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Marble and the Mob

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  • Marble and the Mob

    Yet another from my wife who works at the furniture restoration shop.

    Ok. Now here's the situation. Hypothetically speaking you have an end table that is broken...the marble top was broken in half. The marble was black, Indian (not native american) Jakarta (sp?) Marble.

    Your insurance company hires a antique furniture restoration firm that has contacts with the company that supplied a significant amount of the marble that has been installed in Washington DC for the past 20 years at least and was the guy that supplied the marble for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This guy can supply you with a new table top made of marble that is the same color and patterning of the Jakarta marble but you could drop a nuke on it and it would just shrug it off without breaking whereas the Jakarta would crack if you happened to fart too loudly next to it.

    One would think that there would be two options there.

    1. You thank the guy and say "Yes! I want the stronger marble Mr. Person-who-knows-marble-like-the-back-of-your-hand!"


    2. You thank the guy and say "I'm sorry, I'm a native of India, the table came from India, it's been in the family for forever and while I appreciate your expertise and suggestion, I would really prefer the Jakarta Marble even though it's more fragile."

    Nope, this uber-rich, world bank employed, jerkwad decides to insult the guy who supplied marble to many of the newer buildings in our nation's capital (including the marble used to restore the Pentagon after 9-11) and say that our marble and his talents and artistry isn't worth shit.

    Revenge is however in the works. The guy he insulted lives three houses down (actually walked over to do an inspection and estimate) from the jerkwad and...this is the killer the president of the homeowners association. That grass had better be at the regulation height of 2.45 inches exactly eh?

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    HAHAHHA This is the *one* time in my life I have been thankful for the existance of an HOA!

