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A Weekend Of You Did Not Just Do That

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  • A Weekend Of You Did Not Just Do That

    The Overflowing Cart On Friday I was working alone for an hour, no biggie, it's usually slow around that time. Three ladies show up with an overflowing cart. As I start to ring it up I hear one of the ladies pipe up "These will be three separate charges.

    The groceries aren't sorted in any way and the ladies picked through the cart trying to find what was theirs. A line is forming and the ladies then start arguing. "I'm going to be using more eggs than you I should buy the eggs." "Oh no you can't buy the milk I'm buying the milk." Etc Etc.

    I am thankful that the customers in line were all regulars and very patient.

    Hands Off The Money Our registers are set up in a way that a customer in the next line is standing right next to the registers in a different line. I am counting out a customers change and I turn to close the til. There is some guy in the next line with his hand on the til.

    "Mind if I help myself, he he he." He says as he wiggles his hands over the money. I shot him a dirty look. His wife shot him and equally dirty look. He took his hands away quickly muttering about it being just a joke.

    Put Your Cart And Trash Anywhere You Like A woman walks by me pushing an empty cart. She tells me she didn't find what she was looking for. She wheels the cart past the cart corral up to the door. She then proceeds to dump the trash from her coat and purse into the cart before simply walking out.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    The hands off money guy, I would have slammed his fingers in the till, then say "Oops, I'm sooo sorry"
    I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


    • #3
      I actually had a guy try to reach in my till the other day.

      He bought a gallon of ozarka water for $1.19. He handed me $1.25. I said "Out of $1.25?", he nodded, I punched in $1.25 and hit cash.

      As soon as the drawer opened he said "HEY I HANDED YOU $20.25!". One habit I have is ANYTIME I take cash, I leave the plastic things up (what do you call those?) on the bills I handle. The only one up was the one above the singles. I told him this. He started saying "Hey, show me that $20, that looks like mine" (I hadn't taken ANY $20's yet that day, he was my 3rd customer of the day) and demanding I hold it up.

      He started reaching toward the till and I SLAMMED it shut as hard as I could, I'm actually surprised it didn't break from the force and I really wish his hand had been in it at the time (the register keyboard actually fell off of its mount when I slammed the drawer shut). I barely missed his hand. He jerked it away and got mad, and kept accusing me of shorting him and got in my face. I calmly said, with a smile the whole time, "Sir, I'll get a manager over here right now and all of us can count my drawer in front of you. If I short changed you, all of us will apologize and I'll even give you some free stuff. But don't ever reach in my drawer again. I'm calling a manager right now, okay? Just hold on, we'll get this sorted out in a few minutes."

      He held his hand up and just said "No, if you're positive it was a single, then I'm leaving and not coming back. Have a good day."

      I still called a manager over and we counted my drawer. It was accurate to the penny. The guy looked familiar and I remembered another cashier was $18 and change off on her drawer the last time I saw him, I asked her if it was the same guy and she said it was and he'd talked her out of the change. He gave the same story about how he just got back from Iraq and was in the armed forces to both of us, and with both of us, he was buying a gallon of bottled water.

      Management has told me to call them along with the police if I ever see him in the store again.
      Last edited by bean; 08-31-2009, 08:27 AM.


      • #4
        OOOOOOOO!!!!!!! As an *actual* veteran, it infuriates me every time I hear scumbags claim veteran status to cover their slimy trail. There aren't enough angry smileys made to account for how angry I get over that.

        Even honorably discharged veterans can be thieves: service to your country doesn't, in and of itself, count as proof that you're a good guy. It should, but this is the real world, where people commit crimes while in the service and accept an honorable discharge rather than face prosecution.

        If he's actually claiming to be an active duty service member, I recommend chatting him up a little more to find out what unit he's with, and then contacting them about this behavior. The military police and his chain of command will do more to punish him than the local police can.
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          That reminds me of my mini vacation a couple of weekends ago in Wisconsin Dells.

          My bf's family and I were enjoying breakfast outside at IHOP, and this enormous man wobbles up to us, says he's a disabled veteran, and all he wants is enough money for a Greyhound ticket and some food.

          Thankfully, my bf's family is very blunt and rude, and called him on being starving when he was the size of almost 2 grown men, and having the nerve to bother a family trying to eat.

          He wasn't too bright, either....he thought we were Canadian for some reason. He muttered "Fuckin Canucks!" and wobbled over next door to Applebees and probably tried the same scam on another family trying to eat.

          Two weeks pay says he probably isn't a veteran or homeless or poor.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth TruthHurts View Post

            Hands Off The Money
            My usual response is to slam the till shut quite quickly and defensively. I believe, however, that next time it happens, I'll page Loss Prevention to my register for added effect. There are things you don't joke around about.


            • #7
              Hands OFF of the Till!

              I think you let the guy off easy...

              One time, years ago, a guy reached over the counter where I was working and put his hand over my open till. I shut it very hard and very fast (as I'd been instructed by my managers) - his hand got caught and he ended up with three very squashed fingers - started screaming and bellowing until my manager showed up - turned out he was with a group of quick change artists (thieves) who'd hit several shops on my side of town.

              Served him right.
              Just to cut off any helpful suggestions: This woman was not blind, nor disabled. She was just a bitch. - Boozy

