick chat at which point she was informed to never step over the little line again.

    Unhappy people suck.
    "Next time, Sir Twatwaffle of Assville, you should mind your own business." - Lupo


    • #3

