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We all have many issues during the holiday shopping period, including Black Friday!

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  • We all have many issues during the holiday shopping period, including Black Friday!

    This is one of the many reasons I do not do Black Friday holiday shopping. My radio station in West Palm Beach asked people to call in and tell what the worse thing was they encountered this past Black Friday. One lady said she was at the mall and witnessed three cars parked in the aisle, waiting on the same parking place. The first one that was there got it, and it nearly caused a fist fight among everyone. In the meantime, there was plenty of parking further out, and this woman on the radio was fine with it because it's good for you and gives you exercise.

    It doesn't just happen at the mall though. I recently had it happen at the local library where all the oldie goldie retirees have first dibs at parking and new release books. I sat patiently waiting for this woman and her child to get in their car and leave. This old woman in her Cadillac bops in, sees this woman's reverse lights come on, stops, and flashes her turn signal. What did I do? I positioned my car in between this old woman's and the woman backing out, let the woman and her child leave, then slammed it into gear, claiming my parking spot. If looks could kill, this old woman's glare would have done just that.

    Someone else also reported having their cart stolen when they walked away from it for two minutes. She was apparently buying the last curtain rods they had at Target, yet someone who saw this woman turn her head for a moment took not just the rods, but anything else that was there. Good thing she took her purse with her.

    My favorite, I think, were the two guys fist fighting at a local Best Buy, I think in Roanoke, VA. Not sure what they were fighting about, but it must have been something really good for that. The doors hadn't even been open for thirty seconds when that happened.

    Welcome to the 21st century, where rudeness rules!

  • #2
    No fisticuffs at hubby's BB this year, there was too much security and police units on hand for that this time around....


    • #3
      We had a good one at our local Best Buy. It seems some ingenious person decided to pose himself as a BB employee. He went around to the people in line waiting for the store to open telling them that he would take their name and place in line, write it down and they could leave to get coffee, use the restroom, whatever. Nice idea, but I think his intentions were less than noble. It seems that he was taking their place in line so he could get a better position for when the doors opened. He was found out and the BB management who called the police and had his dumb ass ejected off the property and banned him from returning again.
      I drive a hearse. Anyone want to go for a ride? Don't let your first ride be your last!

