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Halfway through the day I just gave up

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  • Halfway through the day I just gave up

    I don't usually work really early, but the big boss was coming in and we needed to get stuff out, so I was scheduled to come in at 6. I get there at 6 and no one's there yet. I wait. And wait. Think maybe they meant 6-11pm, but we never work past 10pm. I wait and wonder if my manager forgot or got into an accident or whatever. My drive is 15 minutes longer than hers, so she can't use her "I'm coming from the city" excuse. Finally I go to starbucks. I try calling her again, no answer. Go back across the street to my work. She pulls up at 7:15. They had better log in that I was there at 6, cause I was there and I want my $7.20.

    The Return of Paint Lady

    This is just what I want to see in the morning. This time she wants me to pick up bias tape for her. I grab one that will work and start to walk away. "Excuse me!" Please god, no, make her go away. "I need this stuff to!" She shoves a 2 page list at me. Sorry, I'm the only one on duty and don't have time for this bs. I just shook my head, dropped the paper on the floor and walked away to hide from the crazy paint lady.

    This Lady Thinks she Owns the Store

    I have a line
    SC: Can I have the bathroom key, please (Said in a condescending tone, with a little bit of annoyance.)
    Me: It's hanging up right there next to the computer (I know she sees it)
    SC: Hand me the key
    Me: It's right there
    SC: Hand.Me.The.Key (Yeah right, you're closer than I am. Get it yourself. What next? You want me to walk back there and open the door for you so your dainty fingers don't get all yucky.)
    SC: Sigh, where's the bathroom?
    Me: Go to the back wall, make a left, it's the second door. (SC proceeds to go to the back wall, makes a right, goes through the door with the big 'employees only' sign on it, and wanders around back there. I hear my manager chase her out. The SC then goes back to the pattern table and spreads herself out, taking up 6 seats to herself. Finally she comes back up)
    SC: Is that all the Christmas fabric you have?
    Me: Yeah, we get more in in October.
    SC: Well, I don't want to insult you, but MY store has ten times more Christmas fabric out.
    Me: Well, we are a small store. I'm assuming your store is the **** store.
    SC: Yes
    Me: Well, they're ten times bigger than we are.
    SC: Well, it's on sale. Shouldn't you get in more then?
    Me: No, that's the fabric from last year. We haven't gotten any in yet this year.
    SC: Well, that's weird.
    Me: No it's not. We're cleaning out stock from last year to make room for this year's fabric. (Come on, we don't even have halloween shit out yet.)
    SC: Well, you need to do something about this. I don't want to settle.
    Me: (dsjkodkdsjf. What the fuck am I supposed to do about it.) I'm sorry ma'am.
    SC: Well, I expect more off because that's not the fabric I want.
    Me: Sorry, can't do it.
    SC: What am I supposed to do then?
    Me: Well, I suggest you go to YOUR store.

    I want this on sale

    SC: I want this on sale
    Me: Well, we have some coupons up front.
    SC: No good.
    Me: I thought you wanted a coupon?
    SC: I want it 60% off
    Me: Actually, this fabric is already on sale, so I couldn't use a coupon any...what?
    SC: I want it 60% off.
    Me: Any reason why?
    SC: I want it.
    Me: That's nice. You can have it at the 30% sale price.
    SC: No good.
    Me: Ok, then I'll just put this back.
    SC: UGH! FINE!


    SC: Do you know anything about the Yudu?
    Me: The screen printing machine? What do you need?
    SC: I need the paper. Blank paper.
    Me: Actually we don't carry that item since we're a smaller store. Would you like me to check our superstore?
    SC: Get your manager out here right now!
    Me: Ma'am, is something wrong?
    SC: This is ridiculous. I was just at the superstore and they didn't even know what it was. They had the machine but not the paper!
    Me: Well I am familiar with it. We don't have it.
    SC: Manager! (I get her.)
    Manager: I'm not familiar with screen printing, but I do know that we don't carry that item here.
    SC: You don't have the paper?
    Manager: If we don't carry the machine, then we wouldn't have the paper.
    SC: Can I use this? (Holds up a packet of jetprinter transfer paper. My manager looks at me)
    Me: No, that's only good for a printer. (She throws it down on the floor. Yeah, thanks a lot lady.)
    Me: I can call the **** store, they might have it.
    SC: Fine (I call and they do have it.) I want it now.
    Me: I can have them put it on hold
    SC: No, it's out of my way.
    Me: I can have them transfer it here
    SC: No, I want it at **** store.
    Me: I can't transfer items to any store but this one. You would have to go there to do it.
    SC: Fine. I want that fabric (She pulls my manager over to cut it. Apparently there was a WASHABLE stain on it, but she didn't want to wash the fabric-ew-so she wanted money off cause it was damaged. To get rid of her my manager gave her some off on the part that was stained, about a yards worth of fabric. In all she got 5.870 yards of this fabric. 1 yard was 75% off, .87 was 50% for a remnant, and the rest was on sale.)
    Me: That'll be $25.**
    SC: Wait, I got this yesterday and it was $30. I got 6 yards then! Why is it still so much.
    Me: You were given a % off for damage.
    SC: I got more yesterday though.
    Me: Ma'am, there's only a 2 inch difference. You got $5 off.
    SC: But the whole thing is damaged!
    Me: From what I can see it's only this corner. Our manager was the one who cut it and I'm sure she discounted what she thought was appropriate. (She pays and leaves)

    Sorry, but just because you walk to the register behind me does not mean I'll jump over there to serve you or magically split in two. No, the cutting counter girl will not come over to help you. Same thing to you people in the cutting line. Give me all the puppy dog eyes you want, I'm on register. My recital is coming up, my fingers are crippled and hurting, and I will not cut fabric unless necessary. So stare away, it isn't even a long line.

    It's 12, I was supposed to be off at 11. Apparently they forgot to give away my CW's shifts since she was fired. I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but a little while ago $500 worth of irons went missing from our store. Just recently irons and other products from our store showed up on an e bay account under this CW's e mail address. Good going, now you're fired. They finally got someone in at 1. 7 hours and I never got a brake. The last hour I kinda gave up. There was this little girl who was learning to crochet and I'm the yarn girl, so my CW found me. I sat in the back and gave her and her mother a lesson and wrote up some easy patterns and stitches for them to try out. It was fun.

    Last thing, we haven't hired anyone in a year. We're still cutting back on hours, though I finally have more shifts. But we need to replace the girl that was fired, so the help wanted sign went up. Cue a flood of applicants, most of which have no experience with fabric or crafts. We're only hiring ONE person, and my manager already has a stack of 60 applications in the back. The online applications are going to be completely ignored. I've been given permission to ask the applicants questions. If they sound knowledgeable I'll pass on the application, if they know nothing the application goes in the trash. There're just too many people searching for jobs. One girl called in a few hours later wondering if she had gotten an interview. I got 6 more calls like that today. Every person that turns in an application is informed that we're only looking to fill a few (one) spots and that there're so many applicants that it'll take a while for the manager to look through them. Please DO NOT call in wondering about your application. If you do not hear from us within the week, you didn't get an interview. I know it would be nice to get a call informing you that you didn't get the job, but honestly we don't have the time. My manager got so frustrated with this one girl that called in for the 3rd time that she grabbed her application and just tossed it. I hope they find someone good, because I know I'll be the one training him/her.

  • #2
    Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
    SC: Well, you need to do something about this. I don't want to settle.
    Me: (dsjkodkdsjf. What the fuck am I supposed to do about it.) I'm sorry ma'am.
    SC: Well, I expect more off because that's not the fabric I want.
    I....She....wait....what? She doesn't want that fabric in the first place but still wants a discount on it? That should come under the heading of more money than brains.

    And nobody's asking her to settle! If the other store has the fabric she wants, she should take her ass over there. Nobody's holding a gun to her head....yet.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3
      Just playing devil's advocate here, but calling to follow-up on an application can be a good thing. It's actually how I got my retail job. Before that, it's how I got a part time job working in a hotel. It's a delicate balance of talking to the right person, getting them interested, and not ticking them off with repeated calls. It's a chance to show you're interested, sound intelligent and plug away at the fact that you've had prior experience. Without that call, no one even looked at the application.

      Now granted, the current job market is strained and people are hungry for work. Or desperate, I should say. Wish you luck in finding a good trainee. Just because many people are applying doesn't mean anyone good is applying.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        I hate it when people call about their application. They pick the worst times and seem to think that just calling means they'll get an interview. Guess what you're only available 4 hours a day for a shift we don't need.


        • #5
          Calling back can be a good thing, that's how I got my interview at the book store I used to work at, but when you call multiple times in one day after being told we'd get back to you by the person who actually does the hiring, then you can get in a bit of trouble. I've talked to a few very nice people and gave them my recommendation, but then there are some that are just completely wrong for the job. There're a couple that're really knowledgeable, but I hope they can actually keep up with the work. We'll find out by next week.


          • #6
            Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
            But we need to replace the girl that was fired, so the help wanted sign went up. Cue a flood of applicants, most of which have no experience with fabric or crafts.
            If you weren't all the way on the other side of the continent, I'd apply! I have fabric store experience, sewing, painting and jewelry assembly experience, know that there are 36 inches in a yard and would absolutely love to work for a manager with a spine who backs up her employees and won't take crap from scammers!

            But a 2900 mile commute is way out of the question.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
              Me: Well, I suggest you go to YOUR store.
              SERIOUSLY! Why is she trying to support the competition anyway?

              Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
              SC: I want it 60% off.
              Me: Any reason why?
              SC: I want it.
              Ugh, I hate when people act like they somehow deserve a special discount because they want it. Yeah, I want stuff too, but it doesn't mean I get it. Welcome to earth.
              "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


              • #8
                Quoth Pagan View Post
                That should come under the heading of more money than brains.
                ...In which case, she doesn't need a discount...
                "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                • #9
                  Quoth XCashier View Post
                  If you weren't all the way on the other side of the continent, I'd apply! I have fabric store experience, sewing, painting and jewelry assembly experience, know that there are 36 inches in a yard and would absolutely love to work for a manager with a spine who backs up her employees and won't take crap from scammers!

                  But a 2900 mile commute is way out of the question.
                  Too bad you're not closer, hehe. I think a 3 day drive one way is a reasonable commute. We could carpool.
                  Last edited by flutes_and_fabric; 08-06-2009, 03:40 AM.


                  • #10
                    SC: Well, you need to do something about this. I don't want to settle.
                    Me: (dsjkodkdsjf. What the fuck am I supposed to do about it.) I'm sorry ma'am.
                    SC: Well, I expect more off because that's not the fabric I want.
                    It's not what I want but I'll take it if you give me a bigger discount...wouldn't that be a rather good definition of "settling"?

                    "But I waaaant it" didn't work for me when I was 5, I don't expect it to work now.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

