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A real gem: "I need a perfect ticket!" lady (long)

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  • A real gem: "I need a perfect ticket!" lady (long)

    A real gem from today, which must have been the worst day in recent memory at my supermarket. It was packed all day (almost as bad as yesterday: aka Welfare Day) and everyone was particularly grumpy and irritable.

    So this 86-year-old woman comes into my line. I ring out her items. The woman behind her doesn't put the divider up, so I ring 4 of her items by mistake until someone notices. This normally shouldn't be a problem, I take out the items and delete them from the order. But noo...the old woman demands:

    OW: Noo let's just do this is all over again. Cancel the order.
    ME: I'm sorry I can't do that. But don't worry, the screen here and your receipt shows the items were deleted.
    OW: I don't know about this....this is for my daughter; this isn't for me. My ticket needs to be perfect.
    ME: *handing her the receipt*, Ok, everything above this line *draws line on receipt* were your items. Everything below were hers and you can see here that they were deleted.

    The woman leaves but hangs out by the window scrutinizing her receipt. She eventually calls a supervisor over and bugs her so much that she gets her to void out the order. Now this is a very complicated and unusual request.

    The supervisor puts her carriage back into my line (I had no customers at that point) and leaves to fill out the necessary form and contact the manager. Another woman with a small order gets into my line, and I ask the supervisor if I can just ring her out while she's filling out the form. She gives me the go-ahead, and as I reach for the first item...

    OW: DON'T. YOU. DARE. I was first! You are not serving anyone before me.

    The cashier in front of me jumps in and says: "Ma'am you can just come over here. I don't have a line."

    OW: *turns around sharply* DON'T YOU BE A SMARTASS TO ME! I'm 86 years old! You can't treat me like that!!

    The cashier is just flabbergasted and explains she was just helping the other woman.

    OW: You know, you could just give me the 20 dollar bill I gave you back, and I'll give you back the change.
    ME: I can't do that; it'll throw off my drawer.
    OW: Ugh...why can't you people do things like they did in the old days? Pencil and paper! You can't go wrong with pencil and paper.
    ME: (thinking: Yeah they didn't exactly have supermarkets 80 years ago with cashiers ringing up $150-300 orders, hundreds of different brands and products, manually on pencil and paper)

    So the supervisor comes over and now all that needs to be done now is to manually take out all the items one by one from her carriage, scan them out of the system (or in the case of produce, and she had a lot of produce, remove them manually with a code and register key) then scan them all back in.

    As the supervisor is voiding the items (and as all old ladies do...every single item was put in one of its own small plastic produce bag)...

    OW: Don't take the milk out of the bag!! I just put it in there!!!
    SUP: Ma'am, I need to otherwise it won't scan. I'll put it right back in.
    OW: It was $1.99. I have a good memory you know and it was $1.99.
    SUP: I know honey, but I need to scan it out.

    So she ends up getting her $7.80 back.

    So now I'm scanning her items back in. And another woman comes into my line. The old woman turns to the new woman...

    OW: *taking divider* These things are very important you know! If you don't use them...*turns to me, talking to me like I'm an idiot* YOU COULD END UP MIXING UP PEOPLE'S ORDERS.

    Ok, the order comes to $7.79 (a penny less because sometimes the produce doesnt re-weigh to be the same exact weight).

    She gives me $7.75 from the change she just received.

    ME: Oo sorry you need to give me that nickel there too.
    OW: No! I'm giving you the pennies. *gives me the pennies*
    ME: Ok, that's from $7.79. *puts change in drawer, gives her receipt* Have a nice day. (thinking: "and stop ruining mine")
    OW: You owe me a penny!! I gave you 5 pennies!
    ME: Why in the world would you give me 5 pennies??? And then expect a penny back in change as well??
    OW: *throws hands up in the air, grumbles, and walks away*

    I wish I were making this up...I really do.
    Last edited by dbblsanta; 08-03-2009, 12:54 AM.

  • #2
    You totally win. You called her on her stupid change game and got her to back down. :bow:
    "Next time, Sir Twatwaffle of Assville, you should mind your own business." - Lupo


    • #3
      Where I work, the receipt doesn't print until the order goes through. We do have the option of bringing up the current receipt on demand but we need an override to do so.

      That lady was out of line. She shouldn't have acted the way she did.
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      • #4
        I bow to you, you have the patience of a saint I would have lost the plot on the old biddy.
        I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


        • #5
          I would have phoned the police after her 2nd tantrum and asked if any of the nursing homes were missing a resident.

          I love when old people throw in the "back in my day" retorts when it comes to the technology of cash registers....look, back in your day, you probably didn't have shift reports and drawer reports that could easily show when a cashier was stealing or a customer was lying, now did you?
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6

            Wait a minute. Did she just go through all of that to try to scam you for a penny?

            Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


            • #7
              Raise your hands if you think that she forgot to give the 'perfect reciept' to said Daughter...


              • #8
                I don't think she went through all of that to scam me out of a penny, as she wouldn't have been able to plan the second order to come out a penny shorter than the first. She wasn't a scammer; she was just mental.


                • #9
                  So why didn't you just give her the extra penny? I mean...she's obviously a few pennies short of a nickle!


                  • #10
                    I have had seen that happen before. The SC, also a old lady with almost every item in at least 1 plastic produce bag. The SC claimed the cashier rang up the order wrong as it was more that she thought. We had to refund the entire order and rescan it. Same exact amount.

                    Cue the in my day arguments. Well in your day the supermarket didn't have 40-50 thousand PLU's, people buying hundreds of dollars at once to feed a family of 4 for a week, tons of regulations on taxable and non taxable items, etc. So no pencil and paper will not work.

                    And you know thsi is the same person who will flip out if they "think" 1 item rang up wrong.


                    • #11
                      Quoth bendertiger View Post
                      So why didn't you just give her the extra penny? I mean...she's obviously a few pennies short of a nickle!
                      Four, to be exact.

                      (I'm being generous with that 5th one.)
                      No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.


                      • #12
                        Quoth dbblsanta View Post
                        Pencil and paper! You can't go wrong with pencil and paper.
                        Does she really think that's true? Maybe if you wrote down "2+2=5" and showed it to her she would be forced to return to the darkest depths of hell from whence she came.
                        "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


                        • #13
                          Quoth dbblsanta View Post
                          OW: Ugh...why can't you people do things like they did in the old days? Pencil and paper! You can't go wrong with pencil and paper.
                          Ah yes, good old pencil and paper. But don't you also need some brightly colored multi-sided dice to go with that?
                          "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                            Ah yes, good old pencil and paper. But don't you also need some brightly colored multi-sided dice to go with that?
                            Nay! You can do it like the old-timers: Fill paper cups with little chits of paper, then pick one out of the proper cup when a random number is needed. I'll not forget the great sneeze of `79! Cups and little paper bits everywhere! Twelve kobolds were slain after modifiers were applied...
                            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                            Hoc spatio locantur.


                            • #15
                              Keeping up with dice is just too hard! Most scientific calculators (at least when I was in high school) had a RAN key which generated a random number. So when using percentage-based or percentage-friendly games (like World of Darkness, etc.) you just have to punch and record the random number instead of a dice roll. And it didn't make the teachers suspicious. A bunch of kids at a table in study hall rolling dice - GAMBLING! ELEVENTY! But a group of people huddled around papers and calculators, well, they must be studying extra hard! Just no victory dances when your +5 sword of wounding helps you take down a level 40 Evil Vice President.
                              "Them boys ain't zombies! They're just stupid!"

