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Thrift store losers

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  • Thrift store losers

    Okay to update anyone who doesn't know i work at the Salvation army and I have posted quite a few times here...with that being said I have a few rants and raves(about myself not SC's the rave that is)

    Rave- Okay i think we have all dealt with those who do not seem to understand that they can actually put the money in your hand and instead opt to lay it on the counter well this week and part of last I have taken to putting their change on the counter even if their hand is out to receive.. I first put the dollor bills down and then after they have picked it up I then put the coins down on the counter also...I have had a few strange looks then the realization hits and they realize "I believe" that they were rude...YAY for me..

    Rant- Why oh why must I explain to everyone who walks in the sales of the day when they ignore me... bypass everything I say until I say the word dollor and then all of a sudden they are like" What was that" What was a dollor"...Oh now ya hear me. Well yesterday I had it I proceeded to tell a woman about our sales and she totally ignored me like I wasn't even there and that ssssoooo pissed me off....So I got loud and she realized that I was annoyed by how rude she was...I mean come on I am being nice by telling you all these sales and for those who ignore me and then hollar across the store HOW MUCH IS THIS!!! Well let's see I verbally told you and it's written on the Sales board...One woman actually said she doesn't pay attention to it yet she has to ask a hundred questions about prices.....

    Rant- PLEASE STOP DONATING CRAP and then get a tax RECEIPT for it...Folks we can't sell torn stained clothing nor S#$T that's been sitting in your attic for a damn decade....I hate roaches in bags spiders in boxes and nasty USED undergarments PLEASE JUST THROW IT AWAY!!!! And for those who donate refridgerators and stoves etc that our poor delivey drivers have to pick up because you are just tooo good to throw out this junk that doesn't work yet insist that it is "good stuff" just so we'll take it off your hands..Karma is a bitch!

  • #2
    My dad works for Salvation Army, as a Truck Driver. It is stupid that people, just tosses their crap outside of the building. Some things, they are not suppose to donate, all of a suddens, gets put out their. Also my dad mentions that the other day, someone donated something like a garbage can, full of food. Old rotton food. WTF, people, now that is just plain sick. Good thing about it, is that they left some papers with their name and address on it, and is calling the cops. BTW, the guy that tossed the food, done it in the middle of the night.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

