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Idiots, Morons, and Crybabies, oh my!

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  • #16
    Jester, in WI, if you go to a bar with your parents and THEY buy the drink and hand it to you, it's perfectly legal. But seeing as you are NOT in WI, then it doesn't apply.

    I'm one of those people who just have their id out and ready when i know a situation may arise. Even when I go to the drive thru at the bank to cash my checks, I automatically put my id in the canister, just so they don't have to ask for it. If I'm buying cigs for one of my legal age friends, who doesn't have money, I just give them my id without them asking. And when I turn 21, I know I'll be asked, so I'll just hand it over before they say anything.
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!


    • #17
      Careful though, Goddess, a lot of bars are changing that because Wisconsin has had such a bad rep for so many years about raising kids on alcohol that they are trying to turn things around.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #18
        Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
        Jester, in WI, if you go to a bar with your parents and THEY buy the drink and hand it to you, it's perfectly legal. But seeing as you are NOT in WI, then it doesn't apply.
        I am familiar with that law. It also exists in Texas. And to people from there, it apparently exists everywhere. Common example:

        YOUNG CUSTOMER: "I'd like a Corona please."
        JESTER: "May I see your ID, please?"
        OLDER CUSTOMER IN PARTY: "It's okay. I'm her father."
        JESTER: "I'm sorry, sir, but that doesn't apply in Florida. If she does not have valid ID that says she is 21 or older, I cannot serve her alcohol."

        Nor can I, as some parents and other idiots think, serve the of age person a drink so they can then give it to the underage person. In Florida, it is illegal for a parent to give their own children, if they are under the age of 21, any alcohol whatsoever. No one of age can give anyone underage alcohol, by law.

        That, however, does not stop them from trying this logic.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          It's amazing the number of people who drive to the bank and don't have their drivers licenses with them. Worse is when they're there to open an account, since we need 2 forms of ID. Seriously, you're here to open an account. Don't you have some proof of who you are?

          Lots of people try to offer a credit card as an ID. Two problems with that. 1. That means we have to rely on the bank that issued the credit card to have properly verified your identity. 2. We take a photocopy of all IDs for new customers, so that leaves us open to liability when "fraudulent" purchases show up on your credit card, and you try to say that one of our employees stole your credit card number.

          We also have similar issues with age limits here. No, Little Susie cannot open a checking account when she turns 16. You have to be 18 to sign a contract and have it be legally binding in Minnesota. And that's what you're doing when you sign the card for your checking account and every time you sign a check.
          "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
          -Mira Furlan


          • #20
            Quoth Jester View Post
            I am familiar with that law. It also exists in Texas. And to people from there, it apparently exists everywhere.
            I also heard that the same applies to military couples in Texas. Never seen it in action, though.

            I'm 25, and look a little young (early 20s), so I don't mind showing ID for alcohol, but I'm really getting tired of being carded at the movie theater.


            • #21
              Quoth Jester View Post
              Nor--fortunately--the contempt and disdain he has for his customers.
              I will take this as a compliment. However, I likely could not do what you do. I deal with a cavalcade of faceless voices of stupidity all night. But I am not confronted with their physical presence. I'm not sure I could stay my tongue as well if I actually had to look into the vacant depths of their eyes as well. Years of knowing callers can't see me has let to all sorts of bizarre facial expressions and physical rituals of weariness, despair and disgust when confronted with an SC of any sort.

              Putting me in front of people at this point would be unwise. I am damaged.

              That said, while I do not drink, I would sit in your bar and observe just for the entertainment value.


              • #22
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                That said, while I do not drink, I would sit in your bar and observe just for the entertainment value.
                I don't know how entertaining the customers would be. As I have said many times before, the vast majority of my patrons are pretty cool, nice, good people. Even the occasional dopes are just that.....somewhat dopey. Nothing major.

                The complete asswad, fuckup, shitstain waste of carbon buttnuggets are actually rather rare at my bar. They're fun when they show up (fun being a euphemism for "fucking annoying asshole ass clowns"), but that is almost always just a small part of the day.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  About the screaming infant. The woman who brought it in was sucky and the staff were for not askig her to take the kid outside until it quieted down. They cry and screech for no reason. This is why they shouldn't be brought into restaurants, theaters or any other place people might want to quietly enjoy. Just because the parents think it is cute doesn't mean the rest of us do. That's why babysitters exist.

                  As to the carding. I was carded for cigarettes a couple of weeks ago. I'm 46. I bragged about it all day.
                  Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    They're fun when they show up (fun being a euphemism for "fucking annoying asshole ass clowns"), but that is almost always just a small part of the day.
                    True, my SC encounter rate seems to be much higher than a lot of other industries for reasons unknown ( Perhaps geographical scope + the time of night ). I tend to forget other people's jobs might be relatively normal. Even in my own call centre one of my managers thinks I somehow attract them. As no one else that's worked a graveyard shift has sustained the amount of idiocy I have.

                    It is not a comforting thought.


                    Quoth Mark Healey View Post
                    About the screaming infant. The woman who brought it in was sucky and the staff were for not askig her to take the kid outside until it quieted down. .
                    Perhaps, but broaching the subject with the mother would be akin to opening Pandora's Box I'm sure.
                    Last edited by Gravekeeper; 08-10-2009, 09:46 PM.


                    • #25
                      I think it makes perfect sense. Just think about it for a second.

                      Polarity. Opposites attract. Magnetism.

                      Bash your head against some walls and this will stop the stupid calls.

                      See what I did there?
                      Melody Gardot


                      • #26
                        I'm not sure about other states, but in Wisconsin, if you are married to someone of legal drinking age (for example, a 19 year old girl married to a 22 year old guy) you can get into bars and drink. But you HAVE to be with your spouse and probably have to have the ID with the matching last names to show it.

                        I'm sure if I asked enough bartenders, they'd probably tell me that lots of married young girls without their husbands try that trick and it fails.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #27
                          Quoth blas87 View Post
                          I'm not sure about other states, but in Wisconsin, if you are married to someone of legal drinking age (for example, a 19 year old girl married to a 22 year old guy) you can get into bars and drink. But you HAVE to be with your spouse and probably have to have the ID with the matching last names to show it.
                          thats a rather odd law. There used to be one in Australia that's almost the exact opposite of that. Minors are allowed in certain areas of licenced premises if they are in the company of a responsible adult, however it doesn't apply if the minor is in a relationship with the adult. Its been a while since I did my RSA course (responsible service of alcohol) so I may have the details wrong. Any Aussie barmen/women here who can clarify?
                          Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


                          • #28
                            I only know this from having friends who got married very young to guys that were 21+.....I don't believe that loophole qualifies in liquor stores or sports bar type restaurants, just taverns. I don't think the girl can buy alcohol at a store or get a Venetian Sunset at the Olive Garden.

                            When I'm not 20 minutes away from heading to work, I'll look it up and give the real facts I find.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #29
                              I rarely get carded anymore, (once in the last year I think) but whenever I buy something age restricted I always have my ID ready, for the following reasons:

                              1. Because I have my ID WITH me. Seriously, You're already carrying cash and/or bank/credit card(s), it requires no extra carrying capacity, and it's fucking stupid not to have your ID.

                              2. Because sometimes they have to ask. They're just doing thier job. They ask, I show, because I can (see #1) and everyone's happy.

                              3. Because I don't want to hold up the line any longer than necessary. I'm a lot more patient than most, but no one likes to just wait in line. I'm not gonna force everyone else who's waiting to wait even longer while I fumble through every goddamn thing I've ever owned to find my ID, then run out to the car/work/home/mars/wherever to grab it. I get to the front of the line, I've got my bank card and driver's license in hand. It's effecient, and it's polite, for everyone involved.
                              Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                              "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                              • #30
                                Quoth Jester View Post
                                Bumper Cars

                                Honorable Mention: So I'm driving to work one day in my beloved Jestermobile. As I an in the right turn lane to, you know, turn right, I notice a car in the lane to my left drifting very close to my truck. I figure there are a couple possibilities here: they aren't paying attention, they are trying to get into the right turn lane, they are drunk, or they are idiots. Or some combination thereof. No matter what it is, though, I figure it is in my (and my truck's) best interests to alert them of the situation. So I do what any other driver would do to alert another driver. I toot my horn. Not obnoxiously, not a lot. Just a friendly "Hey, I'm here, don't hit me!" What do these intrepid drivers do? A friendly and sheepish wave, as if to say "Sorry about that"? A quick course correction to get back in their lane where they belong? A "holy shit, what are we doing here" panic attack? No, of course not. They start yelling at me, vulgarly, and acting like I am to blame for....what? Being an asshole by alerting them to an impending collision, apparently. Wow. How rude of me.

                                : Mr. Anti-Social and I went to the grocery store the other day. (Since he does not have a vehicle, it benefits him to go with me.) As we are coming out of the grocery store with our cart of foodstuffs and heading to the Jestermobile, we start crossing the trafficked part of the parking lot in the crosswalk. Now, I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that in the state of Florida, if a pedestrian is in a crosswalk (not counting crossing against a red light, of course), cars have to stop for them. Well, as me and the roommate were crossing within said crosswalk, a vehicle was slowly approaching. Did it slow down? Stop for us? Wave us by? Nooooo....of course not. The driver, before she even got to the crosswalk, indicated that she had seen us by yelling in a highly nasal voice, "Look out!" And she continued to yell at us to "Look out!" as she continued driving right through the crosswalk. As if, somehow, we were in the wrong by, you know, crossing in the crosswalk in a supermarket parking lot and expecting her to, you know, FUCKING STOP! Luckily for the two of us, we have had much experience with the moronity of humanity, and we did not continue to cross in front of the Whiner's vehicle in the knowledge that she had to stop. Because people don't always DO what they HAVE to do.
                                And I'm guessing they had Miami-Dade or Broward plates. Just a wild guess..

                                As for the ID idiots.. I think tourists think Key West is some sorta wild, no-rules, anything goes hedonistic Caligula-typle place 24/7 (like every day is FantasyFest). And a lot of these people are probably coming off of cruise ships. And as you probably know, ALL the cruise lines are very lax about serving alcohol to minors.
                                I will never go to school!

