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I'm closed... sir.. I'm closed. SIR I'M CLOSED... ah screw it.

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  • I'm closed... sir.. I'm closed. SIR I'M CLOSED... ah screw it.

    Well tonight I got someone that pissed me off pretty bad.

    We operate on a 1 till 1 cashier policy. I was going to take my break, and took my till to another register to lock it up (I was on express, where we only have 1 drawer per register.. the rest of them have 2, so someone can take a break and someone else can ring on their own drawer).

    We have both lights and "Next lane please" signs that we set on our belts.

    As SOON as I walked up behind a register.. sign on the belt, light off, a guy starts unloading on the belt. I told him FOUR FUCKING TIMES "Sir, I'm not open. Sir, I'm closed. SIR! THIS LANE IS CLOSED!" (yes, I did yell) and he completely ignored me. He even PICKED THE SIGN UP and put it in the middle of his order, TWICE. I saw him do it once, I put it back on the end of the belt, he picked it up AGAIN and started piling his shit on top of it.

    I really wish I had just walked off, but I wound up ringing him up. And not saying a single word to him the entire transaction. Oh gee... I'm sorry I ignored your request to make the bags light, I thought you said cram as much as possible into the bags and make them 20 pounds. I can play the ignore game too, asshole.

    I'm still pissed and it's been 6 hours. Fucking asshole.
    Last edited by bean; 08-31-2009, 05:27 AM.

  • #2
    ARGH! Asshole indeed. People seem to think those of us who work in retail or other types of customer service are automatons with no thoughts, feelings, needs, etc. ESPECIALLY no life outside of work, no need to take breaks/lunches, etc. It pisses me off no end.

    Sorry he was such an ass.


    • #3
      Next time, stand up for yourself and walk the heck away. Playing the ignore game would mean ignoring his assholish-ness and going on your break.


      • #4
        That is an asshole indeed. I hope you put a 5lb bag of sugar on top of eggs.

        Could you have just ignored him, just standing there and staring at him? Or moved to another empty register?
        Last edited by sprocket79; 08-31-2009, 06:39 AM. Reason: Spelling... but it was already quoted for posterity. *sigh*


        • #5
          Quoth sprocket79 View Post
          That is an asshole indded. I hope you put a 5lb bag of sugar on top of eggs.
          or soup cans on top of his loaves of bread.


          • #6
            Unfortunately, he didn't have anything particularly fragile. Oh wait.... bananas and grapes are fragile? Why didn't anybody ever tell me not to bury them in the bottom of a bag before? crap.... now I feel bad. Also we only use paper bags (no plastic at all), if you double bag them they can hold about 25 pounds per bag before the handles tear off. So yeah... maybe I shouldn't have buried the tomatoes and bananas under the beets and potatoes... crap.

            I don't know how my items per minute wound up around... 3 or 4 for that transaction. My memory went completely blank for every produce PLU and I was having a really hard time getting items to scan. Nobody ever told me you had to hold the barcode up to the scanner before (I'm being dead serious, my "training" was mostly on policy/procedure and had maybe 30 minutes actually on the registers)....

            My memory goes to shit when I'm angry for some reason....
            Last edited by bean; 08-31-2009, 06:55 AM.


            • #7
              I had this happen to me once at the wholesale club. My light was off, no one was in my line to possibly confuse onlookers into believing I was open. I was pulling my till out of the register.

              This woman RUSHES over and starts putting her stuff on the belt, ignoring me as I kept saying, "Ma'am, I'm closed. I'm not open, ma'am. I'm closed!"

              I finally just started taking her stuff and putting it back in her cart. When she turned to GLARE at me (lo, as with the fire of a thousand burning suns), I looked her right in the eye and said, "Ma'am, I'm closed. You have to go to another line." She continued to GLARE at me, and when I didn't burst into flame from the fury in her eyes, she cat-butt faced, and walked away.
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • #8
                Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                I had this happen to me once at the wholesale club. My light was off, no one was in my line to possibly confuse onlookers into believing I was open. I was pulling my till out of the register

                Often when I am closing out a till for the night or to put in a new one for another cashier customers will ask if the register is open.

                I am pulling money OUT of the register with another associate standing next to me with a closed sign up and a line of customers (we have on line for all registers) and yet to some it looks like the register is open


                • #9
                  I would have walked away. Not my fault he's a total idiot. But then again I'm evil that way.


                  • #10
                    I sometimes get people who will start unloading their cart on a belt that has a sign up, light off, and no cashier behind the register. I can understand maybe being confused by the cashier standing there, but... Sign, no light, no cashier. This register MUST be open!

                    Equally good are the people who come up to you when you're there, you have your light on, and you're helping a customer and go, "Are you open?"
                    I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

                    After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


                    • #11
                      Quoth SG15Z View Post
                      I would have walked away. Not my fault he's a total idiot. But then again I'm evil that way.
                      Me too.

                      I hate people who pull that shit.

                      Then they'll go to another register and bitch to their friends..."we can't go to HERS SHE's CLOSED".

                      I had a customer tell me once "you KNOW, they don't legally HAVE to give you a break...". Bitch.

                      To the person who loaded the customers things BACK into their cart, you're awesome.
                      you are = you're. not "your".


                      • #12
                        All of it, what everyone said, I have experienced. If I'm nice enough to let you know right away that the person ahead of you is my last transaction (I could just wait until it's your turn and THEN tell you), then don't make catbutt face. I do have a life & deserve to go home on time. I'm not your slave.
                        Last edited by Food Lady; 09-01-2009, 06:23 AM.
                        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                        • #13
                          Quoth simplyanother View Post
                          To the person who loaded the customers things BACK into their cart, you're awesome.
                          All other attempts to get her attention had failed. If she'd persisted, by, I dunno, taking her stuff back OUT after I'd put it back?

                          Yeah, that's when I walk away.
                          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                          • #14
                            The worst part is I'm sure he was behaving that way because he figured if he continued to ignore you you would have rung him out anyway, under the assumption that employees can't really stand up for themselves without getting in shit from management.

                            This is why I like my job. When I say I'm closed that's it. End of story. I turn the computer off and walk you to the door.


                            • #15
                              The sad thing is this isn't limited to shopping centers. I worked fast food and the drive-thru register was up front with the dining room ones. No idea who the hell thought of that set up but I wanted to kill them.

                              No less then 5 times during a rush I'd get people who decided I had to be a register for the front. Nevermind not having a drawer and the obvious talking into a headset. Not to mention I never looked up at the dining room. If I faced that way I was looking down at my computer. Did it never occur to them that if I was a working register I would have a line like everyone else?

                              When I go to the store now and I see the light is off, I assume that person is not serving customers. Only time I ask is when the place is really busy cause sometimes when you hurry to help people forget to turn on their light. I ASK though and if I'm told no I say thanks, sorry to bother, and go to another lane.
                              "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.

