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  • Anti-Quarantine

    At work today, a mother dropped off a prescription for Tamiflu suspension for her son (who she had in tow). I asked if she wanted to wait and she stated that she did. Realizing the flu is no joke, I put a bit of a rush on it and processed it as fast as possible, including compounding the medication (mixing the contents of Tamiflu capsules with cherry syrup). All in all, the process took about 20 minutes. The pharmacist called her name and the mother got the medication.
    Only after the patient left did I find out that her son was suffering from H1N1. And, to make things worse, the mother sat in our waiting area among the senior citizens waiting for their prescriptions while a line of other senior citizens queued for the pick-up counter not 3 feet away. Upon being told this, I had a minor freak-out. The H1N1 vaccine isn't ready for public use yet and, as such, no one has any antibodies for it.
    Imagine how it felt for me to tell my girlfriend that I couldn't touch her when she picked me up from work because I had been exposed to H1N1. I've just now gotten out of the shower after scrubbing my body clean with Hibiclens (a medical grade disinfectant wash).
    Marvin: "Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't."

    Krispy Kreme puts the "ugh" back in "doughnuts".

  • #2
    Had it last year actually right after my parents came back up from Cancun. Didn't know what it was until too late anyways and it was one of the worst sicknesses that I've ever had in my life, NO JOKE. I had to write two final essays for my college courses while I had it and I was literally puking OVER MY SHOULDER into the garbage can while I was typing.

    Old people can't handle that shit. I was IN MY ROOM at ALL TIMES and pretty much wouldn't leave because this thing was incredible. But, mine was straight from Mexico, I dunno how it is now.

    Whatever though, that lady bringing her son in, holy poo! I'd have been running in with a freaking mask on or something and telling you not to touch me and such, seriously, it was MADNESS for me and waiting IN MY CAR. Although I usually get sicker than normal people (I'm a sickly person anyway) there was no joking when I had that. We didn't even know what it WAS and people were bringing food into my room instead of having me go out for it and they were washing their hands like crazy and protecting themselves. It was that bad.

    I can't believe that lady. I can't freaking believe her. But, as you know, Common Sense is a super power.


    • #3
      I really don't know about this. My doctor went to a lecture about H1N1. The lecturer's conclusions basically summed up as:
      - H1N1 is no worse than any other flu, as far as symptoms and required treatment are concerned;
      - H1N1 spreads a whole lot easier than most flus, and thus can reach more vulnerable persons.

      My father, who is a practicing physician and has worked with the pharmaceutical industry, thinks the Tamiflu is incredibly overhyped and doesn't achieve much beyond bringing more money into Roche's pockets.

      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #4
        Quoth TheComputerError View Post
        compounding the medication (mixing the contents of Tamiflu capsules with cherry syrup)
        I was wondering why you didn't just use the premixed suspensions, which are easier and faster. Then I checked my wholesaler's web order widget.

        ON B/O NO REL DATE

        OK, that explains that...


        • #5
          Swine flu is the worst flu I have ever had. Tamiiflu had no apparent effect.

          That said, there were several people I was in prolonged contact with who did not get it.
          "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


          • #6
            Quoth Samaliel View Post
            I really don't know about this. My doctor went to a lecture about H1N1. The lecturer's conclusions basically summed up as:
            - H1N1 is no worse than any other flu, as far as symptoms and required treatment are concerned;
            - H1N1 spreads a whole lot easier than most flus, and thus can reach more vulnerable persons.

            I am going to agree with this one, I am not a doctor or a medical professional, but I am a Mom and my son has has had two types of flu. He got H1N1 last year visiting his grandmother in Mexico. He was hospitalized twice with the 'regular' flu and not at all with H1N1.

            I am not going to say he wasn't sick, because he definitely was, but he was much sicker with the first flu he got.


            • #7
              Quoth TheComputerError View Post
              At work today, a mother dropped off a prescription for Tamiflu suspension for her The H1N1 vaccine isn't ready for public use yet and, as such, no one has any antibodies for it.
              H1N1 Swine flu isn't new. Granted this strain is called the "Novel H1N1" flu but that is mainly marketing. There was a prior outbreak in the late 70's of swine flu and according to a few studies done, unless the senior citizen has a weakened immune system they likely have antibodies for this disease. And anyone who has gotten this strain or one similar will have antibodies.

              This is quoted from a friend who is a bio-engineer and backed up by my doctor.


              • #8
                Quoth Samaliel View Post
                I really don't know about this. My doctor went to a lecture about H1N1. The lecturer's conclusions basically summed up as:
                - H1N1 is no worse than any other flu, as far as symptoms and required treatment are concerned;
                - H1N1 spreads a whole lot easier than most flus, and thus can reach more vulnerable persons.
                Everything I've come across that comes from what I would consider an even remotely reliable source has come to basically the same conclusions. Except that in their estimation, it's a very mild type of flu and much less deadly per capita than most of the other strains that are floating around out there.

                We'd all be a lot better off if we just ate better.

                I have yet to really notice that those anti-flu drugs actually work. I've never had one, and don't get sick very often (aside from my sinuses and their campaign of evil against my person), and my ex got one three different times and became sick as a dog every single time.

                I think one of the problems we have nowadays is that we're sanitizing the immunities out of everybody. I think I came across some report a while back that said something to that effect, but I'm not in the mood to look it up right now.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  I had it and Strep Throat at the same time. Wasn't too terrible. I was definitely sick and it took a long time to get better, but it wasn't worse than I imagine any other flu + strep would be.
                  My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                  Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                  • #10
                    What I'd like to know is the relation between Swine Flu and Spanish Flu; both H1N1, but with the latter carrying a healthy rate of cytokine storms along with it...may anybody explain?
                    "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                      I think one of the problems we have nowadays is that we're sanitizing the immunities out of everybody. I think I came across some report a while back that said something to that effect, but I'm not in the mood to look it up right now.

                      I've been hearing and reading the same idea for quite some time now, and I absolutely believe it. All those hand sanitizers won't actually protect you. In fact, since they kill pretty much ALL bacteria, not just the 'nasty' ones, you are left with NO protection once the stuff has stripped your hands.

                      So I've never used the stuff, and having ridiculously sensitive skin only makes me MORE reluctant to. I have had inoculations for such things as tetanus, measles/pertussis, smallpox (I'm almost 40, it was standard when I was a kid), but not much else. I won't get into just how weird my parents were about 'modern medicine', nobody has that kind of time, but I've also only used antibiotics once in my life, and that was when I was 8. Oh, and I did contract meningitis as a child, so I believe I'm immune to that too.

                      Here's the thing: I NEVER get sick. Cuts don't get infected, or only minimally and it goes away fast. <i>rhinovirus</i> aka the common cold dies when it tries to invade my system. I get a horrible craving for grapefruit juice, maybe some mild congestion or fever, and then it's over. I did have a flu about 10 years ago, but not since, and I do get exposed to all kinds of things since my MIL works in a hospital. I wash my hands a lot, with ordinary soap and hot water, and that seems to be sufficient. I think you can be TOO paranoid, and end up compromising your immune system in the process. Eat healthy, try and eat foods that are proven to strengthen your immune system, get regular exercise, wash your hands and try not to touch your face too often if you're around lots of people on a regular basis. Aside from that, don't live in fear. Fear can actually depress your immune response and you'll end up sick, which kind of defeats the purpose of paranoia.

                      Bah, I'm too philosophical and I ramble, sorry.
                      What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        I hate to break it to you, but the only place currently testing for Novel H1N1 is the CDC and that takes 7-8 weeks to get the results back. "I had swine flu over the weekend" isn't right. You might have had it but Docs are just saying it's H1N1 so people will actually STAY IN BED and DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS. The flu is no joke. It can kill you. I'm actually really interested to see if there will be a statically significant reduction in flu deaths due to the H1N1 scare.

                        That being said: Bitch, keep the kid at home! Seriously! WTF? I'm sure she'd flip a cog if one of those old people started coughing all over her. Is it too much to ask that you extend the same courtesy you expect for yourself to others?
                        Last edited by Tigerpounce; 10-02-2009, 02:46 AM.
                        "Next time, Sir Twatwaffle of Assville, you should mind your own business." - Lupo


                        • #13
                          I think this guy sums up the situation the best. Please note...there is cussing...a lot of it.

                          "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.

