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It's the most craptacular time of the year

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  • It's the most craptacular time of the year

    With the bitches and asshats and CBF ladies and buttheads galore! It's the most craptacular time...of the year!!!!!!
    Why is it that SC's get quite possibly even suckier this time of year? We've had a few amusing ones the last few days. Here's my 2 favorites:
    Lady comes in the store, walks up to the tall, whiter-than-white blonde tech, and asks him if he speaks English, because apparently no one in this store does. Proceeds to ask him her question in that really slow, loud voice one uses either on the very stupid or people that aren't as fluent in your language, because everyone knows that saying something louder makes it easier to understand.

    Lady #2 got a prescription yesterday for eyedrops for pinkeye for her son before Thanksgiving. The directions were to use until the infection had been clear for 24 hours. Apparently this lady took that to mean to only use for 1 day then throw away. >_< She also got the same script for another sprogling of hers yesterday, and was put out that we took a whole 20 minutes to fill it, despite the fact that we did over 500 other prescriptions that day. I'd have to say that 20 minutes is pretty damn good when we're going full tilt already.
    So, her doctor calls in a new script for the first kid, which was too soon for insurance to pay for, since, well, she just got the damn stuff. She calls the pharmacy manager to see if it's done yet, proceeds to yell at her about yesterday's wait, and that she was "forced" to drag her kid with pinkeye around the store until it was finished (god lady, drive her home, come back in a little bit) , oh, and that we didn't put the drops in a child-proof amber pill bottle. I can honestly say in 3 years of doing this job, I've never had anyone request that before. If she wanted it, we'd be more than happy to do it, of course, but to expect it when no one else does is silly. Keep it up out of their reach, brainiac. So, after she's done reaming out my boss, I manage to talk her insurance company into covering another bottle, cuz I'm nice that way. I call her back to let her know and also to let her know that the prescription will be done in about 10 minutes, if she wanted to send her husband down.
    She brings up the bottle thing with me about her other kid. I hadn't been privy to the conversation with my manager, so I confirm that she's wanting an amber bottle. She cops a 'tude. I then ask her if she'd like me to go ahead and label it for her, and before I can ask her which medicine she was wanting it for, because there were a few that had been picked up for her over the last week, she starts martyring at me.
    "Of COURSE I want it labelled! I have 4 sick kids here! Do you want me to get them mixed up and give the wrong thing to the wrong kid? Fine, I'll just get a marker and label it myself if it's too hard for you! Blah blah blah" I'm thinking to myself that I'd be checking things twice before I started dripping them into random progenies' eyes, but that's just me. I told her that I'd label a bottle for her, and quick before she popped an aneurysm, told her to have a good night and hung up, since there wasn't anything else constructive that was going to happen in that conversation, and I had other people at the counter by then.
    So, boss and I are comiserating about what a bitch this lady is, and for giggles we should put the labels on the giant freak bottles just to see what she'd say. Hubby shows up. He apparently has a matching charming personality, because he then proceeds to yell at me for "hanging up on his wife". Now, if I was motivated, I might be a little shit with him, but he looked like one of those guys who just wouldn't get it even if I let him have it. So, I apologized that she thought I hung up on her. Ya know, the nice, not really an apology type apology. I'm not sorry at all. He insists that I call her up and tell her. So I did. She just said a tearful "fine". Cool! I made her cry! Mission accomplished!
    Boss sent one of the other techs down to Starbucks as a treat for weathering that little storm o' stupid, and laughs and coffee were had by all. Here's to hoping I pissed her off that she'll carry out her threat to go to the Everywhere Else Pharmacy, that magical place where prescription turnaround time is a nanosecond.

  • #2
    I amazed that someone who has 4 kids can be so sensitive that you "hanging up on her" can make her cry! She must be in tears every minute of the day if that is all it takes! Or (uh-oh), she might be preggers again and hormonal?

    People need to get our of their little boxes that just because they think one way doesn't mean it's right and everyone else also thinks that way!


    • #3
      Quoth AFpheonix View Post
      I manage to talk her insurance company into covering another bottle, cuz I'm nice that way.
      I am not for one second questioning your niceness, but why on earth or in heaven would you do something nice for this walking bag of fertilizer? I understand trying to be nice to customers, but this woman was already so far over the line, anything more than basic politeness would be, to me, going over and above what she has coming to her or what she can rightfully expect after her snide, unfriendly, bitchy, and mean behavior.

      To put it succinctly, fuck the bitch.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        Not literatly I hope! O_o

        But I agree with Jester, why give her anything? Especially if she can't act like a decent human being to you.
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.


        • #5
          Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
          Not literatly I hope! O_o
          I hope not either. Someone obviously already did that four times, and it apparently didn't improve her mood at all.

          Sometimes life is altered.
          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
          Uneasy with confrontation.
          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


          • #6
            It's the most craptacular time of the year,
            SCs come in droves and put us in fear
            A lady wanting every toy for her boy
            Us workers foiling some new ploy
            An SC wanting something that is out
            She yells at us how dare we doubt
            It's the most craptacular time of the year
            SCs come in droves and put us in fear!!!!
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7
              I had done it before she'd yelled at me and before she'd sic'ed her husband on me, and honestly had that script flagged to go back to when I was going through the Third Party problems, because it had seemed odd to me. If it had been the other way around, I would have told them that they were SOL. Ah well.

