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They seek me out now thay know i'm here

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  • They seek me out now thay know i'm here

    I've spent most of the week on a training course but the calls i took had a far higher freak to normal ratio than usual. I'm convinced that they know i'm on the site so they're trying to give me material.
    I'm really going to have to start jotting these down daily because this is a massive pain to remember a weeks worth on a weekend.

    Crying doesn't help

    So i get an Irate mother on the line, as far as i'm concerned if you're old enough to enter into a contract for *energy* then you are old enough to wear big girl panties and speak on the phone yourself. Her daughter is crying her eyes out because of *energy company* she has moved into a house we supply and we told her a direct debit price that was too high. This is unfair, she can't afford it with all the debt schemes as well. WAIT WHAT???? her daughter is on debt schemes with us at a old house for both gas and electricity, you are also on debt schemes with us for gas and electricity and because your daughter has waited several months to call us at the new property before calling us to admit she was living there she has already built up a large debt.
    But here's the reality shock for you, because your Gas supply has certain unique characteristics you can't gett he debt payment scheme you want. Your daughter has already been told this and cried down the phone, you have now been told this and are now crying. No matter how much you cry, nothing will change. On the other hand if you cry enough you may just die of dehydration. PLEASE KEEP CRYING.


    schoolgirl on the Metrolink today

    SC: Do you think it will still be running in half term or will they shut it down to save money?

    you are aware that the Metrolink was designed for two types of people, the tourists/shoppers and the commuters. You travel for free therefore do not help at all. you are an unwanted side effect, basicly you're the transport equivalent of Genital Warts.


    Me: *Opening spiel*
    SC: I want a manager!
    ME: Sir can i ask why you want a manager?
    SC; I want a manager!
    ME: You will need to tell me why you want a manager first
    SC: I said i wanted a manager, why has nothing to do with you, now get me a manager!
    ME: Unless i know what the issue is, i am not able to gte the right manager for you.
    SC: *small billing complaint*
    ME: OK please hold whilst i transfer you to our billing department

    The issue itself was so small any billing agent would have been able to deal with it, but as you insisted on speaking to a manger and couldn't be bothered going through the automated system at the start, you came through to the wrong department. If you had gone through to the right department you would already bve off the phone happy.

    Failure on so many levels

    Failure1: getting your dad to ring in for you.
    Failure2: Signing a contract to rent a known condemned house
    Failure3: Signing the contract without looking inside the house
    Failure4; After finding out there is no gas meter or boiler in the condemned property because the council removed them (normal if a house is condemned) contact *energycompany* instead of council to complain
    Failure5: Reveal you moved in 2 weeks ago and have only now got around to trying to fix the small issue with having no Heat, or hot water in the entire house.
    ULTIMATEFAILURE: Admit that your daughter has a 1 year old child living with her in a house with no heat or hot water.

    YES, she has been bringing up a 1yr old in a house with no heat or hot water for 2 weeks before thinking about telling her dad to try and fix it. Now obviously the council is a cunt for putting her in this situaton but really as a parent wouln't you get on this kind of stuff within a hour of moving in, not TWO FUCKING WEEKS later

    Fuck you back

    Kind tell your husband/boyfriend/pimp that just because his mouth isn;'t against the telephone i can still hear him "whispering to you"

    SC: Tell him to fucking fix it
    SC: Fuck him
    SC: he's a lazy fucker
    SC: He can fucking fix it

    Swine Flu

    No sir you cannot get swine flu through your gas supply, no matter how many other countries the gas pipes go through

    Thanks for letting us know

    You know you're not with *energycompany* you admitted it happily, you do not wish to come to us, so why in the blue hell did you decide to ring us to let us know you were moving into a new property? you even had a phone number and a letter from *hisenergycompany* right next to you. Are you ringing around every energy supplier in the phone book, or is it just me/ I feel so special!!

    Sucky Landlord

    SC: MY boiler is leaking

    at this point i go from call centre peon to emergency service peon.

    SC: It's been leaking since we moved in and our landlord told us to call you
    ME: You've had a gas leak since you moved in and your landlord just told you to ring us?
    SC; OH NO it's water that's leaking out not gas, sorry did i not say that?

    back to call centre peon
    And that is why we ask questions BEFORE sending people out

    SC: I also can't find my gas meter my Landlord told me to call you about that as well.

    Wow your landlord really is useless isn't he? Of course we can't solve either problem for her. She actually argues repeatedly that her landlord SAID we can do this and that so we have to. sorry to disapoint you but your landlord is what we in the business term a Douche. In future please ignore everything and anything he tells you.

    How not to pull

    So today on the train home it was so packed i was stood up reading my book as a attractive woman catches my eye and starts checking me out. Now if she had decided to strike up a conversation i woulod have responded positively and even agreed to go out for a drink, but instead she decided to start grinding against me. SLOWLY. DELIBERATLY. FOR THE ENTIRE JOURNEY. Has that ever worked/ have you ever gotten a guy who said to himself "dang, a woman who rubs against strangers on trains is just what i need in a girlfriend"?

    It didn't work last time either

    So i'm trying to move a person out of a property and give him a final bill when we hit a snag

    ME; Sir the meter reading you gave me cannot be correct, are you sure you are giving me the correct one
    SC; OH I KNOW, that the meter reading from when i moved in, i tried to get the meter reding from the bank after they repossed my house, but they gave me the wrong one. i tried already online and it wouldn't accept it, i thought you might accept it over the phone.

    Do you really think either i or the computer is stupid enough not to notice that the meter reaidng shows you have used no electricity in 3 years?
    Did you really think you could get away with it? This isn't scooby doo, i don't need a talking dog to foil your dasterdly plan.


    To the girls sat across from me on the train who made no attempt to whisper about me

    Yes it is a book
    No it is not harry potter
    No i'm not in school
    No i don't have to read it
    Yes i enjoy reading
    No it's not strange to read in public
    Yes i am too old for school
    No i'm not reading in the hopes it will impress you.

    AND REST.......

    AND DRINK......................................

  • #2
    Glad to see i'm not the only one who gets the British energy lunatics...

    Remind me to tell you about the Chicken man sometime. Or the lady with aliens in her gas pipes...I also have a sucky landlord story i can relate. Plus one involving a gun but that's at court right now so i might not be able to tell it.

    *cries* Why do we put ourselves through this?


    • #3
      Quoth Golden Phoenix View Post
      Remind me to tell you about the Chicken man sometime. Or the lady with aliens in her gas pipes...I also have a sucky landlord story i can relate.
      Consider yourself reminded.

      Please tell us.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #4
        Quoth energyguy View Post
        Now if she had decided to strike up a conversation i woulod have responded positively and even agreed to go out for a drink, but instead she decided to start grinding against me. SLOWLY. DELIBERATLY. FOR THE ENTIRE JOURNEY. Has that ever worked/ have you ever gotten a guy who said to himself "dang, a woman who rubs against strangers on trains is just what i need in a girlfriend"?
        Something tells me she wasn't interested in conversation of anything long term - unless "long term" means more than a half-hour in the sack (yours or the cheap hotel's). She might have been interested in that drink if it was a shot or two before or after.

        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5
          The condemned house story reminds me of one I told long ago during an internship. One of the things we did there was to help people having trouble with the system which of course one woman took to mean that we would help her with the car she just bought. The car in question was a lemon, she had it looked over before buying and they concluded it was a lemon, car no worky and she gave the guy money.

          I learnt quite quickly how to sound sincere.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            Quoth energyguy View Post
            Has that ever worked/ have you ever gotten a guy who said to himself "dang, a woman who rubs against strangers on trains is just what i need in a girlfriend"?
            You still got your wallet, right?
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #7
              I hope the girl that was grinding up on you wasn't trying to pick pocket you. I've had quite a few of the "I WANT A MANAGER!!!11!!!" spewing SC's. I mean how hard is it to say what you want like a grown adult instead of a 5 year old! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the landlord/landlady supposed to be responsible for fixing stuff instead of the tenant?
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                Swine flu...through gas....????


                LillFilly's brain is no longer in service, attempting reload...
                "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                • #9
                  Why is it always the people who jump right to I want a manager!!! who have the simplest issues? In my retail experience it's always a simple return. Just tell me what you want/need, and I will determine if you need to speak to a manager about it. Thank you.
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    Quoth crazylegs View Post
                    You still got your wallet, right?
                    She was rubbing against the front of my trousers, my wallet is in my back. I checked my phone & keys as i was getting off as well.


                    • #11
                      Holy Christmas! Sorry, I laughed pretty good at your expense just now, hope you don't mind

                      Quoth energyguy View Post
                      OMG A BOOK
                      They just didn't understand it because it was an entertainment device that didn't need to be plugged in. Completely confusing to so many people...
                      "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mnemjian View Post
                        Holy Christmas! Sorry, I laughed pretty good at your expense just now, hope you don't mind

                        They just didn't understand it because it was an entertainment device that didn't need to be plugged in. Completely confusing to so many people...
                        It is a terribly confusing concept. Why I was on my way to get a nintendo ds when I passed a library. I still don't own a ds but I do have a library card.
                        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                        • #13
                          Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                          Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the landlord/landlady supposed to be responsible for fixing stuff instead of the tenant?
                          They are but Britain has some of the laziest Landlords in the world, thinking that it should all be up to their tenant to sort out problems (while they pay rent, subsiding landlords' pension pots).

                          I would be VERY concerned if my landlord didn't at least know where the gas and electric meters were in their properties.


                          • #14
                            a lot of the laziest landlords are students house landlords, they have a constant supply, a very limited demand and customers who move on every year. so they don't do anything more than the the bare minimum.


                            • #15
                              Quoth energyguy View Post


                              schoolgirl on the Metrolink today

                              SC: Do you think it will still be running in half term or will they shut it down to save money?

                              you are aware that the Metrolink was designed for two types of people, the tourists/shoppers and the commuters. You travel for free therefore do not help at all. you are an unwanted side effect, basicly you're the transport equivalent of Genital Warts.
                              OK, one slight nitpick... I could be wrong, I only know how it works stateside... but those 'free' student passes aren't free, they are included in the student fees that every student is required to pay... it is extremely discounted yes (due to the nature that every student is required to purchase one with their student fees)... but it sure as hell aint riding for free (once again, I am not familiar with how it works in Britain, just stateside).
                              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

