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Why are you screaming at me?

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  • Why are you screaming at me?

    Phone rings.

    Me: (does the corporate mandated greeting)
    Caller: (Inaudible; I assume that she says "Do you know fiction books?" or something similar)
    Me: Uh, how can I help you?
    Caller: (Starting to berate me) You're supposed to speak clearly!!
    Me: I am speaking clearly. (in a serious tone of voice)
    Caller: (Again, Inaudible)
    Me: What is it I can help you with?
    Caller: (Yelling into the phone) NO, NO, NO!! You will talk to me clearly!!
    Me: Ma'am, if your gonna scream and yell at me, I cannot help you.
    Caller: (Yelling into the phone) You will not hang up on me!!
    Me: You're screaming at me again, I'm hanging up.
    Caller: (Yelling into the phone again as I hang up)

    So at this point i'm just shaking my head in disbelief, wondering if it was truly a psycho lady or just a sick practical joke. Phone rings again, and I pick up again:

    Me: (does the corporate mandated greeting)
    Caller: (using one of those automated voice things for deaf people and informing of this fact that such a device will be used in the process.)
    Me: *pause* Okay.
    Caller: Can I speak to your manager?

    Okay, now here's where it gets interesting. I put the phone on hold, and call over the SM to take the call. SM takes the phone, and I stand nearby waiting for customers to either cash out or help find stuff. I turn to look at the SM after helping some customers cash out, and she is struggling to field this call, trying to find some books for the guy, repeating that we don't have them. 7 times!!

    After trying to tell the other person we can't find the book, the SM is again getting frustrated, and after a few minutes, she too hangs up the phone. She then tells me that after she repeated the status of the book for the seventh time, she could hear a woman screaming in the background shouting "Something Butler!!" or something with Butler in it. The line then goes dead.

    I dunno, is the full moon out yet?

  • #2
    Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
    I dunno, is the full moon out yet?
    Any day now, I think.

