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Grumpy Old Men

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  • Grumpy Old Men

    Had this grouchy guy come through my line today that I would've liked to have given a nice big cup of STFU to...

    Our registers 'beep' at you when the till count is approaching an amount the computer deems large. Ergo, this means a manager must do a 'pickup' and come collect a bunch of cash from the drawer and adjust the computer's count for that till. This warning beep will go on for some time before you finally hit a point in sales where the cash count is at its limit and a manager HAS to do a pickup, because the register will NOT allow any further transactions until this has been done. Some customers are understanding about the interruption and will wait like good little sheeple; the crapstomers grumble about it as if you personally threw this wrench into their up-to-now perfectly planned day and now they have to *GASP* OMGWAIT for the problem to be corrected.

    Naturally I get the whiner when this warning hits my till and locks up my drawer, so I can't do anything (not even scan his shopper's card) till my manager has done the pickup and relayed this information to the computer so the register can continue business as usual. This took maybe five minutes, maybe a little longer but it couldn't have been any longer than ten minutes, and the entire time this cranky old guy is standing there bitching about this. You would've thought his house was on fire, he was so put out about having to OMGWAIT (and to the best of my knowledge he wasn't handicapped, at least in any obvious way, so I doubt he was suffering any physical discomfort). I felt like telling him "tough shit, moron, there ain't a damn thing I can do about it because I don't control the register's programming." Naturally I only *thought* these words in my head, heh heh (while flipping him off underneath the counter where no one else could see it).
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~