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  • Scammers

    Good Try

    When you return fabric to our store it must first be measured at the cutting table. This is because we do not accept any fabric that has been cut. All the time people will do a project and try to return left over fabric. But this isn't one of those stories.

    SC: I'd like to return this (shows me her fabric)
    Me: Ok, you can have that measured right over there.
    SC: I never touched it
    Me: Even so, we cannot return fabric unless it has been measured (this is also cause we need the number so we can put the fabric back out)
    SC: FINE! (She comes back a few minutes later. When fabric is returned the cutting counter person highlights the returned fabric, writes ok next to it, and initials the reciept once. Remember that bit of information.)
    Me: Ok, let me just pull up your transaction (I scan the receipt, then check to see that it's not over 90 days, how she paid, and what she's returning. This is when I notice that every line of fabric is highlighted. I only saw one fabric in the bag, yet here it looks like she's trying to return 7 pieces totaling about $190 instead of $10. Our pen cup is sitting in an area completely accessable to customers, so at this point I'm pretty sure she forged her receipt. Each line has the word ok next to it and my CW's initials, though they look a little sloppy and not quite like the first. Remember how I said we only initial once. The CW who measured the fabric has been there for a while and knows this. Yeah, good try.)
    Me: Sorry ma'am, I need to call a manager up.
    SC: Why? (very nervous, eyes dart to my CW)
    Me: For returns this large I need a manager's key.
    SC: Oh, ok (relieved)
    Manager: What can I help you with? (I hand her the receipt. She looks at it for one second, rolls her eyes at me, then cancels the return.) Sorry miss, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'll go get your fabric for you.
    SC: What! Why?
    Manager: Because I don't like scammers.
    SC: Are you accusing me of something?
    Manager: Yes, now get out or I'll call the cops. (SC runs out, she even leaves her fabric and receipt behind. Now we have her name since she paid with a card, and that name is going right up on our banned list.)

    Teacher Card Debocle

    We have teacher cards which offer 10% off of your total purchase. People try to get them just by claiming to be teachers, of course as soon as we ask for a school id or a pay stub they leave, defeated. Now I do have to complain about the actual teachers a bit. These cards are meant for school purchases, meaning the items are going towards your class, whether it be decorating or a project or something. Even school functions. But unless you have a shower in your classroom which you're buying a new shower curtain for or two of your students are getting married at the school and that cake topper was just what you needed then you shouldn't be using that. Anywho, the teacher cards are right on the shelf beneath the register and must be signed by a manager before they can be used. A woman comes up to me, unloads her cart, and tosses a blank card down on the counter. Now I should mention right before this I had been cleaning and ran across a teacher packet that had the card cut out of it.
    Me: I'm...sorry...I can't use this (She shouldn't even have a blank one cause the manager fills it out before handing it over. And now I know what happened to the card from that teacher packet)
    SC: I'm a teacher!
    Me: Miss, how did you get this?
    SC: It's a teacher card, I signed up for it.
    Me: It's blank. We do not hand out blank cards.
    SC: I've been using it. You're the first person who has had a problem!
    Me: Really? Because it seems like you just got it today. (I pull the packet from the trash, open to the page where the card is missing, and guess what? The cut marks line up.) Only employees are allowed back here. I'm going to have to call a manager up before we complete this transaction (She was only spending $5, so it's not like we were loosing any money and the current MOD hates fuckwads like this.)
    SC: I'll just take my business elsewhere! (She tries to grab the card from me)
    Me: Oops, if you're going elsewhere then you won't need this (I tear it up, toss it in the trash, and give her a big smile.)

    And why did you feel the need to buy 3 things of...wrinkle cream...

    I was at my friends work. It was close to closing and we were going to the movies! She works at a beauty supply store with the words bath, body, and works in it. So it's five till closing and this teenager walks up to the register.
    SC: I just need to return this (She shoves three containers on the counter.) I don't have a receipt, so just return it for the lowest price.
    Friend: Alrighty then, let me just...(Eyebrow raises. I glance at the bottles to see what's up. It turns out she's trying to return 3 identical bottles of wrinkle cream. Usually only reccomended for people with, you guessed it, wrinkles. And each bottle sold at $100 each. I don't know why they don't lock expensive stuff like this up, but they don't. So little miss thang just shoplifted 3 bottles of expensive stuff-she probably didn't look at the lable, only the price-and thought she could return it for some green.)
    Friend: Why are you returning this, because apparently it works wonders. I mean, you don't have a single wrinkle! (She leans in and pretends to examine the girl's face.)
    SC: What?
    Friend: I don't know why you bought three bottles though, one is enough to last at least 4 months.
    SC: Well, that's why I'm returning it. I got too much
    Friend: Uh huh. Sure. Do me a favore and look over there. (Points up at the security camera)
    SC: What? (Looks straight at it.)
    Friend:'s...9! Thank you, I'll take these. have a nice night and feel free to never come back. I'm sure you'll look great on your shoplifter picture that will now be hanging right over there, on our wall of shame (They hang the pics technically in the back, but they can still be seen by the customers.) The nice security guy will escort you out to your car (The store is in the mall and as I found out today the girl had been banned from the mall for a year.)

  • #2
    Truly a balm...

    ... for the hemorrhoids of despair caused by sucky customers!

    You, your manager, your friend, and your co-worker are to be praised as exemplars of the highest ideal of clueful retailer-ship!

    Last edited by Thud-n-Blunder; 08-03-2009, 10:58 PM.
    Experience is knowing how not to get your teeth kicked in - again. -- The Freethinker

    "And that... entitles you to no mercy at all, no matter what." -- from Going Postal by Terry Pratchett


    • #3
      Nice work from your coworker, manager and friend there!

      In all honesty, am I the only one who enjoys seeing shoplifters and scammers get pwned?
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        Quoth fireheart17 View Post
        Nice work from your coworker, manager and friend there!

        In all honesty, am I the only one who enjoys seeing shoplifters and scammers get pwned?
        Nope, i love it.
        How ever do they manage to breathe for themselves without having to call tech support? - Argabarga


        • #5
          Oh I wish I worked with such managers!
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
            (SC runs out, she even leaves her fabric and receipt behind. Now we have her name since she paid with a card, and that name is going right up on our banned list.)
            My store will sadly NEVER have one of these.

            The company is just too spineless. i weep.


            • #7
              Quoth fireheart17 View Post
              In all honesty, am I the only one who enjoys seeing shoplifters and scammers get pwned?
              The only people who don't like it are the shoplifters and scammers.
              "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


              • #8
                This is the face cream scammer when she is older.



                • #9
                  Bravo for the stories. Nice to see the scammers and shoplifters handled properly.

                  One note though about Teachers; as I know from my mom and from other teachers I've had/known through the years, they can be very resourceful. So while some of the items may be for personal use, sometimes unexpected things can be perfect for classroom use, depending on the classes involved. (Shower curtain? May be needed for a Drama class, or in a Science lab to 'dress up' an emergency shower/eyewash station or maybe the teacher wants to cut something out of it as a wall decoration; cake topper may be needed for a baking class, or once again for Drama, or some other arts class, etc....) You'd be surprised at some of the things I've seen mom buy just for decorating for the Prom every year, depending on the year's theme.


                  • #10
                    Love the pawnage!

                    Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                    In all honesty, am I the only one who enjoys seeing shoplifters and scammers get pwned?
                    Nope, I love it too. I prefer the ones where the boys in blue get involved. As has been said many times before "Stupid should hurt".
                    "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents."
                    - Nathaniel Borenstein


                    • #11
                      Quoth Titi View Post
                      This is the face cream scammer when she is older.

                      L'Oreal Revita-Lift cream? I don't think she owns a mirror, does she?
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jetfire View Post

                        One note though about Teachers; as I know from my mom and from other teachers I've had/known through the years, they can be very resourceful. So while some of the items may be for personal use, sometimes unexpected things can be perfect for classroom use, depending on the classes involved. (Shower curtain? May be needed for a Drama class, or in a Science lab to 'dress up' an emergency shower/eyewash station or maybe the teacher wants to cut something out of it as a wall decoration; cake topper may be needed for a baking class, or once again for Drama, or some other arts class, etc....) You'd be surprised at some of the things I've seen mom buy just for decorating for the Prom every year, depending on the year's theme.
                        I love using things in unexpected ways and I know a lot of people who do, but sometimes you can just tell that the items are for personal use. Such as buying a soda or one candy bar. Also, a lot of times they just straight up tell me what it's for cause people like to talk. I myself am going to be a teacher. One year left and then I'm out of retail hell! Once I had a teacher come in with 10 students and they kept passing the card around, but they were buying sodas and food with it too. Some of the girls grabbed decorations and things that I heard them mention were for their dorms. My manager came out cause technically the cards are only for teachers. She asked if it was for a school play and they said no, it was for a design class. In the end she couldn't let the students use the card because they were abusing it and that does not fly with us.


                        • #13
                          I work at the store that is mentioned in the last story. There is a ring of shoplifters that regularly visit my store (and probably others) and return really expensive stuff that is mismatched. None of them ever have a receipt and are always rude. Also, people return empty (not 1/2 used or almost full) containers of the stuff.


                          • #14
                            We have a system for scammers. It goes a little something like:

                            1. Make sure what you have is actually a scammer and not just a confused customer (we get the latter more often than the former, thankfully).
                            2. Boot their asses out after you've told them to bugger off.
                            3. Inform the other employees, get told their name by a customer who overhears you because everyone knows everyone where I work

                            Where I work makes it difficult on scammers as it is. Because unless you have a receipt, or you're a regular in there somewhere between one and ten times a day, you get store credit. Period, end of story. We also don't accept expired coupons unless you can prove that we have them out in the open inside the store, and we don't take competitors' coupons.

                            Then again, we're a small store, so we watch for stuff like that like hawks. Any shrink can cause some major backlash on a store our size.
                            I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

                            After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


                            • #15
                              Quoth KorporateKitty View Post
                              I work at the store that is mentioned in the last story. There is a ring of shoplifters that regularly visit my store (and probably others) and return really expensive stuff that is mismatched. None of them ever have a receipt and are always rude. Also, people return empty (not 1/2 used or almost full) containers of the stuff.
                              Ugh, that must suck. My friend says it happens quite often. I've had people try to return empty/used stuff too. Stained fabric. Boxes of notions which are clearly missing parts. Used paints. I even had a woman try to return an empty glitter because it hurt when she poured it in her daughter's eyes. What are you doing pouring glitter in your daughter's eyes? -_- And it took a whole big thing of glitter for her to figure out it wasn't a good idea.

