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Tales Of A Supermarket Cashier (Long)

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  • Tales Of A Supermarket Cashier (Long)

    1. They Don't Work Here I am on one register ringing up some customers. On the other register there is a Lane Closed sign prominently displayed. While ringing them up I suddenly heard a woman snap "Are you going to your job or are you going to stand around talking all day."

    No she wasn't talking to me she was talking to two of our regular customers who were standing near the closed counter talking. One of the regulars informed her that neither of them worked there. The woman went over to my line but continued to glare at our regulars.

    2. My Co-Worker's Impeccable Timing We had closed and my co-worker had gone back to turn off the lights. A truck pulls up to the front of the store and a girl gets out. She walks up to the locked door and starts pulling on it. I call out to her that we are closed.

    The girl promptly gets cat butt face and starts yelling "Why are the f***ing lights on then, huh? If you're closed you shouldn't have the lights on!" Just then my co-worker who had no idea what was going on in the front turned off all the lights. The girl storms back to her truck

    3. You Can't Have All My Quarters Our store policy states that if someone comes in asking for quarters, they can only have 2 dollars worth. A couple comes in and as I am ringing them up asks for 5$ dollars worth of quarters. I explain the policy and tell them I can give them two dollars worth, the wife is understanding, the husband, another story.

    I open the register and hand them the quarters, he looks at my till and whines that I have lots of quarters. I again explain the policy again, he then says "So you're telling me that you can't give me anymore, even though you have a lot." We go back and forth for a bit. He grabs the receipt and tells me that he's calling the store the next day and lodging a complaint.

    He has yet to actually complain though.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    Grr. I feel your pain with the quarters; we have the same policy on fivers. People just don't seem to be able to get it thru their thick skulls that the fivers I have are to last me all day; and they very often run out halfway thru, especially if people keep handing me twenties. -.-
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.


    • #3
      Quoth TruthHurts View Post
      he then says "So you're telling me that you can't give me anymore, even though you have a lot."
      No, see, they have to be shared with the whole class.


      • #4
        Damn I hate these customers. We. Are. Not. A. Bank. Oh, it's not convenient for you to go to the bank or the bank is closed? Well, that same statement applies to the store, doesn't it?

        One of these days I'm seriously going to say "Gee, I'm really low on quarters, but I have a lot of pennies. Will that work?"
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

