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I had to lie to a customer

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  • I had to lie to a customer

    This guy comes up with some kind of government check. Normally we don't cash them for customers who have hardly any play (he had none at all) but the supervisor approved him anyway.

    He wasn't really sucky but really annoying. AC=annoying customer

    Me: Okay, how would you like it?

    AC: All hundreds.

    I dished out five hundred and thirty dollars.

    He sits there forever going through it and I just have to stand there.

    AC: Do you have one of those pens that checks to see if hundreds are real?

    Me: I can find out.

    I go into the back and sure enough, we don't have one. Why? Because they are useless since ppl have gotten smart enough to use real bills to make fake ones, so no matter what it comes up real. Like washing a five dollar bill into a fifty.

    Me: Unfortunately we don't. I'll be more than happy to check the bills for you. You just need to hold them up to the light--

    AC: Oh, no. I don't like that way. They can still fake it. I used to be a dealer and so I know how to check.

    I'm thinking dude, whatever. Just get outta my window.

    He then goes on and on about how he got a fake bill somewhere and got yelled at somewhere else, cops were invovled. I was trying to sound interested but damn I was bored and supposed to go to lunch break.

    AC: so you have no way of checking?

    Me: we do have something in the back... A black light-

    AC: Wonderful! Use that.

    Me: It's in the back, do you mind me taking the money back there?

    AC: Its fine.

    Hands me four hundred dollars and a ten dollar bill.

    I showed him what he handed me and said, sorry dude, that's not a hundred. I think he was trying to scam me at that point.

    He gave me the other hundred.

    There is a thing in the back that does have some kind of black light thing that does tell if things are fake but I just held the money up so the cameras saw me walking out of the customer's view.

    Me to SV: Just ignore me, I'll explain later.

    I looked at each bill, waited a few mins and then walked out and told the customer that the bills were fine.

    Sometimes you gotta lie. lol But honestly I did check to make sure. And yes, they were all fine... SV thought it was funny.

  • #2
    No different from "let me check the back" when you know full darn well all the stock is on the floor. You still took care of him as per your job description and gave him a good impression. You simply didn't waste your time doing a useless task.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      I lie with disturbing ease.

      Just so casually and nonchalantly, takes zero thought at all.

      Its a requirement for my job.


      • #4
        Quoth bainsidhe View Post
        No different from "let me check the back" when you know full darn well all the stock is on the floor. You still took care of him as per your job description and gave him a good impression. You simply didn't waste your time doing a useless task.
        This is probably the same type who "needs" to open a package to see what the contents look like, despite various things such as:

        -Clear plastic packaging

        -Ample illustrations on the package

        -items being very pedestrian (like paper or pencils)

        -items being packaged in a compresses or disassembled state.

        That in particular bothers me. I once drove a guy to leave the store because he wanted to open a clear blister pack and I told him no, because the product was plainly visible.
        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

        RIP Plaidman.


        • #5
          Quoth Anakah View Post
          Hands me four hundred dollars and a ten dollar bill.

          I showed him what he handed me and said, sorry dude, that's not a hundred. I think he was trying to scam me at that point.
          Smart, not sure if I'd have caught that. I may have asked if he was sure he wanted me to check the ten. But he probably was trying to scam you, what an a*****e.
          wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
          Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


          • #6
            Quoth Hyndis View Post
            I lie with disturbing ease.

            Just so casually and nonchalantly, takes zero thought at all.
            "Are you a mass murderer, Leonard?"
            "Afraid I'll kill you in your sleep, Sheldon?"
            "No, I figure if you were going to, you'd have done it by now."
            "Very true."
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Quoth Juwl View Post
              "Are you a mass murderer, Leonard?"
              "Afraid I'll kill you in your sleep, Sheldon?"
              "No, I figure if you were going to, you'd have done it by now."
              "Very true."
              gnahhhh.... what is this from? It seems like I should know it, but I do not...
              "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


              • #8
                that was a full on scam I bet.

