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The Christmas Tree SCs

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  • The Christmas Tree SCs

    With Thanksgiving comes our order of Christmas trees. Now we are the last store in town to still sell cut trees for Christmas. Wal Mart stopped after a warm week caused ALL their trees to brown out on them almost over night.

    And of course with the Trees, come the SCs.

    You know, at one time Live Trees were better than artifical ones. The artifical trees did not look as good and they were complicated to put together. But now, the artificial trees look great, they often have only 3 or 4 parts and many have built in lights. And when you compare their cost to the cost of a new cut tree evey year, they are cheeper.

    But some people have to have a "real" tree and they are the Screw nature, I want a perfect tree! customers. They have to look at every tree, "Can you pull out this one and twirl it for me?" and "Can you open this one that is still netted up?". They will complain, complain and complain. Some may make several trips looking at the same tree, I don't know if they expect it to have grow since their last visit, or maybe we have straightened it out for them while they were gone, but eventually they will make up their mind and go in and complain to the cashier.

    I don't know what it is about selling trees in the parking lot, but some people suddenly think they are in a Persian Bazar and they want to barter. You would think I was selling used cars, they tug on the branches to get the needles to far off thinking if the damage the tree they will pay less. They complain that one tree is too tall, but the next one is too short, but they're the same size to my eyes. I remember one guy who was trying this and his little kid, no older than ten, said "You should just give us a tree for being good customers." I really wanted to tell him "My good customers are the ones that actually buy things and don't try to steal from me."

    Then there is the Family Horde, you know, Mom, Dad, Big Sister and Little Brother. One parent is "Just pick one!" while the other is measuring them down to the micrometer. Sis is complaining how cold it is and Junior is running back and forth in the trees. Junior is also the reason I do not keep the electric chainsaw plugged in. I have had several run into the greenhouse and grab it! There are variations of course; all little kids all over the place, Sis brought her boy friend and is in heat, and the classic, Junior gotta go weee!

    Another I see on occation is the Drive By customer. Often he (alway a guy), was sent to get a tree, by his wife, mother or boss. He wants the first tree he sees and is ready to leave before I have it off it's stand. "Oh don't bother cutting it." Are you going to? It cannot drink water without a fresh cut.

    On the opposite side is the Impulse Tree customer, no stand and they are driving a pinto, so naturally they choose the 9ft tree for their 8ft ceiling. Yes they will be back to see if I can cut it down a foot or two. I especially like the version who forgets that their spouse is allergic to trees......every year they forget.
    Last edited by Dark Psion; 11-28-2006, 06:26 PM. Reason: new keyboard
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"

  • #2
    I don't understand the people who will spend $200 on a live tree that constantly needs to be watered and cleaned up after (damn sticky pine needles) when they could get an artificial one that is clean, won't spread allergens, doesn't make a mess of the floor, and costs cheaper(unless of course you want the kind with the built in lights). Once I get my own Christmas tree (not this year, going away) it's a sure bet that it will be a fakey.


    • #3
      About my only objection to an artificial tree is that it doesn't smell right, but Glade Plugins help, and DH thinks real trees are too much of a fire hazard.
      "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

      "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


      • #4
        24th December, five minutes to close...

        "Are these all you have left?"

        Oh, a decade of horrible memories...



        • #5
          Just went through this with my uncle. He gets a live tree every year, so we went to the local Lowe's to find one. Took a while until he found one he liked, but not bad at $20. The reason I was there is because I'm the poor schmuck in the family who has the only truck.

          I prefer artificial. They're much easier to assemble these days, they look good, they keep their shape pretty well, and it's an investment you make one time that's often good for 10 years if you store it well.
          A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


          • #6
            We've always used artificial. I can remember the thick-spiky-branched tall one and the short small-thin-branched one we had for decades. Two years ago they were getting old and decrepit so we retired them down the dump and bought two brand spanking new'uns. One now touches the ceiling and mum has it in her room in lilac and silver, and one's shorter, decked out in gold, green and red and has all the presents under it. Yeah...we're slightly's embarrasing at times. *hides*
            "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


            • #7
              "You should just give us a tree for being good customers."

              Rule #25 in the SUCKY CUSTOMER HANDBOOK:
              People who proclaim themselves good customers are always the exact opposite.

              "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


              • #8
                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                24th December, five minutes to close...

                "Are these all you have left?"

                What's wrong with a Charlie Brown tree?

                If I ever went live, that's what I'd get, but I prefer artificial. Especially a fiber optic one.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  We've gotten real trees since before we moved to Florida (1990), and I love them

                  Mom and dad can afford it, so that's not a huge deal. It's also hard to find a good 12- or 13-foot artificial tree (14-ft ceilings). It's also not that bad to clean up, and we LOVE the smell. We can't use anything glade in the house because it makes dad sick. We got our tree on Friday:

                  It's still naked and the branches need to fall out a little more, but it's really a pretty tree
                  Last edited by thegiraffe; 11-28-2006, 02:35 PM. Reason: the stupid picture thing wasn't working.
                  Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

                  Proverbs 22:6


                  • #10
                    My tree is still in the box it came in Because of my allergies, I can't have a real tree. The last year we had one, it damn near killed me--so no more real trees. I don't like fake trees, since they're a bit too "perfect" for me. At least this way, there's no mess to clean up and with a little Glade, it smells almost real. Throw in the not-having-to-string-lights (which I hate!) and I think I've come out ahead
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      Being in the pacific northwest, we can go to u-cuts and get em' pretty cheap. In fact, I've gotten ours for free since I started working at this pharmacy, because the pharmacy manager owns a christmas tree farm, so she gives us one of our choosing every year, we just have to go cut it down and haul it home. Since I'm the only one with access to a pickup, I usually haul everyone else's, too....but that's ok.


                      • #12
                        I got a 6 footer or so artifical from a KMart store closing sale for $10.

                        Someone want to come and help me get it out of my attic??

                        SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                        SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                        • #13
                          Quoth SongsOfDragons View Post
                          We're slightly's embarrasing at times. *hides*
                          Ya know, I've always wanted a sugar mama.

                          For me, it really doesn't feel like Christmas at Christmastime down here in the Keys. "Why is that, Jester? Because there's no snow and stuff?" No, that is what everyone else says. But I am not from the cold. I am from Arizona. To ME, it doesn't feel like Christmas if there aren't lights on palm trees and cacti!

                          Amusing conversation yesterday between me and my friend's girlfriend, when we were out and about and happened to pass the local K-Mart, which is selling Christmas trees.

                          MFGF: "They have Christmas trees?"
                          JESTER: "Yeah, why?"
                          MFGF: "How do they have Christmas trees down here in the Keys?"
                          JESTER: "Same way as we have everything else. They ship them in, genius."
                          MFGF: "Why are they so expensive?"
                          JESTER: "Because they have to ship them in, genius!"

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            MFGF: "Why are they so expensive?"
                            JESTER: "Because they have to ship them in, genius!"
                            Seriously. I'm in Central Florida, and it's hard to find a nice tree (well, one that's big enough for us at least haha) under $300. We bargained down to $250 though (sorry - it's an indy lot, and we buy from them every year. We know they'll give it to us and still make a profit).

                            Gotta love Florida.
                            Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

                            Proverbs 22:6


                            • #15
                              Wow - $250 is a lot for a tree...

                              I'm trying to convince my american boyfriend to spend christmas in Denmark - It's the best season ever... Snow is a possibility...

                              The trees are $20-30 (NO artificials here). They are perfect (our 2nd class ones we export to germany)...

                              AND we dance around it on christmas eve holding hands and singing carols... No kidding...

