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In One Ear, and Out The Other

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  • In One Ear, and Out The Other

    Do you ever have those customers where no matter what you say to them, they just keep talking about something else? I had one of those today. Somewhat sucky, somewhat confusing.

    Me: Hi, how are you today?

    Her: I need two books of stamps, please.

    Me: Fine, no hello for me I guess. Sure thing, can I interest you in our WOW item today?

    Her: I need those stamps to send some letters. I gotta send one to my cousin Ellen, she never sends me a letter.

    Me: Uhhhh, okay... How has your day been?

    Her: I have to go home and get my husband to finally trim the hedges. Where are my stamps?

    Me: I take them out of my register after you pay.

    Her: He never got around to doing them last week. Double bag the milk and then put it in paper. Where are my stamps?

    Me: *explains again*

    Finally we get to the paying process, she writes a check and I finish bagging her groceries while she writes a check.

    Me: Can I see your I.D. for that check, please?

    Her: *leaves check on counter and puts wallet back in purse*

    Me: Can I see your I.D for that check please?

    Her: *tries to leave* (without her stamps, ironically)

    Me: Ma'am, wait!

    Her: Can I have my reciept, please?

    Me: Can. I. See. Your. I.D. PLEASE?

    Her: You need my I.D.?

    Me: YES.

    Her: *gets it out* You know, nobody ever asks me for this anymore. I need to go to the other store more often. They have the kind of tea that I want, you have every other tea. Where are my stamps?

    Me: *ignores, takes down I.D. number, prints reciept, gives stamps*

    Her: *leaves*

    There is now a full line behind her, and once she's out of earshot, the next customer says, "I think she puts stamps in her ears."

    I laughed.
    Now appearing in comic form!

  • #2
    I would like to think that she was actually hard of hearing? Unfortunately it's more likely that she just had her head up her a$s Would have been really funny if she had ended up forgetting the stamps in the end, though...
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


    • #3
      She can put them in her ears all she wants, that's not where I'd put 'em.

      If she was hard of hearing, she'd probably be saying, "What?" "Huh?" or "Pardon?" more instead of going off on a tangent after GroceryWench answers.

      I know I ask questions and promptly forget to listen to the answers, but at least when I ask a second (okay, fifth) time I'll have the decency to say, "Oh, right, I'm sorry. I already forgot. Hey, where are my stamps?" This lady is just friggin' annoying.

      I was half expecting the story to end with GroceryWench to hand over the stamps, the customer to tuck them away and begin to leave, only to turn around and say, "Wait, where are my stamps?"
      Each one of us has a special place just like the Evergreen Forest. Enchanting, sparkling, and perfect. And, like the flowers that bloom there... fragile.


      • #4
        Quoth MrsEclipse View Post
        If she was hard of hearing, she'd probably be saying, "What?" "Huh?" or "Pardon?" more instead of going off on a tangent after GroceryWench answers.
        It's must be awfully hard for these people to get directions because they can't be bothered to hear.

        And they can't be bothered to hear because they just won't STFU.
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


        • #5
          Quoth Mnemjian View Post
          I would like to think that she was actually hard of hearing? Unfortunately it's more likely that she just had her head up her a$s
          Well, cranial-rectal inversion disease does make it hard to hear!
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

