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Need a penny? No problem. Need a dime? Dig in your couch.

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  • Need a penny? No problem. Need a dime? Dig in your couch.

    A woman comes in to buy a 1L bottle of soda. She counts out her change and comes up 12 cents short of the total. After rummaging uselessly in her pockets, she spies our penny tray, which is unusually full. She takes two, then counts her change again. Still short. I start to feel just a teensy bit embarrassed for her, until she grabs a couple more pennies from the tray. Counting again, she of course comes up short. Then she starts to scoop up the ENTIRE contents of the penny tray.

    I reach out and remember just in time that I'm not dealing with my 7-year-old here, and that swatting customers on the hand is frowned upon. Instead I pull the tray away from her, and I can't help using my "Mom" voice as I tell her, "You can use one or two, but we need to save some to share with the rest of the customers."

    She draws her hand back and says, in a mopey whine reminiscent of Eeyore, "I guess I'll just go get a smaller one, then." I personally think this is an excellent idea, but a customer in line at the other register declares that he'll take care of it, and gives the woman a dollar. To her credit, she does give him a quick "Thanks," but she then pockets the change from the dollar (89 cents) and leaves without a word.
    Last edited by CarcinogenCrunchies; 08-23-2009, 10:24 AM.

  • #2
    That story is why I make sure when I'm working the gas station to make sure that the penny tray isn't very full. I really don't like more than 5 cents in there. What a total idiot.
    "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


    • #3
      Wow. And she kept the nice gentleman's change. How charming.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        She kept the nice guy's money!? What a selfish hag.


        • #5
          Apu (from the Simpsons): NEVER have I seen such blatant abuse of the Give a Penny Take a Penny system in all my life...

