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Dealing with people who can work, yet are receiving free benefits! (LONG)

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  • Dealing with people who can work, yet are receiving free benefits! (LONG)

    I've worked in customer service for 18 years now. Mostly this is with the telecommunications industry, but at first it was working in a grocery store. It always burned me and still does when you see and hear people bragging about how they're on benefits from the government and don't really have to work. Is this the lottery or something? Why do these people look at it as if they're rich and fine for the rest of their lives while the rest of us are earning real money the honest way?

    Granted, there are those who are legitimately on hard times and are in need of these benefits, so no insult is intended here. I'm talking about people like my brother's former girlfriend, whom they both had a child with. He makes an honest living as a telephone technician, she as whatever she wants, whenever she feels like working. This woman gloms on guys who have money in the bank, and/or have "rich" parents who are going to will their money to the children one day. He has worked the same job now for close to five years, has custody of the kid, and works hard to support himself and the kid. She, on the other hand, is always filing government documents for WIC, food stamps, Medicaid, anything to keep from having to get a job. And, this woman has a college degree! Not only that, but at one time, when she had custody of the kid, then lost him to my brother (as well as the child support), she bitched about the fact that she won't have any more income to buy cigarettes and beer with! I'm sorry, but when did child support money become money for a parent to support themselves with? It's kind of like the neighbor I had next door to me, both had a child, but their apartment was the filthiest and nastiest place in the world. The kid was always dressed in tatters, looked as if his diaper was days old, yet they could always afford to smoke and drink.

    The ones who abuse food stamps irk me as well. The other day, I was at Publix and this guy in front of me was trying to buy sugary cereals and Pop Tarts with food stamps, and the cashier said, "Sir, I advised you of this yesterday. Here is a chart showing what cereals you can buy with those." Yet everyday, this man tries this, and it seems they're always ready for him. I "love" the instances where a 65 year old woman, about 100 pounds soaking wet, is purchasing lunch meat and buying it with every coin and dollar bill she could scrape up. Yet, there's the 500 pound pig next to her buying T-bone steaks, baked potatoes, and garlic bread with food stamps.

    A few years back, when my office closed, some people decided to take the termination money and run. One lady, who I just wanted to slap, was bragging about how she'll be able to collect unemployment and sit on the beach all summer long! I hated this woman for saying that. I was pretty young and needed to work, and at my age, I looked at it as despicable to be on this if I was physically able to work somewhere. If I had been in a car crash and disabled, that would have been a different matter.

    President Ronald Reagan, God bless your soul! You did the right thing when you decided to wage war on those receiving these benefits that can work and make an honest living instead of ripping off the government. Too bad your predecessors can't follow your example.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 12-02-2006, 12:35 PM.

  • #2
    [QUOTE=greensinestro;56236]President Ronald Reagan, God bless your soul! QUOTE]

    I was with you on everything until you threw him in there. Yes, he did wage war against those who buck the system and ride on it for all it's worth, but Reganomics caused far more damage than it did good!!!

    Anyway, not to start a huge political debate...

    There are honest people out there who need support and help at some time in their lives and that is what the assistance is for. I get very angry at the people who abuse the system and milk it for what it's worth when they are fully capable of getting off their asses and getting a job.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      You are correct on Reaganomics, but what I was praising was what he did to wage war on those who were either receiving benefits who could work, or those, like the unidentified Welfare Queen of the early 1980's. Remember her? She was the one who filed for welfare benefits under twelve different aliases, drove Cadillacs, Mercedes Benzes, and BMW's, lived in a mansion, etc. For more info, check out this website to see what I'm talking about.



      • #4
        [QUOTE=greensinestro;56254]You are correct on Reaganomics, but what I was praising was what he did to wage war on those who were either receiving benefits who could work, or those, like the unidentified Welfare Queen of the early 1980's. Remember her? She was the one who filed for welfare benefits under twelve different aliases, drove Cadillacs, Mercedes Benzes, and BMW's, lived in a mansion, etc. For more info, check out this website to see what I'm talking about.


        Ah, yes, the welfare queen. Those were the days!
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          As someone who has been on temporary welfare (for a three month period a very long time ago), I have to say that I will be eternaly grateful for the assitance provided to me. Without it I would have been out on the streets with no shelter and nothing to eat. So, it truly pisses me off when people abuse the system because it casts such an ugly shadow on those who truly need it because of a short term or even long term crisis in their life.

          I did have a lady in line b*tch me out once when I bought a pot roast on food stamps. But honestly, I had been eating rice and beans for three weeks. Sure, the roast was expensive, but with a freezer available I could stretch it out for two weeks. Needless to say, it was a rather humiliating experience.


          • #6
            Quoth Maevis View Post
            I did have a lady in line b*tch me out once when I bought a pot roast on food stamps. But honestly, I had been eating rice and beans for three weeks. Sure, the roast was expensive, but with a freezer available I could stretch it out for two weeks. Needless to say, it was a rather humiliating experience.
            You're shittin' me! Pot roast is a great idea for eating cheap because you CAN stretch it out. It's not like you bought a one-time only T-Bone steak! I would've promptly told her of all the wonderful things you could do with the pot of them NOT being shoving it up her bum!

            Think Bubba in Forrest Gump - I imagine standing there and rambling off a million things I could make - making some of it up, but still...she would've had to wait! I could even have followed her to her car rambling about the roast!
            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


            • #7
              *deleted comment*

              Having been on assistance off and on before due to various unpleasant reasons I have always been grateful for the safety net available. Yes there are those who abuse the system but there are those in any system. What peeves me is when you have some rich snotty snob who sees a person on assistance who is trying their hardest and cops an attitude about the poor scummy lazy trash who just dont want to work. (actually said to me one time)

              This country is getting a wider gap between the haves and the have nots and that is definately not a good thing.

              But I think I'm going to get out of here before the lockdown occurs.
              Last edited by Rapscallion; 12-02-2006, 06:09 PM.


              • #8
                Tum te tum...

                Another thread locked.

                Just to let you know, I'm in the process of setting up a little something so you can blow off steam harmlessly. Save it for later.


